Chapter 22~ Snow

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It's been a few weeks since the Halloween ball and before Amelia knew it, it was already December. Everyone was getting excited for the holidays, including Professor Slughorn.

  Speaking of him, Amelia accepted his invitation into the slug club, she's went to one of his gatherings, she had a lot of school to do and couldn't be bothered wether she attended or not. Aurora, Walburga and Ella weren't in the slug club so she wasn't really interested.

She was in the last class of the day, transfiguration with Dumbledore, sadly they had that class with the Gryffindors and they got a little too cocky at times for Amelia's liking, she sat at the back of the class with Orion, with her head on the table.

"You look exhausted."

Amelia glanced to her left at Orion.

"Oh shut it Onion. I barely got any sleep last night because I was too busy doing homework for this stupid class."

She huffed and laid her head back down on the desk, she looked around at the rest of the class, most people were done their work and just talking to their desk mates.

"Ok ow, how many times have I told you not to call me that?"

Amelia pondered the question for a minute, "hm I've seen to have lost count, mind if you remind me?"

He let out an exasperated sigh, "I don't see how you pay so little attention in transfiguration yet your the best in the class at it!"

"I'm not the best in the class, Fleamont is, our 'dearest' professor said so himself!"

Orion rolled his eyes, "That's because he's prejudice against us."

"Well we're not really ones to talk now are we?" She smiled at him and lifted her head off the table.

He scoffed at her but she could see a faint smirk.

"Well you're not wrong."

Before Amelia could say anything Dumbledore cleared his throat and went to the front of the class. Everyone went silent and looked over at him, she glanced at the clock and they only had 2 more minutes left of class and then she'd be able to go read the new book she recently got.

  "I don't want to keep any of you too long, except ms Gaunt and mr Potter, if you two could please stay after class."

  Amelia and Aurora whipped their heads toward each other, they did that often. The two girls looked at each other with questioning glances what could Dumbledore possibly need from her.

  "The Celestial Ball will take place December 20th."

  The whole class irrupted into chatter, girls bunched together in groups now talking about how excited they are, the boys seemed like they didn't really care and then there was Amelia she didn't really pay attention she was too busy thinking on what Dumbledore was going to say.

  "Alright, enjoy the rest of your day, Ms. Gaunt, Mr. Potter come over here please."

  Orion patted her elbow signalling her to get up and sent her a questioning look, she gave him a look as to ask her later.
  Once the whole class left Dumbledore looked at Fleamont and Amelia, Fleamont was confused as to why he was here but held up a confident, proud, facid. Amelia stood their with a cold, calculating look on her face.

  "Now I'm sure you're both wondering why I brought you here? I have an extra credit assignment I'd like you both to complete for me. The ministry is doing a check in on the school and professors were asked to get their brightest students to complete a task for them."

  Amelia was clinging on to every word he said, Fleamont held a smirk, proving her point, Gryffindors are cocky and arrogant.

  "I will explain more to you to about this next time I see you but I do hope you both accept you truly are the brightest transfiguration students of your year."

  "Of course Professor, I'm happy you asked." Potter said with a smirk.

  The two glanced over at Amelia and she realized they were waiting for an answer. She quickly put a fake smile on her face, (she's truly mastered that art of those)
  "I don't see why not professor but may I ask what it is that we're doing?"

  "In time you'll see for now enjoy the weather." With that he walked into his office at the back of his class.

  Before Potter could say anything by to Amelia she was out the door. She then saw Aurora waiting for her in the corridor.

  "What was that about?"

  "I'm not sure, he told us something along the lines of 'you're the greatest transfiguration students, yadyadyada... something about a project, but he won't tell us what it is."

  "Hmm well sucks to be smart I guess."
  Amelia glared at Aurora, this was not how she wanted to spend her afternoon.
  "Has anyone ever told you, you have an rbf?"

  "What on bloody earth is an rbf Aurora?"

  "A resting bitch face." Aurora sprinted down the halls into the courtyard.

  "I- hey! You get back here!" Amelia was off chasing after her, Aurora stood in the middle of the threshold staring outside.

"What are you staring-"

  A snowflake fell down on Amelia's nose, she grinned and glanced over at Aurora, one thing you should not about Aurora is that she loves the snow. So it wasn't a shock to Amelia that mere seconds later Aurora was squealing and jumping around in excitement which caught the attention of some students one of them being Tom Riddle.

  Amelia looked over at him and he glanced at her, they stared at each other, 'why has he been acting so strange this year', Amelia thought to herself. Before she could do anything else she was being dragged to Hogsmeade by the sleeve of her coat.

  "Come on Amelia it's snowing and you know what that means!"
  Amelia laughed at her best friend before replying, "why yes that means we get hot chocolate and sit on a freezing cold bench freezing our arses off! My favourite activity actually."

  Aurora ignored her friends sarcasm and they were off.

Words: 1069

Sorry for not updating in like two months I've been really busy and then just kept forgetting to update, I made this chapter a little longer than my previous ones to make up for it! Don't forget to vote and comment!

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