Chapter 16~ Tom's plan

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  Amelia woke up after three days of staying in the hospital wing, she was all set and ready to leave, especially after seeing Anthony Weasley throw up every five minutes, everyday.

  Abraxas still hasn't come to visit her, nor talk to her, she was a little hurt, she thought they had something but clearly not. Aurora bounded into the hospital wing all by herself for once.

  "Amelia! We are going to hogsmeade today wether you like it or not!"

  Amelia looked over at her cheerful best friend, she missed hanging out with just her, she loved her group of friends but Aurora was her best friend since the first day of Hogwarts.

  "And why exactly are we going?"

  "Because I said so! Now! I have your coat and a change of clothes because I know how much you hate going out in the cold not dressed properly!"

  Aurora was definitely the mom of the group, always thoughtful and Amelia was surprised her parents hadn't betrothed her to some nobel rich pureblood. To people who didn't know her well thought she was just any mother pureblood with the same views as everyone else and stone cold, but once you got to know her she was a really genuine person, probably the most she's ever met.

  The two girls got ready and left to hogsmeade for the rest of the day.


Slytherin common room:

  Abraxas and Tom sat in the Slytherin common room while everyone else left to hogsmeade, Tom waited until everyone was gone to tell Abraxas their next plan of action.

  "So why did you call me down here my lord? Why wait until everyone's gone, even your other followers?"

  Tom always thought of Abraxas as his most loyal follower, but due to recent events he started to second guess himself. He needed to make sure Abraxas would still do anything for his cause and he had just the way to prove it.

  "Well Malfoy, due to, recent events I'm not so sure you're as loyal to me. You seem infatuated with a certain girl who is key to our plan. I can't have you being distracted or getting to, how do I say this? Attached?"

  Abraxas started sweating, Tom was capable of a lot of things and if he was second guessing Abraxas' loyalty then he had to do something about it.

  "What do you want me to do my lord?"

  "Stop talking with Amelia, go back to how it was before whatever happened to make you two start talking, you're too distracted now and that's not going to do you any good! Love is a weakness, sadness is a weakness, emotions are weaknesses! I can't have you letting anything slip to her due to the fact that we need her for my plan to work!"

  "With all due respect my lord, she'll get suspicious if I just stop talking to her."

  "Well fix it! Who was that girl you were with before? Parkinson was it? She's desperate to get back together with you, use that to your advantage, then Amelia won't suspect a thing if you two stop talking. It's painfully obvious those two despise of each other!"

  Abraxas was shocked, Tom wanted him to get back with Paisley just so he wouldn't risk letting something slip.

  Tom could see Abraxas was hesitant and debating wether or not he should do it.

  "Abraxas, I'm afraid I can't let you live if you don't prove your capable of being my second in command, you know too much so are you capable of doing this minor thing?"

  Abraxas knew this wasn't a minor thing, but knew better than to get on Tom's bad side so unwillingly he agreed.

  "No my lord, I will do as you say."


  The next day, Amelia and Aurora went up to get breakfast at the great hall, she didn't realize how comfortable her dorm room bed was until spending four nights in the hospital wing.

  The two made their way to breakfast but the sight they saw wasn't something Amelia ever wanted to see again, let alone at breakfast.

  Paisley Parkinson had her arm wrapped around Abraxas Malfoy's arm and she laughed at something he said, he kept whispering stuff into her ear, were they back together?

  "Umm Aurora? When did they get back together?"

  Aurora could see her best friend was trying not to sound upset but she failed miserably, she had a feeling something happened between the two during Amelia's stay in the hospital but now just confirmed her suspicions.

  "I don't know, I didn't know they were back together either, but let's not let that ruin our day."

  Amelia looked distracted but nodded her head hesitantly. That was until she locked eyes with Abraxas, his eyes widened ever so slightly but then as if he remembered something he looked away and started talking to Paisley again. Even going as far as pecking her cheek.

  Amelia couldn't keep it in anymore, she turned around and ran out the great hall to the owlery where she could be alone and let her emotions run wild.

  She ran to the edge and let it all out, she started crying softly but then a wave of emotions burst out. She couldn't contain them any longer.

  "So we meet again, under similar circumstances."

Words: 1012
Sorry this chapter was late I know I said I'd try for before Sunday but better late than never right? I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I know it wasn't the greatest but be prepared for some more drama to come, I'm thinking of maybe making a chapter in Auroras perspective so let me know what you think about that!

  Hope everyone's staying safe and happy! Happy late Halloween by the way! Don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT it truly helps a lot and thanks for 3k reads I never thought I'd get this far!

  Don't be afraid to message me or comment for me to start writing the next chapter because I'm really bad at updating! Have a nice day/night!

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