Chapter 23~ Hogsmeade

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    Aurora and Amelia walked to hogsmeade as soon as their classes were done, once they arrived they made their way to the three broomsticks. It was sort of a tradition at this point, the first snow of the season since third year they got hot chocolate there.

    Neither one of them were to fond of butter beer it tasteted odd, besides the hot chocolate was underrated.

    They were quickly engulfed with the warmth of the tavern, earning a sigh from Aurora, Amelia turned to look at her but she only smiled and walked to a table near the back.

    The two girls sat down and took off their winter coats, "So Rora, anything new happening with you?"

    "Not really, unless you count Tom inviting me to go to the three broomsticks with him next weekend" Aurora replied with a smirk.

    Thank goodness they didn't order the hot chocolate yet or Amelia would've choked. "Tom?! As in Tom Riddle?! As in dark and brooding and leave me alone Tom Riddle?!"

    Aurora stifled a laugh, "It feels surreal I've liked him since third year, I didn't think he'd ever share the same feelings!"

    The two girls rambled on about Tom for a few more minutes until Amelia finally decided to go order them their drinks, she swiftly got up and ordered her usual, while she was waiting she felt someone slide into the spot next to her.

    "Fancy seeing you here Amelia."

    She decided to not fully acknowledge his presence and kept her head forward, "Well the three broomsticks is always quite busy so I'm not terribly shocked by this occurrence."

"How have you been, I haven't spoken to you properly since the dance."

"We talked in potions, we do sit beside each other."

Abraxas rolled his eyes, "You don't have to be so rude Amelia."

She laughed lightly and looked at him, "What do you want Malfoy?"

"Ah, I'm back to Malfoy, anyways i was wondering want to go with me to Hogsmeade next week."

Amelia looked at him with slightly widened eyes which he must've gotten the wrong impression from.
"If not that's totally fine though!"

"I suppose I could book you into my very busy schedule."

He smirked at her, "Amelia your schedule consists of reading, studying and" He paused his sentence seemingly trying to remember something, "Actually that's about it, you're quite boring."

"And yet you asked me on a date." She smiled at him and before he could respond she walked off with her drinks in hand back to Aurora.


Before Amelia could even sit down aurora big anything.started questioning her, "What was that about? Thank you by the way for the hot chocolate"

Amelia couldn't help but let her smile grow a little more, "Well I guess we both are going to be busy next week."

She looked down at her cup with a slight blush on her cheeks.

Once they finished their hot chocolates  they just walked around looking at random items in each shop but never actually buy anything.

"Rora please can we go to Tomes and Scrolls, I'll be quick I promise, I won't even buy anything."

"I'be heard that before." Aurora mumbled as she followed Amelia into the bookstore.

After two hours they finally left but not without Amelia holding two bags packed with books.

Aurora sighed, "Remind me again why you weren't sorted into Ravenclaw, dare I quote the sorting hat, you have a thirst for knowledge."

"Because everyone in my family who attended Hogwarts was sorted into Slytherin, or they were disowned... but that's beside the point!"

Aurora just shook her head at her best friend, "next time we are not going in there."

Amelia pouted, "But that's my favourite shop."

" Nerd" Aurora mumbled, "Hey!" Before Amelia could react Aurora was off running, this was a frequent occurrence with the two, in the end they made it to the common room, Aurora staying there and Amelia walking off into her dormitory to go read one of her books.

Words: 749
Sorry I haven't updated in a month (at this point I do monthly updates) I'm sorry if it's too short I'm running low on ideas for their Fifth year and just want to get that out the way. Also sorry if it seems to drag on I know it's only December in the book but I want to wrap up this year, I have ideas for their sixth and seventh year.
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