Chapter 13~ Am I Really That Bad

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  Amelia woke up and her head was pounding, it was still dark out and she glanced at the clock, it was 1 in the morning. She checked her surroundings and saw Malfoy sitting in a chair with his head resting on the side of the hospital bed.

  It all came flooding back to her, all of a sudden she felt nauseous and threw up all over her hospital gown.

  Abraxas jumped awake and glanced over at her.

  "I didn't know you were awake"

  "And I didn't know you stayed"


  "Why did you stay though? You hate me and you're staying why?"

  "My parents would kill me if they knew I just left you here alone!"

  She glared at him so he continued,

  "And I fell asleep"

  She glared at him again,

  "Fine! I wanted to make sure you're okay because you looked very sick."

  Amelia scoffed,

  "As if! You're just making that up! Who else is here watching? I know you're lying!"

  "Am I really that bad? For you to think I'm only saying something nice to you because someone's here? Or better yet I'm blackmailing you?"

Amelia stayed silent and turned her head.

"How long have I been here, last I remember we were walking then apparently I was to slow so you forcefully moved me, then I was here."

"Well I'm glad you still have your sense of humour, but since potions why?"

He said the first bit sarcastically and glanced over at her fully.

"Potions... since potions... wait! Potions?!"

Her stomach growled loudly and she looked down embarrassed meanwhile Abraxas laughed a bit.

"I'm guessing your hungry?"

"Yes but I'm guessing dinners already past. I'm just gonna lay down in this bed and DIE of starvation, don't mind me, just rotting away in a hospital bed!"

She sounded really whiney and like herself, not what Abraxas thought she turned into, this was the girl he was best friends with long ago.

"Why don't we go get some food from the kitchens? I'm sure the house elves won't mind."

"Abraxas Nicholas Malfoy! That would be against the rules!"

She replied mockingly only making him roll his eyes and laugh.

"I suppose it would be Ms. Amelia Merope Gaunt,"

He stuck out his hand for her to grab,

"But whats life without a bit of adventure?"

Amelia laughed and grabbed his hand, all was forgotten they weren't enemies, they didn't hate each other, no rumours about them liking each other, no parents telling them to act proper, no friends to persuade their decisions. They were just them, just Amelia and Abraxas or as Abraxas liked to call her when she was little Millie.


  After what felt like hours sneaking in the halls trying not get by the caretaker and his cat, they finally made it to the kitchens, well the door anyways.

  "Umm Abraxas... this is a portait with food on it... not the kitchens..."

  "I know that Millie!"

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