Day 1 (Harry)

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Summer 2010
Harry was 16, a hopeless romantic, he would spend his free time reading either at the bakery he worked or at school or at home. He always thought only Real Love was in movies and books. Never thought it was in real life until he met his Romeo.

The bakery is the only quiet place for him. This was like a second home to him, his real home was bad, he was a orphan. He didn't know what it was like to be with family, so he would spend his time at the bakery and when he did got back to "Home" he stayed away for hours on end. He wasn't rich nor poor. The orphanage had money to provide them with food and things for school.

Everyday a group of boys came into the bakery either in a uniform or football uniforms, snobby rich kids he assumed they went to a private school so he never really paid attention to them. Except for one boy, he was short maybe 5'6" no no 5'7". Yes the boy he had brown hair and most beautiful pair of blue eyes anyone could drown in, he would sometimes catch the Boy starring at him. Sometimes smiling sometimes glaring, he would watch the boy, his every move, he loved the way he smiled when one of his mates laughed at something. The boy was with 3 other people, one blond that had an Irish accent, the Irish guy liked food, and the one with black hair he was quiet, his name was Zayn? Or Zack? Who knows then another guy with brown hair not as pretty as the Boy but it look soft.

Each day the group of boys came in at 4:50 exactly, he would have his apron on help them only. Then he would go back to reading, he only ever helped them because he would see the Boy with the Bright blue eyes. Everyday like clock work they would come in, order blueberry muffins and some tea then sit down in the corner of the bakery. He would always have the table they sat at cleaned and made sure nobody sat there. He wanted them to have that spot, he would clean the table every hour before they came in just to make sure no dust was on it.

Today it was like he was struck by lightning, the Boy with the bright eyes talked to him! Only him, but unfortunately he couldn't get a word out. He had planned the conversations they would have for fun but he knew it wouldn't come true.

Sweet Creature- L.S. *Mpreg*Where stories live. Discover now