Day 9 (Harry)

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TW: attempt of suicide, pill taking, and cutting
The Gala,everyone knew it was the best night of the year. But was it? Well wasn't for Harry, he didn't know one simple bet would make it all go to waste. He didn't know everything would be just a bet.

Harry sighed while looking in the mirror, does this suit even look good on me? "Haz you look perfect I love it" lies "okay if you think it's okay" Harry mumbles while fixing his hair, "Haz we're going to be late" "Okay Lou I'm ready" Harry turns around and smiles "alright let's go!" Louis giggles and kisses him.

Everything was beautiful chandlers hung above the dance room, everyone in masks. "Just follow me love this way" Louis said, "alright Lou" Harry sighs and looks at everyone in beautiful gowns and suits. Oh to be a girl so no one would judge, "Here we are love meet my family! That is my mum, Jay" she was short now I know where Louis gets his shortness from "that's is my stepdad, Mark" an older guy just waved and started talking to very important people, "then you met the twins phoebe and daisy" the twins smiled and waved. "Then my two other sisters Felicity or fizzy and Lottie" he finished "I can see where you get your looks from" Harry whispers in Louis ear, he just giggled. "Well Anne made pretty son" Louis smiles and kisses his cheek. Well that's something you don't hear everyday. "Let's sit down love" Louis grabs Harry's hand and pulls him to the table reserved for the Tomlinson family "This is really beautiful" Harry mumbles "not as much as you love" Louis kisses him. He didn't even introduce yo, "I think you're pretty"

The Gala was amazing even Harry lost his virginity in Louis' old room. Everything was great until it wasn't. Harry was pulled into a room by some girls and the boys, Louis isn't here, "did you think Louis actually likes you?" One of the girls say, huh? He does! Harry's thoughts didn't come out as words. "He did it for the money, he just wants money" a girl with brown hair said, what do they mean? "Give it up already, he doesn't like you, just wanted to use you then throw you out" another girl with pink dyed hair smirks at Harry. "What are you talking about?" Harry mumbles while clenching his jaw. "Oh Harold, he doesn't love you" Brown haired girl said, "by the way I'm his Girlfriend, Eleanor" Eleanor smirks and circles around the small boy. "Why would a rich preppy kid want a orphan, who's parents left him" The girl with pink hair said. The boys haven't said anything, they just were recording "nobody likes you, you should die, I mean Sweetie you think anyone could like you?" Eleanor smiled. That's when Louis came out, his arms crossed and with a smirk on his face. "Cmon El you're gonna make the poor boy cry" Louis grabbed her, still smirking. "You did all of this for money? The dates, the secrets, he whispering, and what just happened?" Harry's heart shatters, I let Louis Tomlinson fuck me then leave me... everyone knew, "yeah shame isn't? You were great and all but you aren't just my type" Louis wraps his arms around Eleanor. Please be a dream, fucking pinch me or punch me. I must've fallen asleep on my break at work! "Well fun while it lasted buddy" Eleanor smiled and they started walking away. "What was the bet?" Harry stops him, "to take your virginity, and I'm not Sorry..." Louis says. "You're a dick!" Harry started crying and walked away. Why! Why! Did I fall for a prick? "Harry where are you- are you okay?" Jay says of course it's his Mum. "Uh yes..." And he walks back to the Orphanage.

Directress May is standing there with a scowl, she wasn't nice, "Harold! Where were you!" She says, "the Gala..." "Wearing that! Do you know embarrassing that is! Your punishment is cleaning the Orphanage, the whole Orphanage for two months. Now get to your room!" With that Harry walks up his room. Since he was the oldest he got to get the biggest room, which had a bathroom in it, he also watches over the little ones. He didn't mind, it was just a bit much. "Hazza?" He heard a little girl say, her name was Rosemary, she had Black hair with blue eyes, and she was tan. She was 10, "Yes love? Need something?" "I had a bad dream, can I sleep with you?" She blushed and looked down, "well of course. Lemme just get changed, get in bed" and the the little girl smiled shyly and got in his bed, She had a crush on him. Harry sighed and grabbed a yellow shirt and black joggers then walked over to the bathroom, closing the door.

Once Harry was dressed, he sniffles and looks down, Noticing a shine. A razor blade, Harry grabs it and looks at it mesmerized by the shine, 5 weeks clean... since the 28 of October... Harry bites his lip and presses the sharpe tip against his wrist, blood poured out of the small cut, he winced but kept going. 1....2....3....4....5.... then again on the other arm. 6.....7....8....9....10.....see self control, Harry hid the razor blade on the very top so Rosemary couldn't find. He quickly cleans it up then bandaged it up then walks out, to find Rosemary asleep, Harry smiled. He liked seeing his "Sisters and Brothers" happy, He got under the covers with her, she instantly cuddles into him. They did this a lot, kinda like a habit, She would have a bad dream and he would comfort her. He remembers when she first came, when he was 6, he would take care of her. Through the years they created bond, the first time she came in with a bad dream and cuddled him was nice, "Haz? I had a bad dream" she sniffles and hugs him, "About what rose?" "Well I get bullied at school cause I'm a Orphan and they are really mean" She starts crying, while Harry bends down. He was 12 and she was 6 and had to deal with bullies. "How old are they?!" He asks getting a bit mad. "Maybe your age..." she mumbles, "well their names?" "Eleanor Calder and MiMi baker" Harry sighed, He didn't remember them really, Because he was always busy. "Listen, you don't listen to them. All they will do is get inside your head, if you ever need anything. Come to me alright?" Harry holds her tighter and she nods. Ironic how the boy who gets bullied gives advice how to ignore it when he doesn't, "cmon you can sleep with me" he picks her up and brings her too bed and holds her. "Thank you Hazza" she smiles weakly, "anytime Rosie Cheeks" he laughs. He was so young.

When Harry woke, all you can hear is Rosemaries soft snores. He smiled and go up. Just decided to wear his PJs to school, he didn't care anymore. Harry sighed and covered Rose up, she didn't have to go to school until 8:30 and he doesn't go to school until 9:00. So with that he walked to the bathroom to brush his teeth and brush his untamed hair. "Well I guess I'm done..." he saw an old bottle that was his. Obviously out of date, so he grabbed those and put all his stuff in his book bag. "Okay RoseMary wake up, don't wanna be late...." "ugh Luke's Hemmingsssss" she mumbles, She was obsessed with 5SOS and this other band called One Addition. She said that the Marcel dude looked like Harry. "Omg! Luke Hemmings is downstairs!" Harry says shaking her. "OMG WHERE!" She shoots up, he just laughed. "Cmon get ready, I have to take all of the kids to the school" She sighs and walks to her room. His School and Louis' school were close together so he would see him walking with his friends.

"Okay everyone all good?" He asked and heard voices of saying yes, only ten kids were orphans and Harry was the 11th so that was good? "Alright let's go!" He says and all of them walk out and start walking down the path to their school. The boys were making jokes and the girls were gossiping about who their crushes were, well all except RoseMary, she was behind all of them with Harry holding his hand and talking to him about how school was. Everything was doing great everyone talked and Rosemary was beside him and they were almost there until someone bumped into him. "Oh I'm sorry- oh it's you..." Louis crosses his arms and looks at Harry, Louis was with the boys. "Guys you go forward, I'll catch up" he looked at Louis and sighs then bends down "RoseMary I want you to watch over them? Okay can you do that, then we can talk about school when I'm catched up with you all" he tilts his head and smiles, she just nods and skips away. Louis couldn't help but smile a bit, "do you always walk them to school?" Louis looks at the curly boy. "Yes, why do you care" Harry crosses his arms occasionally looking back. "Just wondering, they seem annoying anyways" Louis clears his throat, "okay then, I'll be off then. I have some nice things to do unlike some people" Harry rolls his eyes to catch up with little RoseMary and the rest of the group. Leaving his Romeo behind with his preppy friends.

If only he knew going to school that day, would be the second worse thing that happened.


Sorry guys it's so long! I just had a lot to write!
Anyways Vote and Comment what you think!

All the Love, E

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