Day 7 (Louis) -Mature

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( costumes above )
A week later

Harry didn't know what to think when Louis asked him to be his boyfriend, it was on the 28th of October. Honestly Louis always thought it was still a dream...

" oh Lou I'm so happy my costume came in!" Harry runs up to Louis who is dressed in a wolf onesie. "Oh My Gosh! You look so cute and adorable, with being so short" Harry runs up to him, and Louis grabs his waist, "hey I'm big, I drink milk everyday!" Louis exclaims while pouting. "I know but you just look so cute with the tail and the ears!" Harry gushes over how small and petite his Romeo is. "Ugh well shush! Now put on your outfit! The boys will be here soon!" Harry groans and starts undressing. Is it weird that im undressing in front of him? Eh whatever! Louis walks up behind Harry and grabs his waist. "You're so warm Haz, I like it" Louis mumbles while pressing his cheek against Harry's bare back. That feels nice, "what are you doing to me lou?" "You think we could just skip tonight?" Louis asks? "No silly, we already made plans with the boys" Harry ties the cape and puts the hood up hen turns to Louis. "Maybe later though" Harry smirks, these past few days I've been confident! I love it! "R-really?!" Louis asks and Harry smiles and walks around him snickering to himself. "Alright the boys are here cmon Lou" Harry turns around to see Louis walking up to him wrapping his arms around Harry's waist. "Who knew the big bad wolf would look so cute?" "HEY! I told youuu I'm not cute I'm mean and big" Louis pouts while Harry giggles "mhm, yeah you are mean" Harry grabs Louis' hand and walks downstairs with him. "First one to get scared at the haunted houses has to give the other a blowjob" Louis whispers which makes Harry a bit flustered. "Alright you got yourself a deal" Harry bites his lip, "what are you guys talking about?" Liam asks "Nothing!" The two boys said in unison.

Zayn is on Liams back and Harry is  holding hands with Lou and Niall is alone, sorry Ni. "Aww Tommo is the big bad wolf scared?" Zayn taunts Louis, "oh shut up! I'm not scared I just don't like the scene" Louis quickly defends himself. "Harry I'm gonna find the cutest mustard, I can feel it!" Niall yells while chuckles "good for you Nialler " Harry smiles and quickly turns to Louis and whispers "guess I'll be the one to get a blowjob huh Lou?" Harry whispers in Louis ear which makes him stop. "You okay Louis?" Niall turns around "yeah Lou you okay" Harry smirks, "Y-yeah something just scared me that's all" Louis blushes and glares at Harry. Sorry Lou had to be done...

After the rest of the boys left it was just Harry and Louis alone watching scary movies, "no no don't go in there he is gonna kill- AHHH" Louis screams hides his face into Harry. "Hey it's okay Lou, it's not like that's gonna happen to us. Or so I thought, "you don't know that" Louis says as something falls to the ground. Louis climbs in the Harry lap faster then the superhero Flash, "What was that!" Louis asks "shhh Lou it's probably paper" Harry was saying until Two girls scare Louis which make him scream, "Daisy! Phoebe!" Louis scolds them. "Sorry! We were just going upstairs until we saw you, it was perfect alright byeeee" they both say and walk upstairs.

Louis and Harry walk upstairs to Louis room. "Hey Lou I think you own me a blowjob" Harry says while grabbing Louis, "w-what? Oh yeah" Louis blushes and bites his lip then walks over. "You don't have to" "I want to Haz just shut up would ya?" Louis giggles and kisses Harry while dragging his hand down to Harry's v-line. "Ou the abs" Louis smiles while Harry smiles. "I want to get addicted to you" Harry mumbles and grabs Louis' hips grinding against him a little, "this is better then words" Louis finally gets down on his knees and looks at Harry. "Are you sure?" Harry asks and Louis nods while takes Harry's pants off along with his boxers. "Omg you're big, how will I ever fit you inside me?" Louis kitten licks the tip while Harry groans, "god damn" Harry whispered almost to himself. Louis smiles starts bobbing his head, Harry's hand finds his way to Louis' hair and tugs at it. Oh My God best blowjob ever, if he keeps doing this I might as well cum, "oh Lou you're so good" Harry groans and pushes his head down a bit which make Louis gag. "Harry you're so big" Louis' pulls off for a bit but still jerking him off. Groans and grunts are heard from everywhere in the room, "god Louis, who knew you were so good at this?" Harry asks and bites his lip. He's so close, and Louis could sense it so he went faster and faster until-

"Louis!" Harry yells waking Louis up, they both fell asleep on the couch from last night. Huh that's weird, "but what about the blowjob bet?" Louis whispers while blushing. "Oh Lou we were tired and I wouldn't do that to you" Harry also blushes. "Mmmm okay I guess, I mean I wouldn't mind" Louis rubs his hand down Harry's chest. "Even in the morning you're horny, silly Louis" Harry giggles, "heyyyy you make me horny! You know how many hard ons you give me just by walking around in the bakery?" Louis smirks and kisses Harry's cheek. "Well sorry babes, you just have to get used to it"

If only they met a few years earlier...


Hello luv's! So so sorry this didn't come right away I had writers block so yikes! Anyways hope you all are enjoying the story as much I am writing it! It might take long because I'm going through things with my ex? Anyways I will post more I promise.

Make sure to vote and comment on what you guys think!

All the love,  E

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