Day 5 (Harry)

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To be so lonely... he called Harry in the middle of the night "Wanna have some midnight memories? We could do anything we want haz!" Who would've thought that it was just a game...

Sometimes Harry wonders, what if he was with family, would he live here? Or live somewhere else, what would happen if he didn't meet his Romeo? He like to ponder about where his life would go. Would he still be the shy boy everyone knew him as or confident? He had trouble seeing what's going on around him, no he wasn't blind his mind was messy. It was like he would into his own world, he was sensitive, he didn't mean to go into his own world it just happened.

"Haz we'll be a fine line" Lou whispers into Harry's ear, "don't every let me go Lou, I don't know what I would do without you" Harry whimpers, Harry knew his Louis would leave him, hell he knew that before they even talked to each other. "Louis would never leave you" Louis says knowing Harry likes when he talks in third person, helps him with his mind. "Louis Louis Louis..." he whispered, "Harry Harry Harry" Louis mumbles back-

"Harry wake up" Louis says, Harry must've been dreaming. "What were you dreaming able Haz?" "You Lou, I was dreaming of you..." Harry blushes, why am I telling him, I
don't tell anyone my dreams. "Well I think of you too" Louis smiles, "can I ask you something?" Harry bites his lip out of habit. "You already asked me a question but shoot" "well Lou you've been coming into the bakery for months now, why haven't you talked to me?" Harry looks up at the blue eyed boy. "Well to be honest, I was too shy, you looked pretty reading your books so I didn't want to bother." "You would never bother me Lou, I've always wanted to talk to you but I haven't had the courage" Harry looks down and smiles. "Well now we are here, would you like to tell me something Haz?" Louis smirked, does he know? About how I like him, I mean I have liked him ever since he came in the bakery but does he want me to tell him? "What do you mean?" "That you like me, well I like you" "you do? Really!?!" I have dreamed of this moment. "Yes of course, I've always have" Louis smiles and holds onto him tightly.

What Louis didn't know, this would probably be the last few weeks of holding his Juliet.

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