Day 3 (Harry)

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What would you do if your life just flipped upside down, well for Harry it was always bad , sometimes he thought 'why would god put me in this world? I'm useless' . He always had dreams of what it would be like to have a family, why did they give him up? Was he that ugly?!  But today was different.

"Excuse me?" The short boy smiled at him, "h-hello what can I get for you" he seemed nervous well maybe because your Romeo is right in-front of you!! "Oh well I was wondering if you were free tonight?" The blue eye boy asked while playing with his fingers. Oh goodness me? Is this a dream!? "I uh- of course I'm free" he looked down obviously shocked, the boy smiles softly and claps. "Oh goody here is my number" the boy gave a piece of paper kissed his cheek then waddled away. Omg omg omg omg I might die, he walked to the back to where no one could see him and jumped up and down dancing a bit,

After work he puts his apron on the back and grabs his beanie, but he started wondering what if the boy thought he was just a joke, he didn't even tell me his name... what if this was just a bet?... He probably is laughing at me- "hey so you ready!" The boy interrupts his thoughts, " oh y-yes where are we going though?" He asked staring into the boy's deep blue eyes. "You and I are going to the park, like erm a picnic then after we are going to the lake with my friends" the boy smiles. What about your name, you nameless blue eyed creature, "alright that seems fun" he blushes at the thought of him shirtless. Oh get that thought out of your head you perv! It is just hanging out.

"So I never caught your name, should I call you prince or princess or Juliet" the boy smirks and while wrapping his arm around his waist. He blushes "It's Harry Styles" he smiles bites down on his lip, "already biting your lip I see" the boy chuckles "I'm Louis" so Louis is your name hmm it fits you, "sorry it's a Habit" Harry smiles softly while looking at Louis, "well I like it, so where do you go to school?" Louis looks up at the tall bean. "Oh I go to Holmes Chapel Comprehensive School" Harry plays with his fingers, "oh that's nice I go to Hall Cross Academy" Louis smiled and grabs his Juliet's hand. "Do you like living in Holmes Chapel because I noticed you have a Yorkshire accent" Harry looks at their hands together, they fit so perfectly together. " I like it, I like to go to this bakery and see this one curly hair lad" Louis smirk at him while Harry giggles. "I bet he's cute" Harry smiles "He is, he is about your height and has beautiful green eyes" Louis smiles and leans his head on Harry's chest, he is warm and soft, like bear. Sometimes I wish we could cuddle like this all the time.

Sweet Creature- L.S. *Mpreg*Where stories live. Discover now