Day 11 (Harry)

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As days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, and moths turned into 6 years. Guess Louis didn't love him that much anymore. It's 2017, after Harry left, he fell into a deep depression being 17 years old also wasn't good. But now he was 23 almost 24, his hair grew longer, just above his shoulders. He was taller and not very innocent anymore. First few months of being single, he found out he was pregnant. He had a beautiful son, same brown hair just a bit curly, teal eyes, and cute cheeky smile from Louis. His name was Edward Lain Tomlinson, he wanted his last name as Louis. Edward was 7 and he was a social butterfly but still shy. When he turned 18 he left the orphanage and bought a little cottage, obviously visited the orphans so that was good. Little Rosemary was now 12 and hardly had time for Harry, she had friends and went to see them. He was happy for her obviously.

"Edward Tomlinson! Get your bum out of bed, you're going to see Cherie" he said "Maybe I'm going a bit crazy eddy, huh?" Edward just giggles. He had the same smile has Louis. It was hard being a single parent but he go through it. Harry still worked at the bakery, and his new Co-Worker was nice and she watched Edward when it was her break. Ms. Mindy retired and handed the bakery to Harry, which Harry renamed the bakery to 'Stylin Bakery' everyone liked it, so that was good.

"Alright Edward, be nice for me please? Cherie is gonna watch you today" Cherie was his nanny. After Harry dropped Edward off he drove to work. Louis didn't know about Edward because when he started showing he did online school, so people wouldn't send pictures. Once he got in, the usuals got their drinks, he winked at a few teenage girls swooning over him. "Oh hey Harry" he heard an Irish voice, he quickly turned around. To see Niall. Niall was the only one who became Harry's friend, and he knew about Edward. "Where Eddy the Teddy?" Niall sat on the counter, it was only 6 so the bakery wasn't open yet. "He's with Cherie, I need a time off from him" Harry sighs. "Yeah, I wanted to play with him though" Harry just smiled. "I know Niall, you love him and He loves his Uncle Ni" Harry was getting everything ready. "So uhm how is he?" Harry asks Niall, "Well he is fine, uhm still dating her..." Niall informed the curly headed lad. "Well I'm happy for him, he deserves it" Harry says and puts on soft music for the bakery, "well don't you think he should know who Edward is" Niall asked, which made Harry put down the rag and look at the Irish man. "I told him, to meet me here on the 28 and he didn't, that was his choice" Harry said. "Yeah I know I know" Niall hopped off the counter and kissed Harry's cheek, "So ya know how the boys come here for a day to remember everything, kinda like a reunion" Niall said, which Harry responded with a nod. "Well it's today..." "WHAT!?"

Today was a busy day, The guys came here an hour or Two ago, Harry tried to be invisible; because Louis was with them. "Harry!" And woman's voice made Harry turn around, to see his sister with...Edward, they met 4 years ago, because he wanted to meet his sister which led to meeting his Mum and Step Dad. "Gems! Hello sister!" Harry walked over and hugged his sister. "I asked Cherie if I could see my little nephew and she said Yes" that made Louis turn to look at them. "Aw Edward missed you" Gemma finished, Harry smiled and grabbed twirling him around. Which he was taken by Niall. "Hello Ed the Ted" Niall smiled. But then Liam, Zayn, and... Louis, "Who is this cutie" Liam smiled at the small boy, "this is Edward" Niall smiles and hugs him, Edward wasn't really talkative with strangers, he would be giggling and squealing around Niall but he just looked at the three boys, confused. "Alright! Well I'm going to feed my son, Niall give me him" "Nooooo he wants meeeee" Niall whined, this kid- I'm bout to slap him, "Nialler, you can have him after" "but Uncle Ni is feeding me daddy" Edward finally said words and pouted, which made Gemma smile. "Ughhh fine, I will get food for him" with that he walked away, but Louis followed him. "So you just decided to not to tell me about my son!?" "Uh I did it for the best, you could've known if you came to the bakery, but you didn't" Harry was grabbing some apple juice and started making Edward cookies. "Yeah but still, I could've Been there for you haz!" "Stop yelling Louis, you left! You decided to when you did the fucking bet! I may have forgiven Niall but I don't forget" Harry sets down the ingredients, "Harry, can I at least know his full name?" Louis grabs his wrist, "his name is Edward Lain Tomlinson" Harry sighs and starts making the Dough. "You named him after me?" Louis smiles slightly. "Yes I did, thought it be reasonable" Harry smiles a bit. "Do you think I could be in his life?" Louis looks down and bites his lip, "well if you stick around, then yes. But for now it's just me and my golden baby boy" Harry says weakly. "Of course I wanna stick around, for you And Edward" Harry sighs and looks at Louis. "Then why didn't you show up?" Harry whimpers, "because Eleanor made me stay behind!" Louis starts, "well.....

September 28, I will see my Juliet. I've spent a year waiting for him. Now it's time to see him, "Louis where are you going? Please don't tell me you're going to the Bakery" Eleanor crossed her arms, "yes I'm going, I finally get to see him! The love of my life is waiting right there inside...waiting for me!" I said smiling at him. "But baby, he doesn't want you like I do" Eleanor grabs my face and makes me look at me. She kissed me, but when I turn around, I see him sigh and walk the other way. "What the hell" I yelled and she smirked. "Cmon he's done with you be with me" she said, and I snapped. "I'M GAY IT'S PRETTY UNFORTUNATE ISN'T IT ELEANOR!" I yelled and turned around and walked away.

... and that was that" Louis finished. Harry looked shocked, "I- wow" Harry looks down then goes back to cooking. "Ya know when you walked by the bakery, and Edward was with me I always pointed you out, saying 'that's papa' and he would even draw pictures. Well maybe stick figures but yeah" Harry looked up and smiled. "Really? Why didn't he say anything to me?" "Maybe because he didn't remember you" Harry bites his lip from trying not to cry. "I'm sorry love, I really am" Louis hugs Harry, as soon as he wraps his arms around his body. "You've grown taller..." Louis chuckles, "no I think you just started getting shorter" Harry smiles while sniffling and puts the Cookies in the oven. Louis smiled and let go of Harry and walked out with Harry. "DADDY" Harry heard a high pitch scream and a little body hug his legs. "Hello Eddy, I have someone for you too meet babes" Harry smiled and picked him up. "Oof getting bigger everyday" Harry mumbles which cause Gemma to laugh. "Oh please Harry, you hit the gym every night and every morning" Gemma smirks. "Oh shush! I do not only on breaks! Anyways Edward meet Louis or Papa" Edward gasps and his hand fly over his mouth. "Papaaaaa!" He practically jumps into Louis' arms, which surprises him...but only for a second. "Hello love!" Louis smiled. "Don't ever leave!" Louis looked down the nodded at him. "Of course why would I leave you?" Edward just smiled then ran off to Niall.

Louis will be in  for a treat...


Hello luvs! Two updates? Because why not!


All the love, E

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