Day 2 (Louis)

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Louis was 18, a rich kid who thought being rude was he only answer, he only ever had 3 friends. Niall the Blond Irish, Zayn the quiet one, and Liam the funny happy guy. They met at football practice in 7th grade, they only kept to themselves, always had the same classes and did everything together, they even went to a small bakery downtown, that's where Louis met his Juliet.

The boy with the curly hair and his nose in a book, he worked there but never really saw the boy serve anyone only him and his mates. He would always stare at the Curly lad, the boy looked sweet while he looked sour, sometimes the curly boy would catch him staring, the boy would blush and look at his book again. He always wondered where he lived and what he did for fun.

"Lou you're staring at the boy again" Niall nudged him and smiled, Niall knew about Louis' crush on the boy, "he looks like he's into the book he's reading, I swear he reads a new book every week" he said taking sip of his tea. "I wonder what he's thinking about, 'oh Lou please I'm so lonely without you' maybe that" the blond boy laughed but then quickly stopped when He glared at him. "No I don't think that's was he's thinking, may being on a land full of candy or something cute like that" the blue eyed boy said while sighing.

Sometime he wished the boy thought of him maybe like the boy's Romeo in the books the curly boy always read. He loved when his hand touched the boy's hand when the boy would hand him the muffin or tea. He liked the soft feeling of the boy's hand. Did he moisturize everyday, maybe or he just didn't touch anything rough, oh never mind that's stupid, the boy probably did moisturize.

He thought one day he would be able to hold his hands while the boy would read to him, or maybe cuddling up to him. He just wanted to be close to the curly boy.

Sweet Creature- L.S. *Mpreg*Where stories live. Discover now