Day 10 (Louis)

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All Louis wanted was money, Why you ask? Aren't his parents rich and doesn't he live with a powerful family? Well yes but he just did it because... well he really didn't know. He wanted to stop when he got to know Harry, it started the first day he walked into that bakery. With Eleanor and her friends then the boys, Eleanor made the bet, at the time he was a bitch so he didn't care. But once he watched Harry everyday, he loved it... he loved him.

I saw Harry walking with a bunch of kids, why is walking with kids? Louis smirked and "bumped" into him, "oh I'm sorry- oh it's you" Louis said. Making all the kids stop, "Guys go forward, I'll catch up" His Juliet said but then bends down, "Rosemary I want you to watch over them? Okay can you do that, I'll catch up and we can keep talking about school" the little girl just nodded and walked over. "Do you always walk them?" Louis crosses his arms, "yes why do you care?" "Just wondering, they seem annoying anyways" lies "Okay then? I'll be off then, I have some nice things to do unlike some people" Harry clenched his jaw and walked off. That hurt, "wow Louis didn't know your whipped" Niall said and smirks. "Shut it! I am not... now let's go, we have to go to Harry's school for like a assembly, that's what Mr.Hall said" the Two schools go to each other's schools for assemblies, switch off every weekend. They did this because the principals were good friends. So they did that, he didn't care he liked seeing people in normal clothes while he was in uniforms, made him feel powerful. I'm gonna get Harry back.

When the assembly started Harry immediately went over to the Orphans and sat down, the youngest, the twins Mika and Micah went over and sat in his lap, they were 5  years old. He was talking to everyone of the kids until he felt 4 people sitting by him. It was Louis, Zayn, Niall, and Liam... "hi cutie" Niall said while looking at Mika. Being the social butterfly she is, she said hi and talked to him while Micah went over to the other orphan boys. "Haz..." "don't call me that Lou... you made it clear we are over" "I only did- what is that?" Louis stared at his bandages, "nothing, leave me alone... please" "but Haz I need to talk to you" "I said no." Louis sighed and looked down. Mika waddled over, "Hazzy how long until we get to go" The little girl says which made Harry smile. "Soon love, just go sit with the others" the girl nodded and skipped away. "Attention Everyone, we have a video by Eleanor Calder, a presentation. So please Ms.Calder start it up" everyone clapped, Harry just looked down. The video started playing which made everyone laugh, "to take your virginity, I'm not sorry..." Harry looked up and saw everyone pointing at him and laughing, some recording, some felt pity for him, but he just felt embarrassed. "The power of manipulation" Eleanor said in to the mic. Harry sniffled and got up and ran out. "HARRY!" Louis yelled and ran after him.

Why did she do that? I did nothing, well maybe ripped her dolls head when I was 5, but how was I supposed to know. Harry kept on thinking until he was pushed up against the wall. "Harry..." "Louis? What are you doing!?" Harry looked down. He was extremely close "kiss me! Kiss me now!" Harry looked confused. "What! No! I'm not doing..." he was quickly cut off by Louis lips pressed against his, he moaned at Louis gripping his waist, "tell me you didn't feel anything" Louis pulled away and bit his swollen red lip. "Alright Louis, yeah I did feel something... But I can't have you because, you are dating my mortal enemy, lied to me, stole my virginity... god and I let you! You literally gave me confidence just to tear it all down! You made a fucking bet for money! When you have money and I'm living in a orphanage! Watching 10 kids, mostly by my self! Working at a bakery to save money! To get them whatever they want because I care! You don't, you just do whatever you want!" Everyone was already outside watching them, they had a staring problem... "I wanted it to end! I was gonna make it end! I don't want anyone but you Haz!" "WHY? I'm just a stupid orphan!" Harry had tears in his eyes, "Maybe because I love you!" Everyone gasp. "No you don't, you just like the fact I'm fragile and weak! You love me!" Harry mumbles and pushes Louis away. "Harry! I'm in love with you! I like how you get shy when you catch me staring! Or when you get excited when the two lovers kiss finally, I love how you favorite movie is 'the NoteBook' and how you cry at the end! I love how you blush when I say something dirty. I love you" Louis said. Some people awed well mostly everyone expect for Eleanor and her friends. Harry was in tears, he couldn't stop them. "Louis- we can't be together alright! I have to much to do and I don't want to get my heart broken!" Harry looks up. "Listen, I'm giving myself a date and time. Next year September 28th 2012. I'll be ready, if you still love me by then. Come to the bakery, where we very first met. When I slipped a dropped my books and tea and you laughed and helped. That's where I will be from a year... I love you Lou" Harry kisses him for one last time and grabs his bag and walks away.

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