Day 8 (Harry)

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Harry has always dreamed of going to the galas held in the village just a few minutes away from the bakery. He dreamt of dressing in whatever he wanted, when he was younger he used to watch everyone who has passed by the bakery. All in beautiful Dresses and Tuxedos, everyone is the most magnificent masks. "Anyone who wears a mask is just hiding their true identity" that saying runs through his mind everyday, what does it mean? Is not supposed to trust anyone? Not even his boyfriend?

"Harry 10x the people last year are going to the gala! We need to start baking before we sell out!" Mindy the mean old lady who owns the shop yells, oh why did the bakery have be just around the corner from where the gala is being thrown. "Yes of course Ms. Mindy" Harry sighs and goes to the back and starts baking, remembering when he first started working here. "Harold! It is rude to call an older lady by their name you have to put Ms. or Mrs. if I hear you do that again you will be sent home!" Mindy the witch yells, "alright sorry MS. Mindy" Harry groans and looks over at the 4 boys more specifically the short adorable one. "Don't smart mouth me!" The witch yells again making some heads turn even the 4 boys. Harry's cheeks reddened up probably looking like a tomato, "yes, sorry Ms. Mindy" he looks down and walks away. He didn't mean to be rude all the years ago but it just burst out, he was sad so he took it out on someone else. "I heard he yelled out Gramma the other day" "yeah what a monster! She is old and kind hearted" the two girls talking very loud about him. "Well she's kind to you because you're her grand daughter" Harry mumbles to himself. The girls didn't even know what he was going through.

"Haz?" A familiar voice said as he walked in, the young girls batting eyes at him, if only they knew he was gay. "Hi Lou, what are here for?" Harry dusts his hands off on his apron and walks over. Only to be pulled into a hug. "Ms. Mindy? My boyfriend would like his break now please" Louis smirks when Ms.Mindy said okay, she was only rude to Harry. Harry looked at the girls who were still batting their eyes at him. Were they deaf? "Hey Lou kiss me please?" Harry whispers "alright Love whatever you say" Louis smiles and grabs his jaw and kisses him. The girls looked away their goo goo eyes turning into a disgusted face. "Are you ready for the gala?" Louis asks, what? I have no idea what he is talking about. "Louis what do you mean? I have work" "ahhh sweet adorable young Harold, I've requested you to be my date" requested? Was he apart of the family? People never knew their last times "Anyone who wears a mask is just hiding their true identity" Harry looks at him in confusion. "Whatever do you mean?" Harry mumbles, "it's my family's Gala love so I would like you to be there" "Oh I never knew it was your family, but are you sure?" "Yes of course Harold" Louis laughs and picks Harry up and twirls him around.

"Does this make me look fat?" Harry asks himself, yes you look ugly! Cover yourself up. His subconscious said and Harry looked down. Don't go at all, no one likes gay people. They will make fun of you. "Maybe I shouldn't go..." more like never leave your house! "Shut Up Shut Up Shut up! You're just in my head!" Harry groans and puts down his suit. It was pink and had flowers on it. He was also gonna put it with a white button up. Sigh why would Louis think you're a pretty boy? "Shut up subconscious", Harry keeps thinking, giving Pros and Con. He didn't hear Louis knocking on the door, "love? Are you okay? You've been in here for the past 45 minutes" Louis wraps his arms around Harry's Waist. "No not really, I don't think I will look good in this outfit...." Harry mumbles and turns around, "Well who cares what people think. You're gonna be with me love, now put the outfit down for now and cuddle me while I play with your curls" "I like when you are demanding" Harry giggles, his mood changing instantly from sad to happy. "Good I like when you are submissive" Louis smirks, oh the dirty jokes. Harry laughs "oh Louis, you dirty boy" after Harry gets done putting away his outfit he turns around and smiles at Louis. "Well love get used to it" Louis smirks

Oh what a treat they are in for tonight


If you confused because Louis is the son of the most powerful families in England and in the last chapter Harry was at his house, well Louis has his on flat. Because he is 18 in the story so that's why.

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All the Love, E


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