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        Kim Gayung. Even her name makes me mad.

        A while back I fell in love with a girl a few years older than me. She was smart and beautiful but all that really didn’t matter to me. What I loved about her the most was how much she loved music. Every day she would come to my house, where she always kept her keyboard since her parents didn’t allow it in their house, and she would play.

        Her music was always so beautiful. I could sit for hours and just listen to her play. After a few months we started dating. It was the best time of my life. I had never met a girl who loved music as much as me. We dated for a few months and it was wonderful. I was happy.

        Eventually Gayung graduated and moved out of her parents house. As soon as she moved out she started auditioning for different companies and eventually she got into one. It was fine at first. We still loved each other and we would talk on the phone but one day she realized that she didn’t love me as much as she did music.

        I was devastated. I loved Gayung more than I should have and when she left me with my soul broke.

        I just stood in the kitchen and thought for a moment about my past. I was surprised when I felt a tear roll down my cheek. I quickly wiped it off and shook my head to clear it. I didn’t have time for this.

        My mom chose this moment to walk into the kitchen. “Where’s Minji? Her clothes are done drying.” I pointed towards my room and my mom hurried off to find Minji.

        When Minji was ready to go home she briefly said goodbye and left. When the door closed behind her I went into my room and flopped on my bed. I heard something crinkle beneath me and when I sat up I saw a note.


                Thank you for helping me. I’m sorry I was a burden. I’ll pay you back soon.


        I looked at the note. Short and simple like always. I sighed and layed back down on my bed and before long I was asleep.

        The next morning when I got to school I sat down at my desk in the back of the classroom and immediately put my head down on the desk to take a nap. Students were still coming in and talking in their groups like always. I tried to block it all out.

        “Yeah, she was such an idiot. That stutter of hers I couldn’t take it any longer.” I heard a group of boys coming in and they all laughed. I looked up at the group and saw Namjoon in the middle of them.

        “I can’t believe she dated me for so long, that idiot.” The group laughed once more. “At least now I never have to listen to her stupid stutter again.” Namjoon looked over at me before continuing his talk. “I should have just had sex with her when we started dating so I could have broke it off sooner.”

        Before I knew what was going on I was half way across the room with Namjoon’s throat under my forearm pinned against the wall. I was angry. I had never been so angry before. He just looked at me in surprise and after a few seconds he just smirked.

        “What is it Yoongi? Are you jealous?” He laughed as much as he could with his air-way constricted by my arm.

        I was getting ready to punch him again when I felt someone grab me from behind. I looked down at the arms wrapped around my waist and saw that it was a girl. I looked behind me and Minji was crying into my back.

        “P-please s-stop Yoongi.” She looked up at my face at I felt all my anger fade away.

        I moved my arm away from Namjoon’s throat. He stood there for a second and I glared at him. He gave me one last look and walked away. I unwrapped Minji’s arms from around my waist and went back to my seat to take a nap. When I looked back up she was already gone.

        I spent the rest of the school day taking a naps during class and ignoring everyone just like a normal day. When the last bell rang I got up and went outside. As I walked towards the front door of the school I heard someone yell from inside on of the classrooms. Normally I would just walk by but curiosity got the better of me. It’s not everyday when someone besides me gets in a fight.

        I walked to the classroom and opened the door just in time to see Namjoon slap Minji across the face. Tears filled Minji’s eyes. I looked at Namjoon and felt all my anger come back. I walked into the classroom ready to start a fight when Minji noticed me.

        She slightly shook her head. I stopped in my tracks. Namjoon finally noticed me. I glared at him and walked up to Minji. I leaned down so my mouth was right next to her ear. “Run.” I whispered.

        I grabbed her hand and we both ran out of the classroom and down the hall side by side. I think I could get used to running away instead of fighting. At least it doesn’t hurt anything, but my pride. When we reached the front gates of the school we stopped and looked behind us. Namjoon was no where in sight.

        I looked at Minji and saw her cheek had a red spot on it from where Namjoon had hit her. My anger started to come back but then Minji took my hand again and started pulling me away from the school.

        “Where are we going?” I asked Minji.

        She didn’t reply so I just kept walking. When we stopped we were at a park. It was old, run down and really only had two swings and a slide. Minji walked over to one swing and sat down. I laughed a little at the sight of a high school girl sitting on a little kids swing.

        I walked over to the second one and sat down. I was to tired to ask her what was going on so we just sat on the swings in comfortable silence.  

        “T-thank you for helping m-me.” Minji said into the silence. I looked over at her and she was just staring at the ground. “N-namjoon and me h-have been dating and h-he broke up with me y-yesterday.”

        That was why she was sitting on that bench, but it didn’t explain why he hit her today. “Namjoon r-really isn’t that b-bad. H-he is really n-nice once you know him.” I looked at her and she was smiling. “H-he always h-helped me out when I needed i-it. S-sometimes he just loses his t-temper.”

        “Loses his temper? Minji, he slapped you.” I don’t know what she was thinking.

        She flinched a little. “I d-deserved it. I tried to tell him you w-were a g-good person and h-he should stop fighting you.” What?

        Why would she say something like that to him. Doesn’t she know how he feels about me? I just sat on the swing in silence. That bastard Namjoon. If he hates me so much he should fight me not Minji. I can’t believe him.

        I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked over at Minji. She smiled at me to try and make me less angry but I saw the sadness in her eyes. I think she was worried about me.

        I just continued to look at her for a minute and then I stood up and pulled her up off the swing. I grabbed her by the shoulders so he had to look at me. “Minji. I can take care of myself. I need you to take care of yourself. I’m not worth it okay?”

        She looked at me and started to cry. “You j-just always look s-so sad. I only w-want to h-help.”

        I pulled her into my arms and hugged her as tight as I could. She cried in to my chest for a long time and we just stood there in the park. This girl is going to cause me a lot of trouble. I thought to myself.

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