☣⚜Crimson Bane⚜☣

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"Why me?" Grace's complexion was bad.

Rogers's eyes darted away from her miserable face. He could come up with ten reasons of why she is being the target that she would accept. However, her friends probably will not listen to the end. "I would tell you why but that will put your friends in danger. It's up to you to decide whether to talk about it here in front of them or to go back with me and plan what to do next".

"I really do feel bad for being stupid and not being able to follow this shady conversation. I really am. So, who's Sebastian and why would we be threatened?" Jade narrowed her eyes on Rogers.

"It's related to a crime syndicate!"

"Crimson Bane?" Julian who remained silent asked suspiciously. Rogers nodded. "Get out!"


Crimson Bane, the city's infamous crime syndicate that has been operating for a century. No one ever had happy ending after getting themselves involved with the Bane. Back in the days it was hard to guess who were the elite members of the Bane because there were a few of them hiding among normal people. Now there are a few normal people hiding among the Bane members in the city.

Crimson Bane, although in the name is one organisation it has different fractions to itself. No one has ever seen the head of the criminal syndicate except Albert Holland. That is how he gained his prestigious identity for doing all the illegal things. The legal things are only a cover for his empire. As for The Ravagers, Albert Holland's empire, is one of the fraction under the Crimson Bane syndicate that deals with weapons and gambling. The Bourne is another fraction that is dealing with drugs and smuggling. The Williams uses their name for hotel management to immigrant smuggling and prostitution. Sebastian Bach runs human trafficking that even includes children. There were more fractions doing something very wrong under Crimson Bane.

These various fractions only an organisation in the name but nothing else. They are always having dispute and having bad terms in everything. That does explain Rogers's mislaunched missile and Stephen Jonah trying to hook his daughter up with a man that runs prostitution. Nevertheless, none of that explains why the human trafficking lord is after Grace.

Grace is one of the very few normal people seeking refugee among the Crimson Bane members. Yet, she has been targeted by one of the most wanted criminal. Her biological father is useless, her step family would be happy to get rid of her, her best friend is helpless, her best friend's boyfriend who was like a brother to her just kicked her out, her ex boyfriend cannot be dragged into this as he is a cop, she has no other friends, she just escaped death and the only person standing by her side is the one person she doesn't want to see at this moment.

"Will you stop crying?" Rogers was annoyed. She is acting as if this is the end of the world. He had seen the worst and he's right beside her. No one would dare to harm her as long as he's there. Rogers just wanted her to stop crying.

"I am not crying!" Grace sobbed. She was facing the window. She had a decent life a day ago and now she's on the run. Her mom often told her to cherish the moments she got to live happily because one day they might be gone forever.

"Of course. Your eyes must have gotten dust in them then". Grace didn't care to respond, Rogers sighed. "Do you know why they are trying to kill you?" Grace didn't answer him. "Listen, Ms Jonah! I don't know if you have realized the situation at this point but you are in grave danger. Only I can help... if you talk to me".

"How is that going to change anything? Besides you must have hidden intentions if you're willing to help me against them", Grace turned to Rogers. "Asking you for help is no different than asking that man to end my life."

Rogers laughed. "That horrible, huh?"

"It is. Not to forget you use me for inheritance and I use you to get my revenge. That is the end of our contract. Other than that, everything comes with a price". Grace wiped her face clean and blew off her nose. "What is the reason?"

"Weeks ago, The Black Jack clan organised a charity for homeless and immigrants who were physically and socially abused or that's what it was supposed to be until they were raided by the FBI. Apparently that wasn't a pleasant charity. Sebastian Bach was selling those people for various purposes. Remember the human slaughter for organs two months ago. He did that, of course everybody knows but there are no evidence to prove that. FBI also found seven dead bodies in the dungeon and some shady warehouses, I don't know much details. And one of them were a child".

"How is this related to me?" Grace interrupted without hesitation.

"They were raided because you tipped off the FBI".

"Me? Why would I do that? I am not completely insane! No... Never... This is bullshit!" Grace yelled in the car.

"You did!"

"No, I didn't!"

"Yes, you did! Or at least that's what the woman in the warehouse said."

"Now who the hell is the lady in the warehouse?"

"Your dad's secretary!"

"You could said that the first time, asshole. That wretch! Why would she frame me? The last time I saw her was when..."


"When she came with my assistant with some papers showing that he was seeing some people and trying to do some bad stuff like... kidnapping children or something... I don't know for sure but I told them to leave the papers and not to involve me in this. But, I did think if I tell someone I could probably get him behind the bars. That's all, I swear I didn't do anything else."


"It's okay if you don't trust me. I am going after that wretch and I am going to make her confess the truth."

"She confessed your name."

"Then I will make her confess again!" Grace snapped.

"Dead man tells no tale", Rogers hummed with a lazy tone.

"She's dead, that makes sense. You always have a gun with you right?"

"No, I don't!"

"There's one under your seat", Rogers suspiciously eyed Grace which she ignored. "Take it out and shoot me! It's better dying here than to suffer misfortunes, dying after tortured or being rescued by someone as evil as you! Come on, end me". She closed her eyes tight and waited for him to move.

Rogers pulled over. He stared at the her ready-to-die expression. He flicked her forehead. "Stop spouting nonsense. You won't die."

"I am dying. This is Crimson Bane we are taking about. Not only Black Jack but my dad is also involved. God knows how many other fractions were involved in this freaking charity that I tipped off...", Grace looked away. "Luckily I don't owe anyone anything in this life. You should get yourself a new wife."


"If I may ask for a favour, please drop me at the regular bar. Since I am dying soon I have to drink to my heart's content". Her determination was no joke.

Rogers clicked his tongue. He started the engine and drove.

 He started the engine and drove

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2020 ⏰

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