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Y/n pov

I was walking to lockers to take  some books for next classes. In corridor I was only there because lunch time is going to end. Then suddenly out of nowhere someone started dragging me I thought I should use my skill then I thought this is school so I should not use it. So I was about to scream for help but that person put their hand on my mouth and started dragging me so harshly.we ended up in a empty classroom. Suddenly that person pushed me making me fall. That's it I was about to punch that person but when I turned around it was my one and only brothers staring at me, no glaring at me like I killed a person. I was about to ask them what their problem. But they cut me off by shouting WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO OUR BEST FRIEND YOU BITCH!!!....
I was confused because I didn't know what they are talking about, because I didn't saw their best friend today.

.(Their best friend is Sana they care her like she is their own sister. But what they don't know is she is using them for fame and money. Sometimes Y/n could get jealous for her because her brothers always tell that Sana is like a lil sister to them. Now back to the story.)

I was about to protest that I don't know what they are taking about but they again cut me off but beating me till  I cough blood. But I did not cried that got them even more frustrated. But they stopped because the bell rang. So they left . I slowly stand up and went to my bag and  took my mini first aid-kit box and treat myself then went to class. When I step inside the teacher was not their so I went to my seat which was beside Lisa when settled down the first thing I was greeted from Lisa was Where have you been ? What took you this much time? I was so worried sick about you!!!..  I then told her everything. When I finished telling she was boiling from anger it is not new for me or her now I am used to it. Then the teacher came in then the class went on.


I was now in front of my brothers class for asking permission to go out. The school has ended I have to go to Mr Lee now but before that I have ask my brothers so now I am standing here in front of their class because they always spent their time here after school hours. Taking a deep breath I knocked on the door. After few minutes the door was  opened by  Jungkook Oppa. He was staring at me in disgust as I spoke Oppa I....I have a project to do with my friend in her house and buy some women things so I will be late Oppa after I finished my sentence he just stand there and star at me then slam the door shut on my face. Which means I am allowed now. Then  I went to Lisa and we both went to the HQ(Head quarters) when we entered the building everybody who pass us bow at us a respect as we walk in  with a cold and emotionaless face. Then we went to Mr Lee office we knocked on the door three times then  we heard a 'come in'.  Then we went inside only to see a serious face Mr Lee we both bow while saying

Lisa: Agent02 here sir

Y/n : Agent01 here sir

(You heard it correct yeah she is a secret agent and her Lisa also they both are top 5 best agent in Korea. They go to school because they want to  cover their original identity).back to the story.

Mr Lee : Y/n  I got some info that your brothers are the target of some mafias

I was hella shocked because why my brothers should be their target😯😯.
Like he read my mind he answered

Mr Lee : Because you are the top agent and they want you so they use your brothers to get you..

I was so angry that the stupid mafias is dragging my brothers in this Black world now. Lisa who was standing beside me put her on my shoulder and told 'its okay' then I clam down. Then I asked him what should I do now I have to protect my brothers and find that stupid mafias!!!👿👿

MY BROTHERS HATE ME 💔💔 (BTS FF)(On Going)Where stories live. Discover now