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- Natsuki -

Today is Monday, the last week of Junior High, and possibly the last week where I'll confess my feelings for Nagisa. If I'm honest, my plan seemed like it would not work out. I mean, confessing under a cherry tree? It's totally cliche and overdone. But just the thought of Nagisa accepting my feelings is enough to drive me into doing it. I chuckled as I looked at a pair of mangas in my bag. That idiot Leon never told me I could just find one in a nearby bookstore. I spent hours upon hours of straying like a lost cat inside the mall. 

I went through the day. As usual, it was interesting yet also boring at the same time. The hectic hustle and bustle of the classroom made it fun. Many were already preparing for graduation, even though it's a mere four days away. Lunch came by, the three of us including Nishinoya-chan ate together. Then another humid and boring afternoon passed. As the clock strikes three, my heart pumped nervously. I couldn't settle the fact that I would finally admit my feelings for Nagisa. 

A smile crept upon my face after the school bell rang. I emptied my desk and placed my things in my bag, including the two books of manga I bought. I excitedly brought myself toward the door and tried to hurry, but I suddenly heard my name being called out. 

"Where are you going Ushijima Natsuki?" Mae, my arch-nemesis in stealing homework from other people, looked at me with the same smug expression on her face. She placed her hands on her waist and glared. 

"Did you forget?" She pointed on the whiteboard. 

"You are on cleaning duty." Mae gave a lopsided grin. I narrowed my eyes at her poor attempts to try to prank me. 

"Did you really think I was gonna fall for that?" I laughed but Mae didn't look amused nor did she looked interested in my banter. 

"You better come here and clean with me or I will knock you out." I raised a brow at her threat, there is no way a girl at the short height of 5'5 can knock me out, but then I suddenly remembered that the short girl I'm talking about is Mae. The girl who beat up two delinquents in elementary school, and one of those delinquents, was me. 

"Fine," I surrendered and let out a sigh. A look of triumph was painted on her face. She threw a whiteboard eraser in the air for me to catch. 

"Come on, just wipe the board clean and sweep. It's not like you're going anywhere." I couldn't help but roll my eyes. I was planning to go somewhere and I was planning to confess to Nagisa, if only I wasn't on cleaning duty.

"Please, the reason why you are always on cleaning duty because you don't go anywhere." I teased and helped her wipe the whiteboard clean. 

"Yeah yeah. I have no life, so what?" Mae snapped back and smirked. We both laughed it off and continued on cleaning. The sooner I get this over with, the better. I remembered that I had Nagisa's number and that I could have texted her to meet somewhere, it was the moment that I realized I haven't been using my brain too much. 

The moment I finished sweeping the already clean floors, I drifted from the classroom to the hallway outside. I could hear Mae's annoyed screams from all the way here and it made me burst out in laughter. I halted from running like a crazed maniac and paused. Taking out my phone from my pocket, I sent Nagisa a message about meeting up somewhere near the school. 

I paced back and forth as I waited for her reply. It could be the message that will determine my future. I chuckled at the ridiculous thought. 

A loud sound rang on my phone, causing me to flinch at the abruptness of it. 

"Oh, God." I gulped down my nervousness, inhaling and exhaling a few times before I open the message. 

"Come on, Natsuki. Don't be a wuss." I told myself and tried to convince my panicked thoughts that it's better to get this over with. That even if I get rejected I shouldn't feel dejected over it. There are plenty of fish in the sea, right? Right, I'm Ushijima Natsuki, even if I get rejected I wouldn't care. 

I hesitantly opened the text box and hoped that I got the answer that I wanted. But to my disappointment, Nagisa's message was not the one I wanted. She said that she was busy, and was over apologetic about it. No matter how many times I said to myself I wouldn't feel dejected,  a surge of disappointment filled me. 

I let out a grave sigh and decided to take a long walk around the campus. I wanted to free my mind of things. Still, the disappointment that I felt was unexpected. Who would have known I'd feel disappointment for a girl. It was surprising, really. 

I shook my head and couldn't help but laugh at myself. There are still four days left, four days left for me to confess. If it doesn't work out, then I guess I should take that as a sign. 'Maybe Nagisa and I aren't meant to be.' Even that sentence alone made me laugh at myself.

I roamed around the empty hallways, making my way all the way to the first floor. 

"I should hit some spikes." I stretched my arms as I quickly moved toward the open gymnasium. The enthusiasm I had left quickly dispersed when I heard two familiar voices echoing inside.

"What? No, it's more interesting than the previous one." It was obvious that the voice was Nagisa's, the high-pitched yet somehow unannoying voice, clearly belonged to Nagisa. I leaned my back against the large door and eavesdropped. I couldn't help it. 

"I find the first book more interesting." My eyes went round, if I was hearing it correctly, I'm sure that was Leon's voice. But what are they doing here? I...thought Nagisa was busy doing something else? 

Unless she was just busy talking to Leon. I clenched my fist, I felt annoyed, betrayed and mostly pissed. Pissed at what is currently happening. I managed to shake off my angered thoughts and decided to listen in once more. Maybe I was just jumping to conclusions. Hopefully that is the case. 

"Leon, do you want to go the bookstore with me tomorrow?" My forehead creased. So they have been meeting outside of school. And I, never even noticed. 

It was a moment's temptation, but I decided to take a quick peek at the two. Maybe they coincidentally met up, or maybe they just wanted to exchange mangas. My mind kept coming up with random excuses, it tried to convince me that this might all be one big misunderstanding. But no matter how much convincing it does, I always revert back to the negative thoughts. 

Leon wouldn't do that. He's a good friend of mine, he wouldn't steal the girl I like. But then again, how could he steal her when Nagisa is not even mine. I stared hard at the two. The good side of mine kept telling me to not be an eavesdropper but my curiosity weighed over it. 

The more I looked at them having fun, sharing laughs and enjoying each other's company, the more I felt unhappy. Nagisa's expression with me and with Leon is like night and day, that realization alone left a sting in my chest.

My eyebrows creased when the two of them stopped the conversation midway. They both looked at each other's eyes, as if they haven't seen each other in a long time. The next few moments were a blur. I couldn't believe what my eyes were seeing. Leon smiled gently, a genuine smile. He slowly reached for Nagisa's face and brought it closer to his. The next thing I knew, his lips were planted on hers. 

I told myself to stop; to stop looking because I'd hurt more. But I couldn't look away, as if I was trying to punish myself the more I watched them. 

Finally, I've had enough. I reached for the mangas in my bag. It felt like there was no point in giving it to her. As I clenched my fist, I walked towards the conveniently placed garbage bin on the opposite side of me. I looked at the two hard cover books, narrowing my eyes and regretting the fact that I thought of confessing. 

I threw them out. It didn't matter to me anymore. None of it matter. Whether or not Leon did that on purpose is none of my business anymore. 

Leon, he was a good friend of mine. And unfortunately, good friends are easy to lose. 

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