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- 3rd Person POV -

K a r a s u n o   H i g h

The birds chirped outside Nagisa's classroom. As she listened intently to her teacher's lesson, she couldn't help but feel the excitement. She had always loved learning, but for the first time, Nagisa had found the lectures interesting— all thanks to her wonderful teacher. The teacher who was not only an avid manga reader but also an incredible volleyball player.

"Alright! Let's do the attendance," said their teacher, Hinata Natsu, enthusiastically. Names were called one by one, and each was met with a cheerful reply. As soon as she got to Nagisa's name, Natsu raised her brows in shock.

"Sawamura Nagisa?" She raised her head and scanned the room. Nagisa held her hand up high and shyly responded with an awkward smile.

"I'm... here," responded Nagisa.

Natsu smiled. "Oh, is your father Sawamura Daichi?"

"Yes." Nagisa nodded.

"Wow, you've grown up a lot! I can't believe I'm teaching one of my brother's friend's kids! Man I'm old." The class ended up laughing at her joke. Nagisa smiled and looked around to see her classmates looking at her with interest.

"Oh, we've got another one! Nishinoya Suzumi?"

"Yes! I'm right here. The pretty girl on the left," with no shame, Suzumi raised her hand in the air and smiled brightly. Nagisa pursed her lips together to prevent herself from laughing.

"Huh? Where? Is she absent?" their teacher teased with a mischievous smile.

"Sensei!" The class had a laugh at the mild entertainment in their classroom and it was all thanks to Hinata Natsu. No one in her family knew she had a knack for teaching— not even her older brother. And to say the least, Hinata Shoyou was surprised at her career choice. He always thought she was going to become a volleyball player— with her skills and all. But he still felt proud of his little sister for doing what she likes and being stubborn. It does run in their blood, after all.

The class had finally ended for the day and the sun began setting. The class packed up their belongings and excitedly left the room. Meanwhile, Suzumi and Nagisa contemplated on whether or not they should talk to their teacher.

"You do it. You both love manga, right?"

"N-no, she's busy packing up," replied Nagisa. Her friend looked at her and sighed.

"When are you gonna be social for once," teased Suzumi.

"Girls? Is everything all right? You guys know I can hear you, right?" Suzumi and Nagisa stood still upon hearing her teacher's voice. The sounds of her heels clicking get closer as she walked toward the two.

"I can't believe how you two have grown a lot. I remember seeing you two when you were babies!" said Natsu.

"You knew us?" asked Nagisa. The three talked for as long as they could— the conversation was mostly led by the enthusiastic teacher but Suzumi and Nagisa ended up learning a lot about each other.

"S-sensei, how does it feel to have someone famous as your brother?" asked Nagisa.

Natsu laughed and shook her head. "Well, there's nothing different. I don't think of him as someone famous. He's my brother after all. But there are ups and downs. My mother doesn't see him often anymore because of his schedule. If you'd like, I can let you and Suzumi meet him."

"EH?!" Both looked at her in shock. Nagisa had been a long time fan of Hinata Shoyou— she almost flipped when she learned that Leon and her idol meet for practices. She just couldn't let the opportunity slip away.

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