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By: we-with-the-wings-of-freedom

It was early in the morning and somehow s/o was already awake. S/o yawned and stretched.

S/o felt movement next to him. He thought Matthew was waking up. But it seems that s/o was wrong and Matthew was only changing into another sleeping position. S/o chuckled in his gruff morning voice. “You’re too cute Matty”.

Once s/o said those words he heard a yawn from his cute boyfriend. “Good m-morning, s/o.” Matthew said softly. S/o looked lovingly at his boyfriend and said. “Morning, dear. It’s quite early. Let’s sleep and cuddle up to each other some more.”

What pink tinted cheeks Matthew nodded his head. S/o then held Matty’s waist and laid them both back onto the soft bed.

Once they were all snuggled up s/o kissed Matthew forehead. They slept nice and soundly as the felt safe in each other’s arms. –

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