Nosy| Percy Jackson

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By: bigfan-fanfic

Percy was dreading introducing you to his mother and stepdad.

Not because they weren’t accepting; far from it. When Percy came out, Paul and Sally even made him a rainbow cake (with the blue stripe being the largest).

No, there was a reason he was dreading it

It was because they were so gods-darned nosy!

Sally called him up in the middle of your second date. “Percy, I heard from Thalia that you were dating. How long until we meet the lucky guy?”

“So, uh, Percy. Sally says that you’re dating. How’s that working out for you?” Paul asks as they do the dishes together one evening.

Percy visits Camp Half-Blood: “Percy, your mother has been depleting our store of drachmas in an attempt to find out who you are seeing, and the Stoll twins are providing her with increasingly falsified answers. I implore you to tell her.”

Percy goes to New Rome and meets an angry Reyna. “Percy Jackson, if your mother asks me about your love life one more time, you will be very sorry. Because I will END you.”

So finally, he decides that for the sake of his own safety, he’d better introduce you.

Sally’s all of a flutter when the doorbell rings. “They’re here! Paul, they’re here.”

“Yes, dear, I know.”

“I didn’t set the table with the blue placemats!”

“Sally, stop worrying, I did all that already...”

On the other side of the door, you and Percy are kept waiting for about five minutes while Sally goes over everything, which you can hear through the door.

Percy blushes. “She’s... embarrassing.”

“I think it’s lovely.” you chide him. Although part of you wants to see what happens if you walk in and wonder why the silverware isn’t blue or something.

Finally Paul lets you in, and you shake hands with him while Percy hugs his mom. You’re surprised when she brings you in for a hug, too, but it’s nice, because Sally Jackson gives some great hugs.

She especially approves of you if you’re wearing blue.

“Wow, you have a lovely home, Mrs. Jackson.” you say, and she absolutely BEAMS at you. Percy rolls his eyes and mouths kiss-up.

“Thank you, sweetie, and please, call me Sally. Now, let’s skip the small talk.”


“Tell me everything, how did you two meet? Where’d you go on your first date?”

“Sally, we promised not to grill them.”

“A mother has to know these things, Paul.”

“It’s okay, it’s okay.” you tell them, grinning. You’ve actually been waiting to brag about your first date.

While Paul checks on dinner and brings out blue Coke for everyone (Sally won’t tell anyone how she managed to produce such a miracle), you enthrall her with the tale of your first date.

How Percy was so nervous he spilled pizza on you, and then blasted you with water because his powers went a little haywire when he tried to clean you up.

It’s a hoot, and they almost don’t notice when dinner’s ready.

With Sally satisfied, conversation is wonderful. By the end of it, Percy is even smiling and wondering what he was worried about.

And so that’s that. Sally invites you to come over for dinner next week, and dinner with Percy’s mom and stepdad becomes a new once-a-week occurrence, given nothing else is happening.

“He’s really a catch, Percy, I don’t know why you didn’t introduce us sooner.” Sally tells Percy privately.

“Yeah, he seems like a good match for you.”


Percy eyes his mother warily. “So...”

“So... has it gone any further yet?”


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