Surprise| Draco Malfoy

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By: towrite-or-not-towrite

It happened when he was six.

Draco was dragged to a meeting in who knows where, very much against his will. What could he do though? He was six. He couldn't really say or do much, but his mother had convinced father not to make him sit in on the meetings; so win win for him. Besides, his mother also told him there was a boy around his age there he could play with. To say the least, he was excited.

That boy was you.

Your friendship got off to a rocky start when the two of you realized how little you could understand of each other. Literally. You had just started learning English and Draco couldn't speak Russian. Just to keep everyone on the same page, there was a translator following the two of you around. Eventually, you got kind of tired of her, and apparently Draco did too, the next thing you know you're showing your new friend around your home in broken English with no translator in sight.

Six year old Draco thought this was very cool. Older Russian boy was showing him around his mansion of a home, random English words being thrown in here and there. Not to mention you defended him from an attacking wasp, having chased it around the room when it first bothered him. At the age of seven, you were his knight in shining armor.

This trend continued far into the future, the two of you having remained friends and went to visit each other around once a year. He could still remember the day you sent him your first full-English letter or the time you told him before school started that you had been accepted into Durmstrang. How couldn't he remember when you told him how you'd been accepted ? It was during September before you started, you had wanted to wait to tell him face to face. He remembered your wide grin and sparkling eyes as you took his hand in your garden. Yes, your home had a garden, and he loved it even more after that night. You squeezed his hand, speaking to him in your now more deepish voice due to your accent, but you were speaking to him in English. As he looked into your eyes, a ten year old Draco noted the jolt that srtuck through him. He noticed he loved the way you looked at him like he was the only thing in the world worth anything; like he was special.

He felt loved.

It was only a few years later, after you had shared his excitement when he started Hogwarts, that he realized what the feeling was. During his years outside of Hogwarts, the two of you sent letters everyday. To his surprise, it continued when you started at Durmstrang and continued to go on as he went to Hogwarts. Everyday you got a letter from him and everyday he got a letter from you, owls were fast.

That feeling he was experiencing though wasn't anything platonic, oh no no. He had a crush and the more he thought of it, he's had it for awhile. He didn't know what to do and the yearly time the two of you spent together was coming up. He was in panic. He was an in panic, just found out he liked a boy, wizard.

Months passed and his worry was put to rest though not even a day into your yearly time together. His family always came to your place, so somehow, you two ended back in that garden. As you gazed up at the stars, laying beside each other in the grass the moment happened.

"The sky is beautiful tonight.." A nearly thirteen year old Draco muttered.

"Yeah, you are-" You caught yourself a little too fast, feeling tension overtake your body, then blind panic.

You heard Draco let out a heavy breath. "You.. do you think I'm.."

You wanted to lie, fake your way out of this, say it was a miss-translation, but you couldn't lie to him. "I-..I..да." You found him, quite literally, breathtaking. You always reverted back to Russian in times of stress, nervousness, or anger. It was just easier to yell in Russian than in English. He knew you weren't angry it stressed, so that only left one option.

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