Chapter 15 - Business

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Finally after a tiring journey she reached the mumbai airtport nd went outside by wearing scarf, shades nd everything which could cover every part of her body. Nd she directly headed towards the zara

At zara:-

Everybody in the office was watching her as everybody new she is shehnaz kaur gill nd was gossiping about what she s been doing here nd nobody was stoping her. but there was a group of people in which 10 people was present nd they were still doing their work shehnaz go to the cabin along with karan nd called everybody in the confrence.

In the confrence hall:

Sana: so hello guys vse to aap log muje jante hi hoge nd muje aap logo ki baton se hmari company k downfall ka reason bhi pta lg gya. Anyways, this is Ms. Kaur, i hope now u all have understood that who am i.

Everyone together, yes mam, (as everybody know that there is a girl named ms. Kaur who is the owner of zara).

Sana:- so ya now let's get to the work. First of all i wanna tell u that this is a work place nd their is no place for people who have highly major interests in my personal life or any other gossips so ya karan hand over them their termination letter except these people(pointing towards the group of ten people) nd begin taking the interviews of new people.

Staff: we are sorry mam it won't happen agin.

Sana: if u all wanna get a job in another company then make sure u all leave silently nd ya u the left ones don't u dare use this word in front of me understand. Sorry doesn't exist in ms. Kaur's world.

Everybody left except the group.

Sana: so now let's get back to the work so guys i want u all to prepare a presentation to for s&s for convincing them to invest in zara nd they can't run it without us.

Employees: but mam they have kept the meeting to think about our company nd the way u are asking us to prepare for presentation is made when someone already owns the company.

Sana: u all will get the questions of your answers but right now do as i say md feel free to share any of your opinions i know u all may get scared of me for what i did but don't worry i don't do anything to the innocent people nd i have observed u all. So ya now tell me about your opinions regarding the situation i told u. And please i request u all to stay here tonight if possible.

Everyone ok mam.

So they began working on the things nd at the midnight they were ready at with the presentation nd sana asked everybody to leave nd can take a leave for tommorow.


At shukla mansion:-

Sidarth was drinking continuously, so zain came nd asked, sir what happened u never drink like this what happened.

Sid:- i don't know am just feeling very restless. U were gonna tell me something urgent, what is it.

Zain:- sir we have got to know that ms. Kaur is here.

Sid: oh so she herself has came let's see what she has for us.

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