Chapter 20 - Visit

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They both reach towards their office nd begin doing their respective works sana was hell occupied with the work of interviews to employ new people. Now it was around 4 pm nd they all have taken almost 100 interviews nd have placed 10 employees nd now all siting together in her cabin.

Sana:- finally chlo aaj k interviews khtm huye.

Aparna:-hnm i was saying that interviews have finished for today nd we can begin working on our projects only once we will be done with this mess. So for now u are free, why don't you go to s&s nd give a check out to their office, while smiling internally.

Sana:- no AD it is not needed.

Aparna:- no sanu why is not needed. You remember na we are supposed to do a tie up with them. I know you trust him but still we should know more things about his company his employes we are suppose to work their.

Sana:- i don't trust him.

Aparna:- then go nd prove.


Saying so she leaves nd drove to s&s.

On the other side:-

Sid was in a meeting when he reached his office nd she was waiting for him in the waiting area when he comes out after 20 minutes nd saw her completely foucused on her mobile screen.

Sid:- hlw my loving wifey, u couldn't even wait for evening that u came here to saw your husband,with a smirk.

Sana:- cut the crap man, am here to look at your staff workers nd all. Am going to work with you so i just wanna make sure that things are done right.

Sid:- you should have done that till now anybody here could have given u a tour of my office, why u couldn't accept that you specially wanted me to do that hann, while teasing.

Sana:- oh shut

She was about to say more when her phone beeped nd she hugged him, he was taken aback with a sudden hug but reciprocated.

Sid:- o wifey control, am all yours.

Sana:- just shut your crap okay anyways i don't want to spoil my mood.

Sid:- nd what has made your mood. Can i know.

Sana:- i won the business women of the year, while smiling genuinely.

Sid:- oh my god sachii, congrates,while hugging her again.

Sana:- ya thank you, now let's talk about the bussiness, so show me your company.

Sid:- sure, let's go.

He show her the whole office nd now they were at the place where shoots for his company takes place, they were going at the place, when his phone rang nd

Sid:- sry but i have to take this, it's a bit urgent i will join you soon you go ahead.

Sana:- okay.

Saying so she moves towards the shoot area nd saw himanshi there. She gets angry after seeing her but somehow composed herself nd moves their.

Here himanshi was posing for the camera when she saw sana moving towards her. Sana comes forward nd said, hii ms. Khuarana.

Hk:- oh, guys see who's here today. Well you guys leave i think she will must need some privacy,while smirking

she hugged shehnaz

Sana:- why are you doing this drama.

Hk:- come on dear, we are old friends nd we have met after so long so their must be alot to tell na, while breaking the hug.

Sana:- u will never change na.

Hk:- leave that u tell me how is your child, is alive or dead. Wait i think probably died right, coz sidarth could never have accepted you along with your childs, right he is a man afterall nd a man could never accept a characterless women who is being with two mens at a time.

That's it sana slapped her on her face nd said, you bloody keep your mouth shut, you are no one to come in between us.

Meanwhile sid has come back when sana slapped himanshi sana s back was facing to sid nd himanshi has seen sid nd started crying, while saying no dear i was just asking about it i will never ever come in between asim nd you. Sana was about to say something when she saw sidarth right beside her, then himanshi said, sidarth ji she slapped me this is not done this is humiliating, saying so she started to leave. But sid stopped her nd move towards sana.

Sid:- i understand you must have been jealous from her being with asim but try to understand this is not a way to do things be professional nd u can't talk to my employees in this way apologise to her.

Hk:- no sidarth ji it's need to apologize i just want that it will not happen again, while trying to be hurt.

Sid:- see this is called professionalism. Nd himanshi it is not fine. Ms. Kaur i said apologize to her.

Sana: i am sorry ms. Khuarana but not for my behaviour regarding you fr the thing u told earlier coz u were right this man can never trust me, eyeing towards sid.

Saying so she calls zain nd asked him to do the thing she has texted nd reach sid cabin.

Sana:- see you in your cabin mr. Shukla.

Saying so she leaves nd sidarth too left after her.

In sid s cabin:-

They both were sitting in his cabin while sid was continuously blabbering but sana was acting as if turned deaf. After a few minutes which felt like eternity zain knocks nd come in holdong a cd.

Sana:- zain play this, while pointing towards the cd nd laptop kept there.

Zain does as said, it was the cctv footage of the hk nd sana s conversation.

As the covo ends. Sid looks at sana, nd said, i am... But sana cuts him in between nd said.

Sana:- u don't need to am sorry that i thought u will keep me above from other people vo kya h na itne dokhe khame k baad akal to aa gyi but dil to abhi bhi dimag ki nahi sunta na. Anyways u wanna know na why i was angery at her, i know u said this in between your talks you thought that i wasn't listening to you i have heared all the allegations you have put up on me in these 10 minutes. But never mind so let me tell you. " ALIZA DIED BCOZ OF THIS WOMEN"., saying so she left.

Sidarth was in deep thoughts but get up with the voice of shutting the door.

Sid:- zain get this girl fired, i don't even wanna to see her face u get that.

Zain:- but sir it will loss

Sid:- i don't care i just want that it should be done. Nd make sure her career got distroyed. I want that girl finished. I don't know what had happened but even if their is 1% chance that she is involved in all this. She is so dead.


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