Chapter 16 - Dhokha

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Flashback continues..........

Asim nd sana saw the door open nd run inside nd saw sid was making out with arti. The sight has shocked her. She was standing there just numb. Asim saw her face nd was trying to talk to her but she was not reacting. In the meanwhile aarti came to her nd slapped her hard on her face.

Arti:- what d hell u bitch u spoiled our moment. Don't u have manners to not to invade into someone's privacy han.

With that she was again going to slap sana but asim come in between nd hold her hand.

Sana:- asim leave her. Let's take sidarth home.

Asim:- sanu are u serious.

Sana:- do u really think am in a mood to jock. Anyways i know what u are thinking but we will talk about it later nd ya call d driver nd send arti home safely nd ya plyzz make sidarth wear his clothes nd arti i hope u too don't wanna go home wearing this duet so go nd wear something. Asim am waiting outside tell me once u are done with d things.

Asim: ok.

Sidarth was half awake he was not in his full senses. So Asim helped him in wearing his clothes nd called sana in nd the trio drove to their house. After reaching they laid sidarth on the bed nd sit on the couch of their room.

Asim:- we need to talk sanu.

Sana:- i know.

With that asim pulled sana into a bone crushing hug nd both of their eyes got watery but they wipe them off immidiately. Nd sana said, asim i think something is really fishy.

Asim: plyzz stop enacting sanu i know u are a good actress but not in front of me.

Sana :- Am not acting asim am just stating the fact. Nd u too know that even if sidarth wanna fulfil his desires or something like that then he should have chosen a stranger not a known women who will cause trouble for him.

Asim:- What do u wanna say sanu nd don't try to defend him this time.

Sana :- No asim am not defending its just i want to know the truth nd i need your help.

Asim:- Am always their sanu but tell me one thing that why u let arti slap u.

Sana:- Bcoz i deserve this, coz i failed my marriage coz i was not fucking able to fulfil my husband s desires, while crying badly.

Asim hugged her tightly nd said, no sanu u didn't failed ur marriage nd if u are trusting him over this then how could u think like that tell me is their something more as well which i don't know. Sana gets up nd show him the pictures she's been getting from past week.

Sana:- i know that he s not wrong today but these days i can't take a chance. You know what i have trusted him blindly even after this. But now am just feeling like am being fooled. I don't want to leave him for the mistake he hadn't done. But at the same time my mind don't want to leave thinking about living with a person who has cheated whether it's unintentional. What should i do???

Nd she was crying badly nd asim was trying to comfort her while hugging her nd continuously rubbing her back. After sometime they slept in the same position. In the midnight sid woke up nd saw the scenario he was still in daze so he slept again. But in the morning when he get up he didn't find anybody around nd his head was paining nd their was lemonade some tablets nd a note sticked to it. After gulping medicine nd lemonade sidarth read the note

Please don't find me am fine nd will catch up with u once i will be able to.

Your wife
Sid pov:-

Ohh god it means she left me oh ya now i remember she was sleeping with that bastard in the night i was not fully awake but i do have seen them holding each other. This women was cheating on me. Yesterday i have tried my luck by flirting with aarti so that she could react but no she didn't said anything which means tara was right she is cheating on me. Coz if she would have still loved me she would have scold me or being jealous but no. And ya i remember i was drinking nd then i just remember they both have take me home nd whispering something which i can't hear. Oh so this was their plan they have caught me red handed making out wid aarti. O shit shit i have given her d reason dammit man. She left me. She left me. But i still don't get one thing that why she want to play this victim card she can just tell me she love him i wouldn't have even stopped her. Oh god what should I do now.

After one day he recieved a text,

I know you were not wrong that day your drink was spiked and i trust you but i still need sometime to be back nd to digest the fact that u too have make out with her. So am sorry i will be back after some time. Nd their were some work as well so am in punjab. Will catch you up. Don't worry everything is kept under control.

Sid:- One more lie why do she has to do this i know she is with asim in punjab then why she's been behaving like this. Nd pretending to be upset with me oh god what does she want from me now.

Flashback ends.............................

Back to present............................

Sid pov:-

I still remember i was not fully awake but i have seen her face that day nd i can never forget that. Nd today she's having that same nonethless face i have met her after that as well but still that day their was something on her face but today it's dead blank.

Suddenly he realized she s not receprocating the hug so he broke the hug.

Sid: oh shehnaaz long time, what got u here today your extra merital affair is no longer to fulfil your desires nd luxuries.

Sana:- first of all, this is ms. Kaur mr. Shukla. Secondly, am here for bussiness. Thirdly don't try to act dumb which i know you are absolutely not and u know why am here.

Sid: i seriously don't know.

Sana: oh ya how could i forget mr. Shukla k meri company k innogration m mera khud ka hi pati absent tha nd use name kse pta hoga ryt. So ya this is ms. Kaur. Mr shukla. Owner of zara nd am here to represent that. So am here for bussiness nd for your kind information let me tell you. I am not dependent on others for my luxuries.


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