Story Intro/ Description

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Hello! This is one of the first books I've ever written so I'm sorry if there are a lot of mistakes or if the story seems rushed or if the characters don't seem very cannon.

I'm mostly writing this because quarantine has me stuck in my house bored. Each chapter most likely will be kind of like a oneshot since they won't really be connected.

There won't be much of an uploading schedule since I'm kind of just writing for fun.

I have not read the comic but I will base some of these chapters off of spoilers I've heard such as Kenma being an owner of a gaming business.

The fanart and gifs used in this story are NOT mine I'll try to credit as many people as I can in the author notes. However the cover is mine.

I don't know how long this story will be just yet but I hope you all enjoy, please comment often! comments make my day so much better love you guys and thank you for clicking on my story.

-Kendall ❇

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