Chapter 3: A New Friend

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Gladion stalked through the woods with Umbreon beside him.

There goes my chance at a pokemon battle...Gladion thought fiercely about the two trainers who had interrupted his battle against Guzma. Sighing, he threw out three pokeballs, revealing the rest of his team of pokemon.

"Alright, who's up for some hardcore training?"

Zoroark used Night Daze on Umbreon who hopped neatly out of the way, Lycanroc used Stone Edge but was interrupted by Silvally using Crush Claw. Gladion whistled, Silvally lifted it's head and signaled the others to go back.

"Alright, good work!" Gladion praised, the pokemon let out a yowl of agreement.

"Umbreon, your speed is coming along nicely. Zoroark, we need to use your illusions a bit more during battle. Silvally and Lycanroc, your dodging skills are great but your attacks needs to be a bit more precise." Gladion pointed out, his pokemon nodded. 

"Return." Silvally, Lycanroc, and Zoroark were returned back to their pokeballs.

"Let's get you guys to a Pokemon Centre." Gladion said before carefully storing the pokeballs inside his pocket.

They were nearly at the edge of the forest when they heard some rustling from a nearby bush. Umbreon tensed, Gladion fixed his eyes on the threat.

"You've got this, Umbreon...." Gladion murmured to the pokemon who nodded determinedly. Gladion could not help feeling uneasy, Umbreon spent it's energy on training and if an especially strong opponent shows up, their chance of winning are slimming. 

The bush shook and something came out of it, leaves drifted to the ground as the pokemon stepped out. It looked up at them with it's puppy dog eyes, Gladion raised an eyebrow.

"Growl-arrrf?" The Growlithe looked up at them. Gladion saw Umbreon's shoulder relax, this pokemon had no intents on battling them. Smiling, Gladion let out a relieved breath and proceeded out of the forest. 

It was barely a minute before he heard the sound of soft paws padding behind them. Gladion looked back to see the Growlithe following them. With some surprise, Gladion noticed that it was limping, it's hind paw dragging on the ground. Gladion stopped, Growlithe stopped. 

If Team Skull or a particularly aggressive pokemon shows up, it's over. Gladion thought to himself and slowly began to approach the pokemon, he didn't need to since it had no intentions on running away. Carefully, Gladion inspected the injury.

"It seemed to be badly bruised...Nurse Joy will fix you up." Gladion gently petted the pokemon on the head, it rubbed it's head on the side of his leg. Umbreon sniffed the pokemon curiously before nosing it affectionately. 

"Silvally, come out!" Gladion tossed a pokeball into the air. Silvally appeared, the pokemon looked down at Growlithe who backed away with a low whimper. 

"Don't worry..." Gladion soothed, the pokemon immediately relaxed. Gladion lifted it and set it upon Silvally's back. They started for the Pokemon Centre.

"Hi there! How can I help you today?" Nurse Joy kindly asked as Gladion walked in. He gestured at the ball of fur on Silvally's back.

"It has a bruise on it's back leg." He explained, Nurse Joy nodded. 

"Anything else?" She asked and took Growlithe in her arms, Gladion returned Silvally and handed her all of his pokeballs. Nurse Joy nodded twice before dissapearing through a door.

Moments later, she returned and held out five--not four pokeballs. Gladion gave her a questioning look.

"You do own the Growlithe, don't you?" Nurse Joy asked. Gladion shook his head.

"Then you can release it back into the wild....or you can catch it." Nurse Joy handed him a few pokeballs with a twinkle in her eyes, Gladion was about to protest but decided against it. 

He walked back the way they came and took out the pokeball containing Growlithe.

"Come out, Growlithe!" Gladion tossed the pokeball. The pokemon appeared and gazed at him with it's round brown eyes.

"You're free to go now." Gladion said, none too friendly and began walking away. Moments later, he turned around to see Growlithe following.

"You can go now, why are you following me?" Gladion looked at the pokemon sternly but Growlithe only wagged it's tail.

"Do you....want to be my pokemon?" Gladion asked and raised an eyebrow at the pokemon who leaped up in a whirl of flame and nodded fiercely. Nurse Joy's words echoed in Gladion's mind.

"Alright then...Growlithe, let's go!" Gladion hurled out one of the pokeballs, it touched Growlithe and the pokemon disappeared. The ball barely shook before the stars appeared, signaling that the pokemon had been caught.

I suppose I was wrong about you. Smiling, Gladion picked up the pokeball and stored it inside his pocket.

Published: 2020-08-04

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