Chapter 10: Battles In The Sky

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Fluffy, dark clouds drifted around as the Ultra Guardians sailed through the sky. The moon was full and the sea was rippling beneath them.

Moon squinted her eyes at the sky before them, catching darts of movement every now and then.

"Keep your eyes peeled. Necrozma---Dawn Wings could do anything." Kiawe warned. Moon nodded and reached into her pocket to pet the three pokeballs she had, Hau's Decidueye beat it's wings again to lift into a glide.

"Moon! To your left!" Mallow's voice suddenly rang out. Moon, who has been watching the clouds absentmindedly, jumped at Mallow's words. Glancing to her left, Moon saw Dawn Wings hurdling towards her at full speed, it's wing pumping the air.

Decidueye acted quickly and took a sharp dive downwards, barely missing Dawn Wings' razor-sharp claws. Above them, the Ultra Guardians scattered.

"Altaria, use Mist!" Lillie's voice echoed through the air, followed by a blast of sparkling whiteness. Dawn Wings' roar was heard somewhere within the mist.

"Attack it while it's confused!" Ash yelled while giving orders for Garchomp to attack. A series of attacks were thrown into the blanket of whiteness. Ash could only imagine Dawn Wings being bombarded by them. As the mist parted, Ash's hopes vanished along with it.

Dawn Wings was nowhere to be seen.

"What in Arceus name?" Kiawe cursed.

"Where did it go?" Lana asked, Mallow shrugged in return.

"Above you!" Moon shouted, her finger pointing upwards.

Ash turned to look up, the giant bat-like pokemon hovered above them, it's snout curling into a devilish grin.

A dark-purple aura surrounded the pokemon, sucking up all the light around them.

"Umm...Rotom? What is it doing?" Ash asked the red pokemon beside him with some dread.

"Night Shade, a ghost-type pokemon move. " Rotom stuttered.

"Well in that case...Noivern, use Dark Pulse!" Gladion commanded, the dark-type move quickly canceled out the ghost-type. After the explosion went off, Dawn Wings disappeared once more.

"So this is what we're doing now? A game of hide-and-seek?" Kiawe asked, sarcasm hinted strongly in his voice.

5 minutes later....

"Huh, I though it'd attack----" Sophocles was cut short by a bat-like creature divebombing him from the sky.

"Decidueye, Sky Attack!" Moon called out. The bird-pokemon's body flared a blue aura and it swooped towards Dawn Wings The two pokemon collided.

Moon felt herself knocked off balance. She toppled sideways and plummeted down through the clouds. She opened her mouth to scream but before she could, she felt herself fall on to something.

"Moon! Are you okay?" Lillie asked, Moon nodded shakily and positioned herself on Lillie's Altaria.


"Gladion returned it back to Hau's pokeball." Lillie responded to Moon's half-finished question. Moon nodded guiltily, thinking of how Hau would react.

"Charizard, Flamethrower!"

"Flygon, Dragon Breath!"

Kiawe and Mallow's attacks rang out. The Ultra Guardians darted around Dawn Wings, trying to keep it contained while not getting themselves killed in process.

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