Chapter 9: Dawn Wings

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A wave of water crashed to the shore and a large, bat-like pokemon burst out of it's surface. Teeth bared and eyes blazing, Lunala lashed out, throwing attacks towards Dusk Mane.

Gladion's Z-move shattered, Zoroark fainted, the claw-like hands retreated back to the ground. Dusk Mane pawed the ground, roaring as Lunala swooped down to deliver more blows.

"Umbreon, Lycanroc! Use Shadow Ball and Stone Edge!" Gladion yelled, the remaining two pokemon in his team leaped forwards. Blue stalagmites erupted from the ground, catching Dusk Mane in the stomach and forcing it back, Umbreon hurled a dark ball towards it.

"Hurry up and help me out!" Gladion shouted at Ash and the others, who've been petrified for the last five minutes.

"Right..." Ash muttered, "Lycanroc, Meltan, Rowlet, Torracat let's go!"

The pokemon's attacks crashed against Dusk Mane who barely paid attention to their feeble attempts. The pokemon let out a violent hiss and raised one aura-surrounded claw to use Shadow Claw on Lunala once again, Lunala swerved sideways, barely missing the attack.

Ash glanced sideways at Gladion. Silvally was back on it's feet, Ash looked down to see Pikachu blinking up at him from it's previous unconscious state.

"Pikachu, your turn! Use Iron Tail!" Pikachu moved swiftly forwards, it's tail glowing white right before it leaped up and whipped it at Dusk Mane. The attack caught the pokemon in the chest, it roared in a confused way before looking down it's nose at Pikachu who slowly backed away.

"Silvally, use Crush Claw!" Gladion shouted, Silvally roared, it's claw glowing before leaping up and slicing down. Dusk Mane, clearly distracted by the other pokemon's attack, forgot Pikachu momentarily but it was enough time for Pikachu to escape.

However, Silvally wasn't so lucky. Dusk Mane reached up with it's claw and batted Silvally out of the air, a large black stalagmite erupted from the ground before catching the pokemon in the stomache and knocked it to the ground. The pokemon didn't get up again.

"Silvally!" Gladion yelled and ran over to return the pokemon. Dusk Mane roared and slammed one of it's paws into the ground, sending pieces of rocks flying through the air.

The ground below their feet begin shaking. Ash took a wrong step back, the ground behind him crumbled and he leaped forwards in alarm.

"Moon, watch out!" Lillie's scream suddenly rang out. The trainers all turned to look to see that the ground where Moon was standing had cracked and drifted away from the others, and worse, beginning to crumble. The girl screamed and took a daring jump towards Lillie's outstretched hand, Moon missed by an inch, she fell down into the deep crack in the ground, her fingers grabbed on to the edge.

"Moon!" Sun screamed and launched himself off the ground to his sister, Gladion caught the boy by the wrist right before the ground before him crumbled. Sun stared wideyed at the freshly opened crack in the ground. Mallow screamed. Gladion looked back, sweat dripping from his forehead.

Mallow was desperately trying to get away from Necrozma who was hurling attacks at the green-haired trainer. But 'getting away' was quite a hard task to do when the ground is literally crumbling beneath your feet.

Where the heck is Lunala---Gladion was just began thinking about this question before a large, windy blur hurled passed him and into the crack where Moon fell into just seconds ago. When Lunala emerged, Moon was clinging to it's neck and staring down at the ground with a horrified expression

Lunala barely went two wingbeats before an orb-like attack caught it in the chest, knocking the pokemon off course. Moon was dropped midair but thankfully, Primarina blew a large bubble to cushion her fall.

"Lunala!" Ash whirled around to see Lunala struggling to get up from it's crash-land in the sand. The ground was no longer trembling under his feet and the trainer began to make for the Moon Pokemon. Dusk Mane beat him to it.

With teeth bared, Dusk Mane leaped on top of Lunala and sank it's teeth into her right shoulder blade. Lunala let out a cry of pain. Lillie covered her eyes and screamed.

A dark and purple aura surrounded Lunala and Dusk Mane. Gladion stared horrified as a brand new creature emerged. Necrozma stretched out it's new, bat-like wings and let out a melodious roar of triumph.

Solgaleo lay on it's side, it's flank heaving. Dawn Wings poised for flight and took off into the sky, it's luminescent wings beating the air before disappearing through the clouds.

"Solgaleo!" Ash yelled and ran over to the legendary pokemon who was clearly closed to faint, Professor Burnet approached trembling with fright.

Gladion whistled, a Noivern swooped down from the skies and the blond leaped on to it's back.

"Where are you going?" Sun shouted, his eyes searching the skies fearfully.

"I'm going after Necrozma. Who knows what that pokemon might do?" Gladion answered.

"We'll come too." Mallow said determinedly, gesturing at the rest of the Ultra Guardians. Gladion simply nodded.

"But what about Solgaleo?" Ash demanded.

"I'll take care of him." Professor Burnet soothed.

Hau nodded and stepped forth, "I'll stay here with Professor Burnet, you guys go after Lunala--"

"Dawn Wings." Professor Burnet corrected.

Six more pokemon came swooping from the skies, each pausing in front one of the Ultra Guardians.

"Here, you can take my Decidueye." Hau offered one of the pokeballs to Moon who took it with a grateful nod.

"What about me?" Sun pouted. Gladion snorted, reached down, and jerked Sun on to Noivern by the collar of his shirt.

"Let's go!" The blond shouted. Eight pairs of pokemon and their trainers rose into the air and flew towards the sky where Dawn Wings disappeared moments ago.

Published: 2020-10-10
Words: 964

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