Chapter 5: Necrozma's Revenge

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In the dark universe of the Ultra Space, an evil mind stirred, having been concealed for hundred maybe thousands of years. Necrozma roared and lashed out, shattering the jagged black rocks with it's claws, sending showers of sparks to the ground. 

The pokemon clawed it's way out of it's prison and took it's first breath of the ghostly, Ultra Space air. 

"I'm back." The pokemon thought, raising it's head to look at the vast, black sky. A roar sounded and echoed throughout the universe. 

"Solgaleo." Necrozma realized and his mind seethed with unrecognized anger. 

Only few knows that Necrozma had once been known as 'The Blinding One' and lived to tell the tale. It was Necrozma who created Solgaleo and Lunala. It was Necrozma who had saved the entire Ultra Space from destruction. And he had paid the prize. There was not one touch of light in the pokemon's heart, it vanished into thin air when he sacrificed himself. Now all was replaced with the thirst for power and the hunger for revenge. 

"I'll get revenge. I'll make them all feel what it's like to be powerless!" With that, Necrozma leaped into the air. 

"But first, I think I'll pay a visit to the normal world." The pokemon lifted one of it's claws, a portal formed, an Ultra Wormhole. Necrozma didn't hesitate before flying straight through it.

"Sooooooo, what exactly do we do in the Trial?" Sun asked, Gladion sighed.

"We battle Tapu Koko." He replied, Sun nodded in return.

"Well then? Get on with it." Hau jumped up and down on the ground beside them. 

"Lycanroc." Gladion tossed out a pokeball. 

"Errrr, Boltund?" Sun tossed out his pokeball. 

"You gotta be a bit more confident than that, mate." Hau shouted at him, Sun handed his backpack to Moon with an eye roll. 

"Anyways. Battle, begin!" Hau yelled hysterically. Tapu Koko surged forwards and the space around them was filled with electrical energy.

"Electric Terrain..." Gladion murmured. Tapu Koko flew forwards, it's shell glowing white.

"Lycanroc, Dodge it!" The red wolf leaped neatly out of it's way. Tapu Koko rounded on Boltund.

"Boltund, Thunderbolt!" A bolt of lightning shot down, Tapu Koko easily blocked it. Meanwhile, Lycanroc circled behind.

"Lycanroc, Night Daze then Shadow Claw!" Lycanroc quickly ran forth and threw a black and purple ball of energy at Tapu Koko who flew out of the way. All of them, except Gladion, looked shocked for a moment. 

Lycanroc leaped up, it's claws glowing a purple and black aura, and lashed out again at Tapu Koko. The pokemon was knocked back by several lengths. At that moment, Lycanroc's illusion fell, revealing Zoroark instead. 

"Don't just stand there! Help out!" Gladion hissed at Sun who was gaping at him.

"Boltund, use Wild Charge!" Boltund threw a ball of electricity at Tapu Koko who batted it away easily. Gladion groaned in a half-exasperated way.

"Zoroark, Night Daze again!" 

"Boltund, Thunderbolt!" 

Both pokemon performed their attacks but Tapu Koko remained standing, a sparkling aura surrounded it.

"Dazzling Gleam..." Gladion's eyes widened, this was their chance.

"Zoroark quick! Use Shadow Claw!" Zoroark's claws glowed purple and black. It surged forwards and slammed into Tapu Koko at full force. 

"Sun, now!" Gladion yelled to the boy beside him.

"Boltund, use Thunderbolt!" 

The battle would've continued if it wasn't for the Ultra Wormhole that opened. All of them momentarily forgot about the battle as they watched the portal grow. Sun and Moon with surprise. Gladion and Hau with shock. Tapu Koko and the other pokemon with unreadable expressions. 

A giant, black pokemon squeezed out of the portal and surveyed them with it's glittering blue eyes. Seconds passed, Gladion's mouth fell open in horror. Tapu Koko rose into the air to stare back at the pokemon.

Without warning, the pokemon sidled back and hurled a ball of bright light towards them. Moon screamed. 

Gladion ducked away and pulled Sun to the ground. Zoroark moved towards them but was cut off by the Ultra Beast.

The pokemon's attack hit an innocent tree, snapping it clean off it's trunk. Tapu Koko let out a cry of anger and flew forwards to perform an attack of it's own. The Ultra Beast roared in turn and lashed out with what Gladion realized to be the move, Pyscho Cut. Tapu Koko swerved out of the way.

"Tapuuuu Kokoooo!" The guardian cried and the ground below cracked open, blasting the Ultra Beast into the air. The giant pokemon seemed clearly angry, it lifted one of it's formidable claws and rounded on Moon who was cowering behind a bush. 

"MOON! LOOKOUT!" Sun yelled but was too late, the pokemon slammed it's claws down. Moon let out an earsplitting scream. Gladion looked up just in time to see Tapu Koko in front of her right before the pokemon's claw came down. With a sickening crunch, Tapu Koko was thrown back and hit a tree in the opposite direction, then slid to the bottom before passing out. 

"Zoroark, use---" Gladion begin, but before he could finish, sharp, cold claws curl around him, he was lifted off of the ground. He kicked out but was held fast by the pokemon, he looked sideways to see Sun stuck in the same process. 

"Sun!" Moon shrieked, her voice was lost to the wind as Gladion felt the Ultra Beast leap up and back into the portal, taking him and Sun with it.

Published: 2020-08-12
Words: 903

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