Chapter 11: Sun, The Dimwit

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"Why aren't you just adorable?" Mallow cooed, crouching in front of the Skitty. She rubbed her hands across the pokemon's furry cheeks.

"What are you going to name it?" Lana asked, bending over to pet the pokemon on the head.

Lillie thought for a moment, her brows knit. Ash and the others waited patiently for her decision. To their biggest surprise, Lillie nodded her head at the blond boy beside her. "What do you think, Gladion?"

This caught her brother completely by surprise. Gladion blinked rapidly for a few times before shrugging and turning away from the lot.

"I prefer a nice sensible pokemon name or not naming it at all which is much more desirable in my case...Just name it Skitty for Arceus sake."

Sun rolled his eyes.

Kiawe snorted.

Ash blinked, dumbfounded.

Moon look troubled.

Hau grinned sheepishly.

"What did you expect?" Mallow sighed.

"Don't say I didn't warn you! You guys asked for my opinion!" Gladion shot back, clearly irritated. Lillie sighed and turned towards Moon.

"What do you think?"

Moon thought for a moment, before taking a deep breath, "I-think-that-Blossom-would-be-a-great-name-think-about-it-Lillie's-name-is-Lillie-and-Lillie-stands-for-a-flower-so-therefore-Blossom-would-be-the-perfect-fit-for-her-pokemon-since-it-involves-flowers-too."

If there was a record for world's fastest answer-giver, Moon left that in the dust.

Gladion nodded his approvement. "Logic, I see."

"All I heard was blossom, Lillie, and flowers." Sun admitted and recieved a smack on the head from his sister.

"That's a great idea!" Lillie chirped. She cradled Blossom and for the first time ever, noticed how Snowy was sitting beside her, a look of betrayal on its face.

"Wait, you're not really going to name it that are you?" Moon looked thunderstruck.

Lillie barely glanced at her. "It's the perfect name, you thought of it!"

"B-but I-I didn't mean f-for you-----" Moon trailed off, facepalming furiously. "Forget it."

"Alright. Snowy, meet Blossom. Blossom, meet Snowy." Lillie dropped Blossom on to the ground next to Snowy. The two pokemon locked eyes. Snowy lifted her chin up dignifiedly before pivoting around and smacking Blossom in the face with all of her six tails. Blossom let out a yowl and leaped back, hissing.

"Oh my goodness!" Lillie yelped and scooped up Blossom.

"Is that how you treat newcomers, Snowy?" Lillie scolded the Vulpix. Snowy looked away deliberately. Lillie sighed exasperately and turned away.

"I guess Snowy's not use to other pokemon friends."

"They'll work out, you'll see." Mallow insisted.

Gladion leaned forward to glance at the letter, still held in Lillie's hand. "Is it just me, or does Margaretha seem too much like a know-it-all?"

"That's only because someone is a better know-it-all than you for the first time." Lana retorted. Gladion stared extremely hard at her but shrugged and turned away.

"In fact, I think it's very important information she shared with us. Perhaps it could help us save Alola, who knows?" Sophocles pointed out.

"For Arceus sake can we just go to bed already? Maybe it's just me but I'm really tired, like really, really, really tired! And the last thing I wanna worry about is know-it-alls!" Hau shouted. Almost on cue, Professor Wicke appeared.

"You all should be resting by now! Tomorrow's going to be a long day!"

Hau crossed his arms and shot them an I-told-you-so look.

Sun turned to Gladion. "I'm not sure about you, but I don't think I can sleep tonight."

Gladion turned away. "Well, I can. G'night." And marched out of the room, Umbreon gave Sun a dissaproving look before catching up to it's blond-haired trainer.

"Hmmmph. Gladion is sure a one of a kind." Sun fumed.

3 hour later...

Ash was snoring on the floor, Pikachu and Meltan dosing right beside him. The Ultra Guardians, including Hau, had decided to sleepover at Professor Kukui's house that night and so far, nothing unusual has happened yet.

Gladion, Lillie, Sun, Moon were invited to stay at Aether Paradise for the night. It was quite unexpected when Gladion accepted their offer, noting how he's more of an I-can-do-my-own-things-no-thank-you-to-your-offers person.

The others should be sleeping by now. Moon's eyes were asleep but her brain was far from that.

Finally unable to ignore the silence anymore. Moon flipped away her blanket and stumbled out into the hall.

The lights were dimmed so her eyes quickly adjusted. She trudged down the hallway, stopping at her brother's room, slowly raising one fist before giving the door three, deliberate knocks.

Sun, of all the people to wake up in the middle of the night. He's probably asleep knowing how---- Moon's thoughts were cut short by the sound of shuffling feet from the other side of the room.

Sun creaked open the door, staring at her with clearly opened eyes.

"Moon!" Sun whisper-shouted.

"Sun!" Moon shouted back at him.

"What? Can you not sleep either?

Sun blinked at her groggily. "I suppose I can't."

"Then come, join me on my Exépedition de Aether Paradise!"  Moon twirled around in her pajamas, adding a very French-like accent to the mix.

"Moon!" Sun groaned. "I don't have time for this!"

Moon giggled. "What else are you going to do? Soleil?"

"Okay, fine. I'll join this cursed expedetion of your's! Just stop acting like a French maid for Arceus sake!"

"We've gotta wake Lillie and Gladion too!" Moon pointed out. Sun looked as if she had just slapped him.

"Lillie? Sure thing. Gladion? Na-ah. Stands for absolutely, definetly, certainly, positively NO." Sun shook his head from side to side like an elephant with an annoying fly buzzing around it's head.

"Sun. Gladion is not scary!"

Sun shot her a what-do-you-mean look.

"He's not that scary but do it...or else." Moon rolled her eyes upwards and stared at Sun through her hollowed out eyes, entering creeping-Sun-out phase. If there is anything Sun should learn about, its to never mess with Moon's bad side, she secretly called it the Dark Zone for the terrified face Sun made every time she creeped him out.

Being scared was bad enough in the first place. But scaring others was a whole new level of entertainment.

Sun flinched, hard. "Not this time, Moon. That guy will chop me up into a million pieces and eat me for dinner!"

Moon raised an eyebrow at him and crossed her arms, giving Sun her most dissaproving look of dissaproval.

"Yes, yes." Sun admitted, running his fingers through his hair. "He's been giving me cannibal vibes since the first day!"

"Oh fine you dimwit! We'll wake Lillie then."

Sun let out a gasp of relief as if she had just snatched him out of a Tyrantrum's jaws.

Published: 2020-11-08
Words: 1088

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