Chapter 13: In Which Four---Three Trainers Gets Splashed By Water

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"Oh god. Oh god. Oh god. Oh god, I don't like this...." Sun muttered. He was currently petrified with fear.

Gladion would've agreed with him, but finding something they both have in common isn't such a pleasant thing. Considering how annoying Sun can be.

Lunala swooped upwards, and Gladion felt his stomach lurch uncomfortably backward. Sun was now turning an interesting shade of apple-green.

The four trainers were seated on Lunala's back. It was an awkward position, with Moon and Lillie sitting with their legs out on one side, princess style. Sun was sprawled out beside Gladion, muttering prayers every now and then. And Gladion, half face-palming at Sun's ridiculousness, half trying his best not to fall off, was trying not to cling onto Lunala's wings too much.

"This is...AMAZING!" Moon yelled. She laughed and held out her hands, giggling as the wind tickled her fingertips. Sun looked at her with an almost lunatic-like expression, before shaking his head and turning away, looking pale as ever.

"I think I'm going to be sick..."

Lillie sighed from her position beside Lunala's neck, "Lunala? Is it---do you think you can let us down?"

In response, the Moon Pokemon launched into a spectacular nose-dive.

Gladion felt his stomach do literal backflips. Moon had let out an exhilarated scream, giggling uncontrollably like a maniac.

Lillie's expression was hilarious. Her mouth hung half-open as her hair flew up. Gladion would've laughed, but considering how uncomfortable the situation was, he didn't.

Now, imagine yourself as a person who's about to be torn to shreds by a Sharpedo...and there was nothing you or anyone could do to save you.

You must have a horrid expression on, right?

Now take that expression, multiply by infinity, and plaster that onto Sun's face.

Gladion couldn't laugh during Lunala's dive to Earth.

But he choked on air at the look on the opposite boy's face.

Literally choked.

The second Lunala's claws hit the ground, Sun jumped off. Almost three feet from the air and down to the ground.

Lillie and Moon both made a graceful dismount by sliding off of Lunala's shoulder. Gladion jumped off and onto the grass beside the two girls.

All were gazing at Sun with pure disapproval.

Sun, however, did not seem to notice them and instead focused on lying completely flat on the ground.

Moon sighed and prodded his shoulder.

Sun groaned an almost growl-like groan, "Just let me have a moment's peace, will ya? I think I might die..."

Moon snorted and prodded him again, "You are not going to die! A little air-ride can't hurt!"

Sun groaned and made little effort to get up. Moon made a gasp of laughter when she saw his expression.

"Why, your face is apple green!"

Gladion walked up and inspected the trainer, "Nah, I think he's lime green."

Lillie, continuing on this discussion of the color of Sun's face, smile and said, "Actually, I think it looks more like pickle green."

Moon rolled around laughing with Lillie properly chastising Sun. Meanwhile, Lunala carefully approached the blond boy in front of her.

Gladion jumped as the pokemon's nose bumped into his back. He turned around to see Lunala surveying him with her glittery eyes before nodding back up at the sky.

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