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Owen's POV

I trudged through the snow as the storm got worse. I was bundled in warm clothes, but I could still feel the trembling cold hit my skin with every step, "Abby!" 'What the hell is she thinking? Just wanted to fix my boat, that's all I wanted to do. Why did I come all the way out here?' I kept trudging to have the path in front of me stop as the land went strait down to where the path kept going. I made it to the edge to jump down for my knees to be met by snow, "Shit that's cold." I walked with bringing my knees high up to even be able to walk. As I made my way through the forest I heard the one thing that I didn't want to hear, infected. 

Through the dark, heavy, snow filled air saw a silhouette appear, 'Please be Abby.' But of course it was a stalker that screamed when it saw me to then start heading my way. I pulled out my knife to wait for the stalker to get close, I then put my hand on it's chest to stop it from lunging and killed it with a blade to the skull. Unfortunately the scream alerted all of the infected nearby, so I needed to get to shelter and I need to get there fast. I started running in front of me as it was my best chance of survival. Chills went down my spine as I heard infected behind me trying their hardest to get to me. I saw multiple of the undead at my sides as they began to surround me, but I ray of hope shined as I saw a building. It wouldn't protect me for long, but it will give me time. 

I ran against the snow with everything that I had to get six feet from the door, but was taken down by a stalker. I faceplanted into the snow as I felt myself being pinned down, to then hear a gunshot as the weight on my back disappeared. I looked up to see a man with (H/C), (E/C), and (S/C) offer his hand as he kept his gun up, "Come on!" I took his hand for him to help me up and get me inside as he closed the door, "Find something to barricade this with!" I was quick to act as my eyes landed on a popcorn machine. I ran over to it to push it with back against it, it took a few seconds but I close enough for the stranger to let go of the door as I pushed the popcorn machine down. The infected banged on the door for the machine to move a centimeter. The man turned around to run towards the back, so I followed for us to take a left as he pointed at a door in front of us, "If we hurry we can get to my horse next to the side door!" We got closer for the infected to come through the side door making us stop in our tracks.

The man turned around as I did the same for me to see a wolf poking out of a doorway. The stranger went into the doorway into a movie room as he followed the wolf, "So we're following a wolf now!" "She knows what to do!" We ran all the way down to the large screen and went behind it to see, well I don't know if all this stuff is normal but it seems like it all belongs. But most importantly there was a door. The man went to open it, but it wouldn't budge so I hit my head, "Duh da duh! We're dead!" But the man looked at the wolf as he noticed a small hole in the wall, "Come on girl. Do you think that you can unlock it?" The wolf quickly made it's way through for some infected to start coming back here. I pulled out my pistol as the other guy pulled out a rifle, "I hope you know how to shoot that thing!" 

A stalker ran up to me for it to get a hole in it's head for me to step to the side as it fell to the ground. The two of us managed to hold our ground quite well, but it was starting to become too much as the infected stumbled over each other to get up on the stage and I could hear many more coming. As I killed another I heard a click behind me, so I turned around to see the door pushed open as the wolf fell back onto all four of it's paws. I ran to the door to look at the other guy, "Come on!" He hit a clicker in the head with the butt of his gun, to kick it away, and blow up it's head. He made his way through the door, so I closed it and locked it, "I'm pretty sure a simple hook in a circle isn't gonna hold that door together." "Then we better get moving." We ran down the back of the building to reach the back door. We busted through to have a horse run up to us. The wolf hopped on the back as the man got on next, "This is why I don't tie you up Bama." He lend his hand for me to take it as he pulled me onto the horse.

The Last Of Us Part 2 x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now