Nearing The End

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No One's POV

[This begins where the last chapter ended]

(Y/N) and Abby began walking through the dark path as Abby was the only one with a flashlight. Both were armed as fear began to run through them as they were walking through the only way out, and there was only one thing in their path, a large unknown infected that they have never seen. The two stayed quiet a they feared that any noise would give away their position. They continued walking as the air seemed to get thicker with spores as they soon entered a large room. It was where workers would be able to watch and maintain the pipes so that nothing would overflow. The middle was the lowest platform as there was a door on the other end. The sides of the room had a small set of stairs that led up tp them for there to be chairs, a few computers, and pipes running through the room. 

The two went to go forward, but were stopped by the sound of a large stomp. The two looked to their right to see the large infected that (Y/N) got a glimpse of with it's back turned. It seemed to be eating something for it to throw a man's leg against the wall as it was done with it. It got done to get up and turn around as it seemed blind. Abby and (Y/N) began to slowly walk towards the door, but Abby stepped on a glass shard making it crack. With that the infected quickly stood fully up to jump down and land with a loud crash making the ground shake. (Y/N) and Abby fell to the ground to quickly get up and head to the upper floor as the large monster quickly made it's way to where they previously were. 

(Y/N) and Abby looked at it nearly frozen in fear for Abby to look around, "All we have to do is reach the door, then we're safe." (Y/N) made her point the flashlight at the door, "It's made of rusty metal. That thing could trample us before we could get through." "Then what do we do?" The two were silent as the monster slowly walked around the bottom while it breathed heavily and grunted. (Y/N) then heard something that made a line of light shine through this dim situation. He went near the pipes to hear water rushing, "Do the sewer pipes still run water around the city?" "Yeah. Sometimes the water comes out of the sewer drains and into the city. But the water is way to polluted and filled with bacteria for us to boil." "I have a plan."

A few minutes passed for them to find a brick and get near the door as the monster aimlessly walked around. Abby took the brick as she seemed to be able to throw best out of the two. She got in a proper position and threw the brick at the pipe. The large infected instantly turned to it and jumped up to the high  platform to charge and crash into the pipes. Water began spurting out for the cracks to begin getting bigger. Abby and (Y/N) quickly began quickly opening the door for the monster to turn to them and went to charge them, but was pushed down by the pipes imploding and letting the running water loose. 

Abby and (Y/N) booked it down the one way path as they heard the water rushing towards them and the monster's roars along with it. The wave of water was getting closer and closer for the two to spot a ladder. They quickly began climbing, with (Y/N) first, to get high enough; but as the water went by the large infected grabbed the ladder for it to quickly snap as it got carried away. The ladder shook for (Y/N) to fall, but Abby grabbed his ankle. With that he was able to get a good hold of the ladder for the two to climb up. Abby moved a sewer cover to the side and come up as (Y/N) quickly behind her.

The two caught their breathe for a group of fireflies to come and cuff (Y/N) and take him to the hospital. Abby had forgotten that the boy was wanted as it did not matter when it was them against that thing. One of the soldiers put his hand on her shoulder, "Come with us to a resting station. You need to rest for a while." Abby nodded as she followed them.

Present Day

Jessie took a few steps forward as she looked at Mel, "So you lie at my face as to where you were going, you put your baby in danger, and you try to kill my cousin! The one that I have been trying to find for years!" Mel put her hands in front of her as she tried to calm her down, "Jessie please listen. We didn't know for sure if it was him." (Y/N) shook his head, "Oh nonono. You knew my name and what I looked like." "Listen Jessie, he has killed many people. He is dangerous." Jessie narrowed her eyes, "And you haven't? How many people have you killed?" "That was to survive." "So unnecessarily going three states out of your way to murder two people is to survive?" With this Mel did not have anything to say.

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