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A/N: Just to let you know, RWBY x Male Reader is out where Ruby and Neo are the love interests.

Also a special story is also out, it is known as Energy Kyouka x Male Reader

Also I have changed Mels's background. Also I think that you will like this chapter.

Susan's POV

It was another cold day as everyone did their daily routines as usual. I it was snowing a little as I walked past the houses and headed to one of them on the outer edges of the city. I held a small box as I made my behind a few buildings to stop at the front door of one that usually made me happy when I stood in front of it. But today was different as the entire house felt like dread as I knocked on the door. No response, so I knocked again to wait a few seconds, "Ellie? It's Susan." I then heard footsteps on the other end to have the door open showing Ellie as her hair was somewhat kept, her eyes red, circles under her eyes, and her clothes wrinkled, "Hey Susan. What are you doing here?" "I just came to see how you were doin'. Also to give ya somethin' back." Ellie stood aside, "Come on in. Tommy just left." 

I walked in to see Rosy laying on her bed with head rested on her paw. I walked up to her to pet her ears, "Hey Rosy. Ya doin' good today?" looked back at Ellie, "Has she eaten today?" "Yeah, she ate some bread and walked around a bit." "That's good. How about you?" She seemed to avoid eye contact as she fiddled with her fingers on her right hand, "I'm fine. I'm fine." I nodded knowing that she was lying. I stood up to sit down on the Ellie's bed to pat the spot next to me, "Come sit down." Ellie walked slowly as she sat next to me, "What's in the box?" I held the box in both of my hands, "I don't know if I should give you this or not but, (Y/N) planned to give this to you on your guy's anniversary." "H-He did?" "He said it was about something funny that happened. " I handed her the box for her to open it. She reached into it to pull out a switchblade along with a note to which she read outload, "I'll teach you how to twirl this around your fingers, just don't put it someone's leg before then. ;)" This made Ellie smiled as she laughed a bit as I got confused, "Why is that so funny?" "This one time (Y/N) was twirling his pocket knife around his fingers and I asked him to teach me. He said he would teach me later, but I was impatient so I tried to do it myself as he went to put more wood in the fire. I cut myself a little so I flung it and it went strait into his leg." This made me start to laugh a little, "Why would you do that?" "I don't know. I didn't mean to." 

We laughed for a bit until I heard Ellie start crying. I held my arm around her, "Oh Ellie what's wrong?" Her tears fell to her knees and feet, "I miss him so much!" "I know ya do honey. I know ya do." "I should of been there! I was suppose to go out scouting with him! But I was to stubborn to apologize!" "No sweetie. Don't blame yourself. There was nothin' you could do. What's done is done." She then put her face in my chest as she hugged me letting her tears come out. I patted her back as I held her while Rosy got up to rest her head on Ellie's leg. After a minute I heard Ellie's shaky voice, "I'm gonna go." "Go where?" "I'm going to Seattle to get revenge on the ones who took them away from me." "Ellie-" "Don't try to talk me out of it." I then handed her the keys to the armory, "Take what you need." Ellie looked at the keys to then hug me again, "Thank you Susan." "Just make sure that you make them pay." We separated from the hug for me to stand up, "I'm gonna get a drink, wanna join me?" "Nah, I think that I'm just gonna clean up a bit." "Alright. Have a nice day." "You too." I then closed the door to head to the bar as I planned to make some of this sadness go away.

No One's POV 

Somewhere Else

An old man, who was quite built, walked into a room to sit down in a chair next to a bed. He held a bowl full of water to take out a towel and wring it. He then set it on the forehead, which was covered in bandages, of the man laying in the bed. He put the dry towel in the water to have another man come through the door, "Joel?" The old man got up, "Young man please go into the other room." "Why?" "He needs to rest. His head has a lot to heal. Please, let's talk in the other room." (Y/N) stood there for a bit to nod as he left the room into what seemed like the living room. He seemed to be in a small house as he sat on a couch as a young man sat on the other end as a young woman went into the room Joel was in with bandages and gauze. The old man sat down in a chair, "I know you must be scared and confused, considering the shape you were in when we found you." (Y/N) looked around to land on the old man, "Where are we?" "Well we are currently in Idaho Boise." It was silent for a while for the old man to sit up, "You got a name?" "(F/N), (L/N). You can call me (Y/N). What about you?" "The name is Alex. The young man next to you is Oscar, and the woman checking on your friend is Georgia." "Joel, my friend's name is Joel. Is he gonna be ok?" "Yeah, he should wake up any minute now." "How did we get here?" "We carried you on a sled that we made." "Where are we going?" "A place called Seattle." "Why?" "Well there used to be more of us, but one day a few people from there stole our supplies and, well shortened our numbers a bit." "Why?" "One of them said something about needing supplies for a war." 

(Y/N) hung his head to look back up, "I'm sorry but Joel and I need to get back home." "I fully understand. We can give you one of our horses so that you can be on your merry way. We just didn't want to stop." "That's very nice thank you." Oscar then spoke up, "Who attacked you?" "Some group of people." "Was one of them named Abby?" (Y/N) looked at him, "How do you know that?" Oscar and Alex looked at each other to look back at (Y/N), "She was one of the ones that lead the attack." A commotion was then heard in Joel's room causing the three stand up, to which (Y/N) ran to the door. He busted through the door to see Georgia against the wall with the supplies on the ground as Joel stood next to his bed dazed and confused. (Y/N) walked towards him, "Joel, calm down." Joel looked at him, "(Y/N) where are we?" Alex then came through the door, "Let me explain fellow old timer."

No One's POV

7 Years Ago

A few armed enemies in a neighborhood were on alert as they seemed to be looking for somebody. A group then came from the forest with Mel near the front, with a medical bag around her shoulder. This group has been attacking Mel's group too many times and this was their chance to attack. They took this chance to stealthily attack their enemies. Mel made her way through the snow to head towards where she was hearing some gun fire. She saw a man run into a small building to hear a gun shot. She made her way to the door to see a woman and man dead in the snow. She then slowly opened the door to see three people from the enemy group dead, but there was also a woman on her back as blood went onto the floor. She got on one knee as she checked her neck for there to be nothing, so she went to get up, *Badump* "Holy shit." She then took the woman's jacket and shirt off to see a bullet wound in the middle of her chest, and a bullet wound where her liver was. 

A man then came through the door, "Mel what are you doing?" "I'm trying to save this woman's life." "What?! We don't have time for this! Clickers are coming!" "Then give me covering fire!" She heated up her knife to then open the bag to take out a tube to put it down the woman's throat and squeeze a a rubber ball at the end making the blood go into the tube clearing the woman's wind pipe. She then took the knife to press it against the chest wound closing it, turn the body around to do the same thing. She then checked her pulse to not feel anything. Mel took out a small Defibrillator to start charging it up, "Come on." She saw the gauge go all the way up so she pressed it against her chest to shock the woman sending her chest up. Mel tried again to have the woman take a deep breathe, and before she could scream Mel knocked her out with Anesthesia. 

The man walked back in, "How much longer?" "Give me ten minutes and I can finish her up when we get back to base." The man sighed as he walked out hurry up!" Mel took out a scalpel to cut the liver wound open. She did her best to take out the the damaged liver muscles to stitch up her wound. She finished up her surgery to stitch up the hole she created to then warp her stomach and chest up with bandages, "I'm done!" The man quickly came in to pick the woman up, "Ok, now let's go." Mel nodded as she put everything back in her bag for the two to run.

2 Days Later 

Mel sat in a chair next to a bed as the woman laid in it. Mel got done cleaning up the woman's wound and changed her bandages. As she got up to leave she heard, "Where am I?" Mel looked at the woman, "Oh my god your alive!" The woman tried to get up but Mel stopped her, "Don't move to much. Your liver needs to heal." The woman listened to lay back down, "Where's my cousin?" "Sorry but we didn't find anyone but you. But we can send search parties." "I'd like that." She then looked at her left arm to not see anything for Mel to hang her head, "You lost to much blood that there wasn't enough for your body at the moment. And if we didn't cut it off then you wouldn't have enough blood to make a recovery and survive." "Then it's fine." The woman then looked at Mel, "What's your name?" "Mel. You?"

"The name's Jessie."

A/N: I don't know how surgeries work.

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