In The Subway

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No One's POV

Ellie, Dina, and Susan arrived at the T.V. station for it to be quiet as corpses were scattered across the ground. Some Scars and a lot of Wolves. Ellie found a way up to get into the building using the large windows. Ellie climbed up on a ledge, for Dina to follow, and Susan was last, "It would seem that our Wolf friends have quite a bit of enemies. Ellie went in through one of the broken windows, "Well that's what happens when you kill someone important to someone else. You make enemies." Dina was next to get in, "I guess they kill a lot of people then." Susan got in for the trio began to walk through the second floor of the building to see all of the corpses as they were fresh. Susan pulled out her pistol, "These corpses were alive not to long ago. Keep an eye out." The other two nodded Ellie to stop as she saw someone turn the corner in front of them. She pulled out her switchblade to lead the Susan and Dina to the corner quickly to look around it.

Two figures cautiously walked towards a room with the door barley opened to hear a Susan behind them, "Pu your hands up." She had her gun trained on them for the men to turn around for the three woman's eyes to widen as Ellie dropped her knife, "J-Joel?" Susan instantly lowered her gun for Ellie to hesitantly take a step forward to quickly run and hug Joel, as a wave of joy washed over her. Joel hugged back as Dina looked at disbelief, "Holy shit." Ellie began to cry as Susan holstered her pistol, "H-How are you here?" Joel patted Ellie's back, "I was lucky enough for Abby to not do any damage to my brain." He then separated from Ellie, "When they knocked you out Abby and her groupies dumped (Y/N) and I into the snow to die." He then put his hand on Alex's shoulder, "But luckily we were found." Joel then began to pet Rosy as Alex nodded his head, "Nice to meet you." Ellie then grabbed Joel's arms, "(Y/N)! Is he still alive?!" Joel nodded, "Yes." Ellie was once again washed over with joy along with Susan.

Susan looked around, "Where is he?" Alex was the one to answer, "We don't know." "What?" "There was a huge gunfight that went down here, as you can see. We got separated from (Y/N) and one of my friends Georgia." Joel crossed his arms, "We had to hide during the fight as more and more people closed in on our location. When it was all over we began searching and we have searched everywhere, except that room." He then pointed at the room they were heading towards before for Ellie to begin walking fast to it, "Then let's go search it." Ellie walked in to see the woman in the picture she stole on the floor with three arrows in her as her dried up blood surrounded her. Everyone else came in for Susan to look at the body, "Someone wanted to see her suffer before she died." Ellie looked around, "He would of left a note, something." She then looked on the dresser to pick up a piece of paper, "The Aquarium"  She looked at Susan, "The aquarium. They're at the aquarium. A door on the lower floor then opened, "Look around for any survivors! If they're not a wolf kill them!"

The five went out of the room to crouch behind the balcony to see some of the Wolves begin searching. There was to many to fight for Joel to begin leading the group to a hole in the wall that led to the outside. As they quietly made there way some people walked up the the second floor to spot Ellie and the rest of them through a fenced door, "They're over here!" Joel quickly went off in a sprint, "Run!" As they were shot at they ran out of the building back into the grassy streets. They jumped down into a natural trench as the the ground was split in half. They ran further and deeper down to go under a highway to be blocked by a fence that some Wolves were waiting at. Susan made a quickly spotted a door connected to the beam supporting the highway. They went through the door to move a vending machine in the way slowing their followers. They went underground to crawl through some large pipes having them end up in the city's subway tunnels where spores began to form.

Everyone put on their masks for Susan to pet Rosy, "You can't come with us Rosy." She looked around to spot a small hole, so she picked Rosy up for her to go through. Everyone continued on as Susan waved goodbye, "Good luck Rosy." They traveled further in for their path to be caved in for there only being a crawl space. They made their way in to crouch walk their way through to pass by a hole that let them look out and see a clicker walking around. Everyone got ready as they continued walking to come into a train area for red flares to be thrown in and Wolves to come out. As the men and woman began searching clickers could be heard, so Ellie grabbed a bottle and threw it at one of the Wolves. The bottle hit the man to break when it hit the ground. They looked over at the group's location for a Wolf to get bit in the neck by a clicker. More came for the enemies to shoot at them.

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