Years Ago

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No One's POV

At the theater Joel, Ellie, and Susan were getting ready to head to the hospital. As they were getting ready Joel checked everything in his bag as it was set on a table. As he was checking it all Susan walked up to him she set her bag down and sat down, "Hey Joel." Joel looked a little surprised as he continued with what he was doing, "Yes Susan?" "What went through your mind when you went after Ellie before?" Joel thought for a moment to zip his bag back up, "That she was going to die if I didn't get to her, and I didn't want that. Why do you ask?" "I just needed to hear it." It was silent as the wind blew through the broken windows for Susan to put her face in her hands, "I'm scared Joel." Joel grabbed a chair to sit next to her as she continued to talk, "I lost (Y/N) before and just when I got him back, I lose him again. And now that I know that he's alive I don't know if I can keep him safe." Joel looked at his feet to then look up, "You can't know." 

Susan looked at him for him to do the same, "(Y/N) told me a few stories of when he was young and it was just you, him, and Jessie. He was a kid and it was your job to keep him safe. But he has been on his own for years by himself, helped me fight through an entire hospital to get Ellie, took a bullet to he gut just to travel through two states. Now he is out there fighting against the infected, a whole city, and who else knows that is out here. He has even manage to tame a wolf and two foxes. It's not your job to protect him and I know it's hard. I just discovered that myself a few months ago with Ellie. I'm sorry for not telling you that Ellie was immune, and I'm sorry for not bringing (Y/N) back home safe." Susan looked at her bag to then let out a snicker, "You would probably have to fight him to make him." This made Joel give a smile, "You should of seen how determine his eyes looked when he said that we were gonna go after those bastards." Susan then grabbed her bag as she stood up, "I'm sorry Joel. I would of done the same thing if it was (Y/N) on that operating table. You're a good man Joel." Joel got up to put his hand on Susan's shoulder, "Your a good person too Susan, just scared. Now let's go get that woman at the hospital and find (Y/N) at the aquarium."

5 Years Ago

(Y/N) stood in the train tunnel where it was safe as he watched his two companions get swept away by the current. He looked at the wave coming after them, "Why did I agree to d this?" He then jumped in after them to have the current instantly throw him around like it was nothing. He saw Ellie as she was knocked out for him to swim to her, just to get his leg caught on something. He went to get unstuck, but the water would not let him as it pushed his body back up every time he went down. Luckily Joel came and got his leg unstuck for the two to begin swimming after Ellie, who was unconscious. They soon reached her to get to shore as they dragged her body onto dry land. As the two tried to get her to breathe again two men walked up to them with guns trained on them, "Put your hands up." Joel kept pumping Ellie's chest, "She can't breathe." As (Y/N) turned her head for any water to come out, the two were knocked out as they were hit in the middle of the head by the butt of guns.

The two men then gave Ellie CPR for water to come out as she began to breathe again. They looked at the three, "Isn't this that girl Marlene was talking about?" The other man examined Ellie and Joel, "I think so. And I think the man is her escort. But what about the other kid?" The two looked at (Y/N) for one of them to point at him, "I remember him. He's stolen and destroyed Firefly equipment. He needs to be taken care of." He aimed his gun for his friend to make him aim away, "Woah man! He's just a kid!" "A dangerous one." "Did you see him kill anybody?" "No, but he has burned food at my old camp." "Well we can take him to base, lock him up, and then ask Marlene what to do." "Fine." "But if he causes one problem, I will shoot." "Understood."

The two men radioed Marlene for her to tell them to bring Ellie and Joel to the main hospital building, while she told them to take (Y/N) to a nearby camp after he was cuffed. A few men came to hep drag the unconscious bodies to the destinations. Two men dragged (Y/N) as another walked in front with a gun in hand. They were on a set path for them to stop as the one in front looked around, "Where the hell did the tunnel go?" The usual train tunnel that led to one of the safe camps was blocked by rubble as the structure finally gave out. One of the men carrying (Y/N) looked around them, "Well how are going to get around?" "There's always that other tunnel we can go through." "You mean the one full of spores and clickers." "If we are careful then we can make it. Now quit wining and lets go."

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