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No One's POV

Inside the theater Joel laid Dina down onto a couch for Susan to hold her head as she looked at the ground. She paced slowly to look at Joel a little irritated, "So; she's immune." "Susan. We couldn't tell anybody." "Did (Y/N) know?" "Yes. Yes he did." Susan put her hands on her hips as she took a breath in and out, "Joel, why are we here?" Ellie stayed back as she sat down, while Alex watched from a far, and Rosy laid down. "To get back at these people." "And why is that?" "Because they attacked us." "But, why did they attack you?" Joel was silent for Susan to squint her eyes as she took a step closer, "Why do I feel like you're hiding something. Maybe something that you've done." "I have done many things, and it was to keep everyone safe." "These people came after you for a reason. Why?" Joel turned his back to her to take a few steps to quickly walk back, "They were a few fireflies that I killed." 

Ellie looked at Joel, "Which ones?" Joel looked at her, "When they were beating me up they told me what I did to them. They were from the hospital." Ellie seemed to widen her eyes to which Susan caught, "Is the hospital important Ellie?" "Ellie, we have other things that we need to worry about." Ellie looked between the two as she crossed her arms nervously, "The hospital was where they were going to make a cure using me since I am immune." Susan looked at Joel with anger, "You killed people that were going to make a cure!" Joel shook his head a little, "To make a cure they would of had to kill Ellie." Susan looked Joel in the eyes, "Did he know." Joel paused to hang his head to, "No. I just rescued him and told him to go get a car. When it was over I said that they weren't real Fireflies." 

Susan turned to Ellie, "Would you of wanted the cure to be made?" Ellie nodded for Susan to turn her back to Joel, "So (Y/N) helps you get Ellie across the country. Then you lie to his face about the possible cure that could of been made, and get him to fight the fireflies when Ellie didn't even want you to. So because of that they come back and try to kill both of you, when (Y/N) didn't even know why. But worst of all! When you two survive you don't bring him back home. Nonono, you bring him to the fight." Joel walked to Susan as he went to put his hand on her shoulder, "Susan please-" Susan quickly moved away, "Don't you dare touch me! We are all here because of you! We are all in danger because of you!" "Ellie would be dead if it weren't for me!" "Ellie and (Y/N) aren't your soldiers! They can make their own decisions without you deciding for them. We could have a cure by now if you didn't let your emotions get in the way." Joel stayed silent as Susan stormed off further into the building.

Joel watched her storm off to go to a crate, it down, and put his head in his hands. Alex walked over to Dina as Ellie walked up to Joel who looked up at her, "I'm sorry." "Joel." "She's right. All of this is because of me." "Joel, even though I wish that you didn't save me those years ago, you still did what you thought was best for (Y/N) and I. Even if your wrong you still try to help." "Thank you Ellie." Joel then stood up, "We should get ready to head to the aquarium." Alex interrupted, "Not all of us are." Ellie looked at him confused, "Why?" "Because your friend here is pregnant." Ellie's eyes widen as she looked at Dina who gave a wary smile, "Surprise." 

At The Aquarium

Jessie made her way down a fire escape ladder as the wind blew leaves down the road. When she reached the bottom the screws broke snapping the ladder sending her down, "Shhiit!" She landed on her back for the ladder to land next to her, "Whyyy?" As she got up a runner's scream could be heard as the metal from the ladder clanged on the pavement. Jessie looked in front of her to see the aquarium behind a chained fence. She quickly ran to the fence, "Why does everything have to not go my way today?" She began to climb the fence to reach near the top for her to look to the right and see two runners run from around a corner to see her. She went over the fence as quick as possible to fall onto the other side. The runners banged against the fence for Jessie to get up and catch her breathe. She saw her the aquarium in front of her, so she made walked to the safehouse as bruises began to form on her body. She opened the front door and walked in to hear Mel and Owen talking the further she went in. When she walked into the first main room for Owen to draw her gun, just lower it after seeing who it was.

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