On The Way

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No One's POV

Susan sat at the bar with a drink in hand as she finished talking to Ellie. She took a sip for Tommy to join her as he took the seat to her right, "Mind if I join ya?" "It's better to drink with someone." The bartender gave Tommy a shot for him to drink it. Tommy hung his head to look at the counter, "I talked to Maria again today." "What did she say?" "That we're not sending anyone to Seattle. It would be to risky." Hearing this Susan drank the rest of her drink in one go to set her glass on the counter, "Fuck it. I'm gonna go." "What do you mean?" "I'm taking a horse, ammo, weapons, supplies, and I am going to go to Seattle to kill every single one of those assholes." "You know what. Lets go." "You comin' too." "You think that I would let you have all of the fun." The two ordered a shot each for Susan to raise a glass, "To Joel." Tommy raised his, "To (Y/N)." They both then each took a sip to set the shot glasses on the counter and head for the door.

Somewhere else

Alex sat on a log as he wiped the barrel of a bolt action sniper rifle with a dirty old rag to clean it. In front of him was Georgia who stood near the campfire as she was making coffee for everyone. Alex finished cleaning his gun to examine it as the fire crackled in the background. He then looked up from his gun to see Joel take a few slow short steps around the somewhat camp that they made, as he also needed the help of a branch to stand. Alex set his gun against the log, "Easy there partner. Your body is still healing." Joel gained all of his energy to get to the log and sit down himself, "Yeah I know I know." "Now look, I know that you feel weak, which is because you are at the moment." Joel looked at Alex as he squinted his eyes, "Thanks for the boost." "When we reach Seattle you'll be back in fighting shape in no time. But right now a lot of bones in your body are broken, some muscles torn, and your head is healing but it takes time." "How long has (Y/N) and Oscar been gone for?" "I would say about an hour now." "That's to long." Georgia picked up the kettle using a stick and poured it into a small silver cup to hand it to Joel, "Here, to calm your nerves." Joel took the cup to take a sip, "Thanks darlin'."

Further into the woods Oscar and (Y/N) both had their bows out as they walked through the forest look for food. Oscar looked around on his left, "I hope we find something." "Yeah, it's been two days and I am starting to get really hungry." "So what was your life like before you and Joel were, beaten to a pulp." "It was pretty nice. I had a girlfriend." "Was she good?" "Oh yeah." "What was she like?" "Tough, could handle herself, never backed down, reasonable, cute, and is nice to cuddle with." "Does she think that your dead?" "Probably, but Joel and I will make it back." The two continued walking for a bit to have (Y/N) spot a fox. Oscar spotted the fox to bring his bow up, but (Y/N) put his hand on his arm and brought it down, "Foxes don't have much meat. There would be no point." "I'll take whatever I can get." "What you would get would do nothing for your appetite." Oscar brought his bow down as he frowned, "Yeah your right." He then picked up a rock and tossed it to the fox to scare it off, "Get out of here before I eat you little buddy." 

The fox ran away as the two continued forward for (Y/N) to make Oscar get down as there was a deer. Oscar looked at the deer and back at (Y/N), "How are we gonna kill that thing with arrows?" (Y/N) put a finger up as he got on one knee and brought his bow up. She pulled out an arrow to draw it back on the string of the bow all the way as he closed one eye for aim. He then released it to have the arrow fly through the air and go through the deer's eye making it fall over dead. Oscar's mouth went a gap as his eyes widened when he saw the dead deer. He then looked at (Y/N) slowly as he kept the face, while (Y/N) smirked as he looked at Oscar, "What?" "What? What?! You just killed that big ass deer with a bow and arrow." "Yeah. It just takes aim." Oscar looked at him to get up and head towards the deer, "Fuck you." (Y/N) chuckled as he followed after Oscar.

The two picked up the deer and started carrying it to the camp, but after a while the two stopped to drink some water. They drank the rest of what they had, so (Y/N) offered to go find a stream to get water for them to which they would boil when they grouped up with the others. He searched around for a while to hear a stream that he found real quick. He filled up his and Oscar's canteen to get ready to head back. When he was on his way back though he heard what sounded like an infected eating something. He crouched down to make his towards the noise to see a stalker, but he couldn't see what he was eating. He got closer until he was able to end the stalker with a hatchet to the head. He moved the infected to see the fox from earlier eaten and torn as it's life was no longer in it's eyes. (Y/N) went to get up to then notice a fox den as two smaller foxes were inside as they watched. (Y/N) looked at the dead fox and around him to take off his backpack and unzipped the back zipper. He brought the backpack close to the foxes as he opened it signaling them to get in. The foxes smelled it for a second to have one jump in, the other one was hesitant though but eventually jumped in.

(Y/N) zipped the backpack up a bit so that they wouldn't fall out, put it back on his back, and headed back to Oscar. When he made it Oscar looked at him, "What's with the foxes?" "They're mine now." "What does that mean?" "It means that they are mine now. Now let's get this deer back to camp." The two picked up the deer to head back to camp to which they arrived after an hour and half later. The two dropped the deer for Georgia to gleam with joy, "We are gonna eat good tonight." As the younger adults prepared for dinner Alex looked at Joel, "What's with the foxes?" Joel just looked at him, "It's just his thing."

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