A Thought (Lemon)

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No one's POV

3 Months Later

It was beginning to get warm now and in the made in Wyoming. Jessie was in the stables as she was brushing the horses. She could not do much with only one arm, but she enjoyed taking care of the horses. As she was finishing up she heard a splash come from outside, so she walked outside of the barn to see a man in the horses' water bin. Jessie offered her hand, "You alright mister?" The man took Jessie's hand, "Yeah I'm fine." Jessie helped the man up for him to also take a bucket off of is foot, "Sorry for the trouble." "Oh its alright. Ya just need to get more water for the horses." "Oh I'm just here because Tommy told me to tell you to get the horses ready for a scouting mission." And now your here to refill the water." 

Jessie grabbed the bucket to hand it to the man, "The pump is behind the barn." "Wait this isn't what I do." Jessie ignored him as she went back to the horses. The man looked confused to go around the barn and begin pumping as he had to take multiple trips to fill the horses' water once again. When he was finished a few horses were brought for scouts to get on and begin the scouting mission. Jessie petted (Y/N)'s horse as the man set the bucket down, "I'm done." The sun was getting low for the sky to be orange as Jessie looked at the man as her voice was kind and went well with her southern accent, "Thank you." The man choked a little as his face became a little red, "No problem." He went to walk away to turn around, "I didn't get your name." "The name's Jessie. You?" "Uh Richard." "It was nice to meet you Richard." "You too." Richard walked out of the barn to hear, "Come back anytime!"

Elsewhere In The Village

(Y/N) was walking down the street as children ran past while adults walked and talked. He soon made his way the butcher shop, to which the village treated as a restaurant. He walked in to see people at the bar and at tables, that had cloth from the table to the floor to keep people warm. to see one in the very corner empty. He took a seat at the table to wait a few minutes. He soon saw Ellie walk in to spot him as he waved. She sat down across from him, "How are you always the first to arrive?" "I have a good sense of time I guess." The two have not been able to go on a date for a while as they have both been busy working on helping the village strive. They soon got their food, which was just sandwiches, and each a bottle of beer. The two ate their dinner for Ellie to take a sip of her beer, "Man watching Dina's baby was awful today." "Really?" "Yeah, he just wouldn't stop crying. I tried to feed him, burp him, bounce him. But nothin'. I would be an awful mom." "No you wouldn't. We all have bad days, even babies. JJ probably just woke up on the wrong side of the bed today." This made Ellie chuckle, "Ya know, you wouldn't be a bad dad." "And you would be a good mom."

Ellie looked at (Y/N) to look down a little as she brought a strand of her ear behind her ear, "You really think so?" "Of course." "Maybe we could test that, if- if we had one." (Y/N) went to take a drink but coked a little. As he regained his breath as Ellie panicked a little, "I'm sorry. That was a stupid thing to say." "No, no it wasn't." "It isn't?" "No. This place is pretty safe, and your twenty and I'm twenty-two." Ellie gave a smile, "That's really nice to say." The two finished eating for Ellie to look around as her face became a little red. She went under the table for (Y/N) to raise an eyebrow until he felt his zipper go down. He jumped a little to look down and bring the cloth up a little to see Ellie bring (Y/N)'s dick out, "What are you doing?" "I haven't done this for you in a while." "Then wait until we get home." "It's fine. Just don't make a scene." "Ellie. We can't do this here." Ellie stroked (Y/N)'s member as it got bigger, "This guy seems to disagree with you."

(Y/N) brought the cloth down to feel his Ellie's tongue go up his shaft multiple times until she began to suck on the tip. A small moan then escaped (Y/N)'s lips as his cock was enveloped in Ellie's mouth as it was warm and moist. Ellie began to bob her head up and down to gag a little every time, but not to where it was audible. This went on for a minute as (Y/N) just enjoyed the pleasure, until he was brought out of it by someone sitting across from him, "Hey (Y/N)." The young man instantly gained a straight face to sit up, "H-Hey Susan. Wh-What are you doing here?" Ellie stopped as her eyes widened a little. Susan sighed, "I came to get a drink, I've had such a long day." "Oh really, that sounds awful. Maybe we can talk la-" "The new scouts don't listen." 

Susan began talking for (Y/N) to shake a little as he felt Ellie continue. Susan wasn't really looking at (Y/N), so he raised the cloth a little. Ellie looked up at him as she winked at him to grab the cloth and bring it back down. (Y/N) did his best to keep a strait face until Ellie went up to stop at the tip. She hollowed her cheeks as she sucked on it and swirled her tongue around it. At that moment (Y/N) lightly slammed his hand on the table, "Susan let's talk more tomorrow when we go scavenging. I'm expecting Ellie. It's date night." Susan got up, "Oh I didn't know. Sorry, I'll see you tomorrow." She walked away to go to the bar for a drink. When she did (Y/N) grabbed the back of Ellie's head to bring her down to the base. Ellie could feel (Y/N)'s cum go down her throat as she closed her eyes.

When he was done Ellie brought her head up to swallow any cum remaining to kiss the tip, put it back in (Y/N)'s pants, and zip up. Meanwhile Susan to a sip of her beer to choke as she saw Ellie come out from under the table while wiping her mouth. Her and (Y/N) soon left to walk down the street as they went towards their house. When they arrived Ellie slammed the door closed to jump into (Y/N)'s arms as the two met in a deep kiss. They explored each other's mouths to be interrupted by Rosy, Roxy, and Rody to run up to them as they waged their tails happy to see their masters. Ellie was quick to grab some bones and throw them in a room. The animals went in the room as the ones would distract them for hours. Ellie closed the door to be swept up and thrown on their bed as (Y/N) quickly took off his clothes for Ellie to do the same.

Ellie laid on her back as (Y/N) went to take off her underwear. When he took them off Ellie was so wet that a string of her cum attached her panties to her folds. When he got the underwear over her feet (Y/N) began to lick Ellie's folds making her bite her lower lip, "Noooo, hurry up and fuck me." (Y/N) though wanted to make her wait just a little longer as he began to rapidly lick her clit while rubbing her folds making Ellie begin moaning as she held (Y/N)'s head with her thighs. (Y/N) continued his actions to feel Ellie begin shaking to to stick his tongue inside of her to feel her cum squirt out for (Y/N) to lap up as much as he could. 

When she finished (Y/N) got up to take off his underwear and flip Ellie over onto her stomach. (Y/N) squeezed Ellie's freckled ass as he lined up his member to Ellie's entrance. He was quick to invade Ellie's insides as the two have had pint up sexual tension for a while due to working in keeping the village up and running. He did not hesitate to begin mercilessly pound Ellie's pussy for her to grab a pillow tight as she did her best to hold in her moans, but she could not help it as they escaped her lips, "Fuck I miss your cock!" (Y/N) put his left hand on Ellie's shoulder with the other next to her to be able to go faster and harder. Ellie could feel (Y/N) reaching the deepest part of her that only he could reach. His dick kept kissing the entrance to her womb.

As (Y/N) went on for a while he could feel the end nearing, "Ellie I'm close." In response to this Ellie pushed (Y/N) down on his back to begin riding him cowgirl style as she arched her back whenever she went up. (Y/N) held in his final release, "Ellie I've gotta pull out." Ellie looked down at him as she had pleading eyes, "Please inside." (Y/N)'s mind was on the verge of breaking to grab Ellie's thighs to begin trusting upwards making Ellie match his pace with her hands on (Y/N)'s chest as she bounced. Every time (Y/N) thrusted Ellie's ass clapped filling the room with the sound of the two connecting with each other along with both of them moaning due to the pleasure they gave each other.

Ellie soon shot strait up with her back straitened as she let out a long and lewd moan as she felt the same thing that went down her throat earlier fill up her womb, "It's so hot." She fell onto (Y/N)'s chest as (Y/N) continued to pump his seed into her as it overflowed and poured out of Ellie's pussy. Ellie looked up at (Y/N) to kiss him deeply. They soon separated with a strand of saliva connecting their tongues, Ellie's eyes were half-lidded as her hair was messy, "One more time." One more time turned into two, then three, and finally ending at five. Only because the two still had duties to attend to the next day.

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