The T.V. Station

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No One's POV

Susan and Dina got behind cover as some people came their way as Ellie took a note, and a picture of a woman, off of the the guy Rosy killed. Ellie got behind a shelf for two enemies to come down the hall. They started shooting at the three woman for Susan to shoot at them allowing Ellie to sneak around the left side and the past the doorway. In this position Ellie got up to pop the two enemies in the head sending them down. Susan and Ellie began to loot their bodies for Dina to look down the hall, "Susan, how many people did you see on your way here?" Susan looted some ammo, "A lot. So we have to get the hell out of here." With this they ran down the hallway and go near the end for more people to run into the rooms nearby as they looked around. Susan signaled Ellie and Dina to go left as she and Rosy would go right. 

Susan used the tall grass as cover as she crawled around as two men and a woman searched around in the big run down room she was in. A man walked forward with his gun up to look down to have Susan come up, cover his mouth, bring him down, and stab him in the neck. The woman noticed Susan to have Rosy jump up and finished her off quickly. The body fell making the other man look in that direction, giving Susan enough time to pull out her bat. She used her speed to get close to him smash his teeth in making sure that he would not get back up. She looked to her left to see Ellie and Dina take care of the last bad guy for them to continue through the building that they were in.

As they were running they were halted in their tracks by going into a large room where the grass grew high, the ceiling caved in letting the sun shine into the building, and worse more people with guns. The three got down into the grass to scout around and see at least seven people. The three moved to a group of the three to have Dina get the one closest, Ellie get the next one, and Susan to get the one furthest away due to her speed. Ellie and Susan killed their guys to have Dina take her guy, but he managed to get a shot off into the air alerting the rest of the people around them. Dina got behind cover as Susan and Ellie did the same behind a small concrete wall. The last four began to shoot at the three as they didn't notice Rosy sneaking through the grass. One of the four was way back as they were a sniper and they kept shooting at Ellie, Susan, and Dina keeping them behind cover letting the three enemies to push forward. Rosy though bit into the sniper's leg making her go down and hit her back on the ground to have Rosy take out her throat. Now that the three woman could leave cover, they quickly took aim and took out the remaining three men.

Susan headed towards a lower platform that lead tot he roof, "Come on. We're almost out of this mess." The three climbed for Dina to make it up first, "So how did you find us Susan?" "I wasn't trying to. Tommy and I were bombarded until we got separated. I got shot in the arm and Tommy had all of the medical supplies. So I followed these assholes back here to stitch myself up, and you two were here." Ellie then looked concerned, "Is Tommy okay?" "The last I saw him he was just fine. He did jump into a building full of infected though, but knowing him he will be fine." "We need to find him." "First we need to get out of here and find a place to rest up. We can't find him if we're tired." They continued through the rooftops to hear people near them. Susan started to crawl under a solar panel, "Quick, hide underneath these." Ellie and Dina quickly listened and hid to have two people came by.

They walked by giving Susan the opportunity to lead the younger ones through the obstacles to get onto a lower ledge on the side of the building. A truck of people drove by, so they had to go into the building next to them. They walked further in to not see anyone so they eased up and walked around. Ellie took out the note he grabbed from before to read that a woman that helped kill (Y/N) and Joel was stationed at the T.V. station. She set the picture down as Susan and Dina stood next to her, "She was there when Abby killed killed (Y/N) and Joel. According to this note she is stationed at the T.V.  station." Susan looked at the note, "The guy talked about a woman at the hospital, but nothing about the T.V. station." "What guy?" "Tommy and I interrogated a few people to find out where there strongholds and apparently the guys who came to Seattle are very popular here. So we had them tell us where they are." "Well, that is useful. We'll go to the hospital after the T.V. station." 

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