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No One's POV

The morning sun rose for an alarm clock to go off in one of the many houses. A womanly figure reached her hand out from the bed to miss the alarm. She missed a couple of times until she finally hit the off button. The figure sat up in her bed to rub her eyes. She was a teenager as she had (Y/H/C), green eyes, and white skin. She stretched her arms to turn to the side of the bed and get up. As she walked to the bathroom to do her morning business as she switched from her pajamas to her day clothes. She left the bathroom for a brown wolf to walk up to her. She pet the wolf, "Good morning Joel. You hungry? Let's get something to eat then." She made her way to her small kitchen to feed Joel expired meat as she ate bread and cooked bacon. She left her house when the two were finished to go over to a small grave that read "Rosy, Rody, & Roxy" on it to put her hand on it, "Good morning guys."

She walked into the village with Joel to pick a flower on the way. She soon reached her destination to sit on the grassy ground, "Good morning grandpa. It's good to see you again. Mom and dad still miss you a lot. I do too, but I wish that I had more memories of you. Mom tells me that you used to hold me when I was a baby. It sucks how you never got to meet Jack though. He can be annoying at times, but dad says that he's family. So I put up with him. Oh I just turned fifteen and I get to go on my first scouting mission with JJ and Michael. Mom says that you would never approve of me going out at my age, but knew that you couldn't stop me. But I promise to be safe. I'm even bringing Joel, well wolf Joel, with me. He's always watching my back."

The girl was then interrupted by young man with dark brown hair, brown eyes, and light brown skin walking up to her, "You ready for your first scavenging Rachael?" "Ready as I'll ever be JJ." "Then come on. Michael is waiting for us at the stables." JJ began leading the way for Rachael to pat the gravestone as it said "Joel", "See you tomorrow grandpa." JJ, Rachael, and wolf Joel made their way through town to soon reach the stables to see a teenage boys with blue eyes like his father's brown hair like his mother, and white skin. Rachael lightly punched the boys arm, "Hey cuz. Getting the horses ready?" "Yep. The horses need to get ready for scavenging as well." Jessie then appeared to wrap her arm around the boy, "Michael you are so adorable with the horses it just warms my heart." Michael became a little flushed, "Mom you're embarrassing me." Richard carried some hay to a horses pin, "Accept your mother's love Michael." Jessie messed with Michael's hair, "You should listen to your father."

Jessie then looked at Ellie, "So little Rachael excited for your first scavenging?" Rachael nodded, "I can't wait." "When your out there tell your dad I said hi and to hurry on home. Your mother misses him." "I will. Dina says that this is the last day that he has to be out there for a while." A woman's voice could then be heard outside, "All scouts get near the gate!" Jessie quickly gave each child a horse, "Be safe kids." "We're not kids anymore." "You are to me." The three left for Rachael to have a cat jump up on her shoulder. She pet the cat, "Hey Fiora." The cat purred to jump off of her shoulder to land on the ground and pounce up to land on Ellie's shoulder as she walked up to Rachael. Ellie was holding a little boy's hand that had brown hair, (Y/E/C) and (Y/S/C). 

Rachael hugged Ellie, "Hey mom." Ellie hugged her child to part from her as she looked at Rachael up and down, "Man you have grown fast. It seems just yesterday your dad and I were teaching you how to use a knife." Rachael giggled a little, "That was six years ago mom." "I know. So, are you ready?" "I'm always ready." Ellie kissed Rachael's forehead, "That's my girl." She then picked up Jack, "Say goodbye to your big sister." Jack gave Ellie a hug, "Bye bye." Rachael hugged back, "Bye Jack." She then began to walk off for Fiora to nuzzle Ellie's neck for her to pet the cat, "I'm worried too. But I know that she'll be safe." 

Rachael walked up to the rest of the scouts with her horse to see a a short black haired woman to look at them all, "My name is Lev! And I will be the scouting master of you all! If you have any questions, any requests, or complaints come to me! Now all you will be doing today is go to your designated areas, scavenge, and return home! If you run into trouble that you can't handle, you come back! Any question?!" No one raised their hands for Lev to nod, "Good. Now mount up!" Rachael got on her horse for the large doors to open letting every scout go. She rode with JJ and Michael to an old gas station. They arrived to find some gas still in some cars, canned food in a hidden pantry, and some water they got from a pump that needed to be filtered. As they were packing up Michael screamed for Rachael to look in his direction as he was on the ground. She saw a big snake in front of him for Rachael's eyes to sparkle, "Slither!" She ran up to the snake and hug it. The snake slithered around her arms to rest on her shoulder. She then heard a man laughing to look and see her father. 

(Y/N) wiped away a tear, "Oh my god Jessie is going to die from that." JJ crossed his arms, "I see a week by yourself doesn't mess with your head." "JJ I have been by myself for I think five years once." "Woah really? Any side effects on your brain?" "Not really." (Y/N) then thought for a minute, "Well I actually did pretend that my wolf would talk to me. But that's not bad." Rachael walked up to (Y/N) to hold her hand out, "I think that this belongs to you." The snake slithered off of her and onto (Y/N), "You pulled that off perfectly Slither. You alright Michael?" Michael stood up, "Yeah I'm fine. Just really startled. Can we go home now?" A few clicks could then be heard down the street for four clickers to be seen. (Y/N) pointed at them, "After those are taken care of. You children can try." 

JJ pulled out a silenced pistol to shoot one and kill it, "I got mine." Michael pulled out a bow and arrow to shoot one as well, "That's mine." Rachael rolled her eyes, "You guys are no fun." Rachael whistled to then pull out her hatchet to take aim and throw it. The blade went into the clicker's skull for Rachael to smirk as Joel had sprinted to reach the clicker. He jumped up to sink it's teeth in it's neck and rip it out killing it. Rachael went to go grab her hatchet to wipe the blood off of the blade, "And those are mine." She walked back for the four to get on their horses and return home.

When they arrived their supplies were taken to storage as the water went to be filtered. Rachael felt proud in completing her first scavenge. As she brought the horse to the stable She was met a woman she knew well, "Hi Susan." "Hello dear. Did everything go well?" "Hell yeah. I even got to kill a clicker." "Oh wow. Sounds exciting." "It was." Susan then pulled out a small box, "Anyways I forgot to give this to you yesterday. So happy late birthday." Rachael took it to open the box and see a switchblade, "Sometimes that hatchet is to slow to pull out. So keep this on hand." "I will. Thank you Susan."

Meanwhile (Y/N) took a shower to now be home as Ellie rubbed his shoulders, "Your muscles are really tense." "Well sleeping on the cold floor for a week when your used to a bed does somethin' to ya." "I still can't believe that Tommy had you hunt down any runners on the outskirts for a week." "Well someone had to." "Well now you don't." This went on for a while for Slither to be curled up as Fiora was in the middle of the snake sleeping while purring. After a while Ellie laid on (Y/N)'s back, "Ya know I asked Georgia a favor to watch Jack for a while, so it's just us." "I was hoping you would." 

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