Paths Begin To Meet

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Jessie's POV

I woke up with the sun shining on my eyes making me turn on my side as I got ready for the day. I stood up look at myself in the mirror to fix my hair, which is kind of hard to do on the left side as I had to use my right hand. I became satisfied with how I looked, so I walked out into the hall and headed towards the cafeteria. I soon made my way there to see so many people crowding the room as it was loud due to everyone having their own conversations. I went into the long line to wait for my food as it moved slowly up. After a while I finally made it to the front to get a burrito and leave as I looked around the cafeteria. My eyes then landed on Mel who was sitting by herself as she ate, so I made my way to her. 

I set my burrito on the table as I took my seat, "Good morning Mel." Mel brought her head up to look at me and seemed to avoid eye contact, "Good morning Jessie." "Is something wrong? You look a bit down today. Did the supply run not go well." "Uh no. It went well." She still seemed to be bothered though as she took a bite of her food, "So did I miss anything while I was gone?" "Not really. Just a few shootouts with the Scars." "So the same as usual." A question then came to mind, "Mel, why did you go all the way to Wyoming with Abby and them for a supply run?" "We heard rumors that their were stores never hit there, so we went to check it out." "Well were they true?" "Nope." I then took a bite of my food to hear Mel again, "Do you mind telling me what your cousins name was again." "Oh sure, his name was (Y/N). Why?" "What did he look like?" "(H/C), (E/C), (S/C). He also really liked animals. Why do you ask? Do you think that you found him?" I felt excitement grow for it to disappear as Mel shook her head, "No, he was someone different." I shrugged it off as I continued to eat my food as the cafeteria remained lively.

When we finished eating Mel turned around to get up as she held her stomach. I got up too to stand next to Mel, "Let me help you to your room." "Thank you Jessie." "It's the least I could do." I helped her put less stress in her steps as we made our way to her room. We made it in for Mel to sit on her bed, just for Manny to walk in as he was geared up for a quick run, "Mel you ready?" Mel went to get up, "Yep." But she then sat back down, as she grunted, and held her stomach. I put my hand on her shoulder, "I know that they cleared you, but you are not going out there in your condition." "I'm fine." "No you're not." I then looked at Manny, "I'll go for her." Manny looked at Mel, "Is that ok?" Mel hesitated but nodded as she knew that I was right, "Yeah. Just don't get killed." "Alright then. Get ready then. I'll be waiting outside." I nodded as he walked out to begin getting dressed for a supply run. I put on my green jacket; which had the left sleeve pinned up, a white t-shirt underneath, ripped jeans with tights underneath to protect me from the cold, and my tennis shoes. Before I walked out I heard Mel, "Your the only person I see dress like that." "I'm southern. I like to dress like this. Bye Mel." "Bye Jessie. Be safe." 

I closed the door for Manny to start leading the way, "Come on. We have one more person to grab." "Who is coming with us today?" "Abby. We need the muscle." I felt a frown on my face as I sighed a little, "Great." "Aw come on. I'm sure that you two will get along." "Maybe if I gave her a banana then she may like me." "Oh very funny." We both shared a laugh together as we made it to his and Abby's room. We came in to see Abby getting ready to look up at us, "She's coming with us?" Manny nodded his head, "Yeah, Mel isn't feeling to good today." Abby finished tying her boots to stand up, "Let's go then." She started leading the way for her to lead us outside and into the football stadium where we kept one of our camps in. We made our way down the seats and to the bottom level. 

When we did we went through a pin that had the cute little dog Bear in it. I picked up a ball to toss it, "Go get it boy." Bear quickly went to get it and brought it back for Abby to walk out of the pin, "You coming Jessie?" I threw the ball again to walk out, "Yeah I'm comin'." We walked towards the exit to stop at one of the security gates so that he could give us our weapons. He put my weapons on the table so I put my 9mm pistol in it's holster on my right hip, put a bag with two strings that rested on the left side of my neck as it went under my right arm, and put my crossbow on my back. I grabbed my ammo and started following the other two as we passed a shooting range and to the outside gate. We headed towards a truck to which Manny set next to the driver leaving Abby and I in the bed of the truck alone. We didn't really say anything, but it seemed like Abby was going to say something for a loud whistle to interrupt her. We both got down as multiple Scars came out from bushed and started to ambush us, so I pulled out my pistol and got ready for a fight as the driver did his best to get us away from them.

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