The Dark Comes

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No One's POV

Susan and Tommy walked up to the large wall surrounding Seattle for Susan to touch it, "So, how do we get in?" "Use the front door." "Yeah sure, just walk on in and say hey can we come in and kill a few of your people. Yes thanks." Susan then crossed her arms as she began looking for an actual way up. She soon spotted a long rope on the ground and a route to the top of the wall. She grabbed the rope to bring it around her shoulder to look at a check stop near the wall, "Stay here. I'll get us up there." She went behind the small building to see a dumpster up against it, "There we go." She got on top of a dumpster to jump up and grab the ledge of the building to pull her self up. 

She took a few steps back to jump at the end and land on a wooden surface on the edge of the wall as they never finished construction. She let the rope down to tie it to a metal nail connecting the wall and the wooden structure. Tommy put Rosy on his back to climb up to pull the rope back up and boost Susan up to a higher platform. She grabbed the edge to come up, for Tommy to boost Rosy up as Susan grabbed her, to then help Tommy up. They kept climbing up the wooden stairs and platforms to reach the top of the wall to try and find a way down. They soon noticed a Construction lift near the wall that was not fully up, which gave Susan a plan, "Tommy you hold the rope at the top of the wall and I will slide down a bit. I will then go down the rope and jump off the wall until I land on the lift. I will then bring it up for you two to come down." "Tommy looked down at the lift to clap his hands, "I don't think that there is another option. I won't let you down." "I hope not."

Tommy held the rope for Susan to go down until she was even with the lift. She jumped off the wall until she got enough momentum and jump into the air and land onto the lift with a loud thud as her heart raced with her breathes rapid. She stood up to go to the controls and push a lever forward; nothing. She hit the console, "Shit!" She looked up at Tommy, "Gotta get some power to this thing!" "I'll keep a look out! Be quick!" Susan went over the side to climb down using the bent metal that made the lift go up and down. When she reached the ground she looked around to see a emergency stop to see if people were infected before they went into the city in front of her. She walked to the side and peeked behind it to see an emergency generator. She walked up to it to try and start it for it to run a little, but then die. She sighed, "Need gas." She walked into the small building to look for something and decided to start in the closet, "Nothing useful in here." She went to the desk inside to open the top drawer, "Nope." Then the one under it to see a gas syphon pump, "That'll do." She picked it up and headed outside to notice a few cars around. 

She went to the closest one to put the siphon in and pump, "Empty, why wouldn't it be." She took it out and headed towards the car crashed into the wall and put the siphon in again. It started filling up as she pumped, "Thank god." After a while she filled it up and headed back to the generator, put the gas in, and started it up. She grabbed the the long power cable to head towards the lift and plug it in. She climbed back up to move the lift up and closer to the wall for Tommy and Rosy to jump on as Susan brought them down, "I guess we can't use our horses now." When they got off they headed further into the city as they kept reading signs that said, "Scars stay out." Tommy snickered a little, "Well that's inviting." As they walked further into the city it got quieter and quieter while skyscrapers surrounded them. A gunshot was then heard as it rang throughout the city.

Somewhere Else

(Y/N) and Joel walked in the front with guns out, as Alex helped Oscar walk as he was a little weak, and Georgia protected the rear. As they were walking they came across a barricade made of cars that blocked the road. (Y/N) looked up at it, "We could just climb it." Joel looked behind them, "I don't think that we all can." Alex looked at the two, "We should find him a place to rest." "That sounds good. That restaurant there could do." The group walked into the nearby restaurant and towards the back as Alex set Oscar down onto a box as he checked his bandages to notice that the wounds bean to get infected and they ran out of alcohol, "You three find a way around. I'll keep an eye on Oscar." Joel nodded as him, (Y/N), and Georgia left and walked outside for Georgia to point out a hole in one of the buildings, near the blockade, on the second level, How are we gonna get up there?" Joel put his back against the building as he put his hands together, "Watch." (Y/N) ran forward to jump off of Joel's hands to barely grab the edge and pull himself up. Joel put his hands back together, "Your turn little missy." Georgia did what (Y/N) did for (Y/N) to grab her hand and pull her up. Finally Joel ran up the side of the building for (Y/N) to grab and pull him up.

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