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a/n using a different format for the prologue, the rest of the book will be in first person.


Molly is online.
Elle is online.

Elle: Ready for tomorrow?

Molly: I'm so excited girl, honestly. I can't wait for our girls weekend away.

Elle: Me too! It'll be so fun, I'm driving the first hour and you're driving the second?

Molly: Had to bore me with the driving plans? But yes, seems fair to split it like this.

Elle: We need to talk about all the boring things too, just so we're safe.

Molly: We're 18, we're going to be fine. We're big girls now. ;))

Elle: Whatever. You better be ready though.

Molly: OMG

Elle: What?

Molly: Ellis Moran just text me.

Elle: WHAT!

Elle: Tell me everything!

Molly: Fuck.

Elle: What?

Molly: He asked if he can stay at mine this weekend, he's having family issues.

Elle: Shit.

Molly: Should we invite him?

Elle: What about our girls weekend? But fine, he can come. Only cause I'm nice.

Molly: What about the rooms?

Elle: Me and you aren't sharing anyway but I guess we'll have too so he can be alone.

Molly: Shit, don't be mad.

Elle: What?

Molly: He's bringing a friend.

Elle: And?

Molly: It's Oliver Hall. I know how much you hate him but we'll keep him out your way.

Elle: He hates me more than I hate him. Does he have to come?

Molly: He's staying with Ellis at the moment, so yeah. It means me and you can spend time together as they do.

Elle: Fine.

Molly added you to a group chat.

Molly is online.
Elle is online.
Oliver is online.
Ellis is online.

Oliver: Look who it is.

Elle: Fuck off.

Ellis: Guys, if we're about to spend a weekend together can you guys be nice to each other?

Oliver: No.

Elle: Definitely not.

Molly: Please try, or just completely ignore each other.

Elle: That's what I've been doing for two years.

Ellis: It's only like 2 full days together.

Oliver: Fine, but she better not come near me or get in my way.

Elle: Fine with me. You know how much I hate you.

Oliver: I hate you too :)

Ellis: What's the plan?

Oliver: To kill the witch.

Ellis: Stop it, Ollie.

Molly: I'll pick you two up at 4PM tomorrow at Ellis's house. Bring stuff to last the weekend and we're coming back Monday night. Elle is driving the first hour and I'm driving the second. Sound good?

Elle: Yep.

Oliver: Yeah.

Ellis: Sounds great.

Molly: Good, I'm excited. See you tomorrow. :)

Molly is offline.
Oliver is offline.
Ellis is offline.
Elle is offline.

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