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"Text Ellis that we're outside," I say to Molly, glancing out the window at Ellis's house. It's a normal house, not much more to say.

"Done, he says him and Oliver will be out in a minute." She responds, tapping her fingers on her take-away coffee cup from the passengers seat.

"I can't believe Oliver is coming, I hate him," I sigh, leaning back against the seat as my hands dig into the wheel.

"Just be kind, I'm sure he'll get over it. I appreciate you doing this for me though, you know how much I like Ellis." She says, shooting a glance over to me. I roll my eyes.

"You owe me," I sigh. "But he is definitely not over it, he never will be," I continue.

"Be kind, he might be if- here they come. Open the boot," She gestures to the buttons, I press one which sets off the mechanical buzz.

As they're walking down the driveway I look at them both, Oliver is taller than Ellis by a few inches. They look quite different; Oliver is thin and Ellis is well-built, Oliver has straight brown hair which covers his brown eyes and Ellis has blonde, curly hair and glasses to cover his bright blue eyes. They're also wearing completely different things. Oliver is wearing a black hoodie with the letters SDMN on and some black ripped jeans whereas Ellis is wearing a loose, pale-blue top and grey shorts. They both have bags slung over their shoulders.

Ellis waves at us, Oliver rolls his eyes at me. A few moments after, I hear the boot slam shut and the back doors open.

"Hey guys!" Molly excitedly says, her light brown hair falling over her shoulders. She's so beautiful, sometimes I get so jealous, no wonder everyone is always after her but she wants Ellis- she always has done.

"Hey!" Ellis laughs back. "Thanks for doing this for me, we're so excited. Right Ollie?" He nudges Ollie. Ollie let's out a low groan. I roll my eyes.

He sucks.

I turn to face the road again, indicating left as I start driving.

"Music?" Molly asks. I look up to the rear-view mirror and see Ollie gazing out the window at the hills and clouds and Ellis nodding.

"Yeah, sure." I mumble. "I have the Lover album."

"Taylor Swift really?" I hear Ollie say in a low mumble.

"What about Tay-" I defensively start.

"Sounds great!" Ellis interupts me. Molly lets out a forced and awkward laugh as she slides the disc in, pressing play and turning it up.

The car is silent for a moment apart from Cornelia Street playing at a low volume.

"So what are the sleeping arrangements?" Ellis says suddenly, stopping the awkward silence.

"You and Ollie, me and El, that good?" Molly says, turning to face them again.

"As long as I'm not sharing with Elle," Oliver pipes up again, I shoot him a glare through the mirror to which he smirks at me.

"Shut it, Ollie," Ellis says, punching Oliver's leg, "sounds good, I really can't wait to be away with you guys and so spontaneously! It's mad!" Ellis laughs, causing Molly to laugh too. She really is smitten.

I drive for an hour more, ignoring the small talk between Ellis and Molly. They obviously really like each other, they just need to put their pride aside for the weekend. I guess that's crush culture though. Eventually, I pull into our usual half-way point which is nothing more than a few shops and a McDonald's.

"Ready to swap?" I hum, unclipping my seatbelt and opening the door. I glance over at Molly and she nods.

"Are any of you hungry first?" She shoots me a look then turns to Oliver and Ellis. I follow her actions in turning around, Ellis nods and Oliver shrugs.

"I'm pretty hungry, I'll go get some McDonald's. Do you want anything?" Ellis asks, unstrapping himself and opening the car door.

"Fries please," I smile, handing him a few pound coins I keep spare in my car. He nods and looks to Molly.

"Milkshake. I'll just come with you," she smiles and climbs out the car.

"Ollie?" Ellis glances towards Oliver.

"Fries too, thanks- here," he hands him his wallet. Ellis smiles as a response and soon Molly and him are soon walking off. I turn forward again, deciding to stay in the drivers seat until they return.

That is until I see Molly running back to me. She quickly opens the door and leans to whisper something to me.

"Can you sit in the back so me and Ellis can talk more?" She whispers in my ear. I sigh, my head leaning back ayainst the seat.

"Fine." I say, not matching her tone.

"You're the best!" She kisses my cheek before running off to catch up to Ellis again.

I let out a heavy sigh, climbing out the front seat and walking around to the back. I hesitantly sit next to Oliver. He glances over at me.

"What are you doing?" He hisses.

"Sitting here." I retort.


"So Mol and Ellis can talk more."

"Why would they wanna do that?" He says, dumbfounded.

"They like each other. You can't tell?" I reply, leaning my head against the window.

"Oh, yeah," he mumbles. "Jealous or something?"

"Why would I be jealous?"

"Ellis isn't into you."

"And?" I look over to him, one of my eyebrows raised.

He shrugs.

"He's not my type," I mumble, moving my sight back out the window.

"He's everyone's type," he mutters back, slouching down into the seat.

"Not mine."

"Whatever you say."

For 15 minutes the silence fills the car, both of us staring at the building waiting for the moment they come out. Soon enough, that moment comes and relief takes over me. Molly is smiling, her brown hair flowing in the wind along with her pink dress. Ellis is smiling too, throwing fries into his mouth.

Ellis climbs into the passengers seat next to Molly, smiling back at me as if to say thankyou, I smile back. He reaches around to hand me and Ollie our fries and his wallet.

"You ready to go?" Molly asks everyone as she turns the engine on.

"Yep," I say, biting down on a fry.

"An hour left, here we go." She claps before starting to drive out the parking lot. She presses play on the disc again, this time The Man plays- one of my personal favourites.

An hour left.

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