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An hour later we arrive, it's about 6:15 so we can check in. Molly turns into the hotel car park. We always stay at this hotel, it comes with breakfast during your stay and has a pool. I love hotels with pools.

One by one we all get out of my small, black car. I swear Oliver slams the door hard to piss me off. I open the boot and look through the other 3 varied coloured bags to pick my black one out. Molly reaches forward to her pink one, Ellis to his green and I assume the blue one is Oliver's then. He pushes past me to the blue bag, as soon as he's done I slam the boot shut, causing him to flinch. He shoots me a harsh glare.

We walk through the car-park towards the towering hotel and through the automatic doors. As soon as we're in I move my eyes around.

I love it here. The posh waiting chairs are in the various corners, there's a giant arch towards the restaurant and some doors going to the toilets and right in the middle there's the check-in desk.

Molly smiles excitedly at me and together we walk towards it. Oliver and Ellis stay behind us.

"Hello! How can I be of help today?" The cheery lady says, as my social anxiety kicks in Molly takes over.

"Greene and Warren until Monday," Molly smiles, her voice smooth and soft.
The lady wearing a blue uniform nods and turns to her computer. She aggressively types, causing Molly to glance over at me; trying not to laugh.

A few long seconds later she turns back to us, reaching down and pulling out 4 key cards.

"You're on floor 4, opposite each other in rooms 302 and 304!" She smiles, sliding the cards over to us. "These two are for 302 and these are 304! Breakfast is 7AM until 11AM and the pool is on floor 1.We hope you enjoy your stay with us," she continues in her over exaggerated excited voice.

"Thankyou!" Molly says, copying her tone. She slides the 4 cards off the desk. We turn around and see Ellis and Oliver sat together on the posh chairs, both on their phones. Ellis looks up at us when he hears our footsteps, Oliver doesn't.

"Do you guys want 302 or 304?" She asks.

"304," Ellis doesn't hesitate to say. Molly smiles and hands him those two cards. Ellis stands up after he hands one to Oliver.

"Guess we're in 302," Molly smiles, handing me one of the cards.

Molly threads her arm through mine, walking with me to one of 3 lifts in the corner. She keeps shooting me smiles and then looking over to Ellis.

"So what's the plan for tonight?" Oliver asks, it's shocking he's even talking.

"Uh, well it's 6:30 now so we'll set our stuff down and go find somewhere for dinner?" Molly says in a questioning tone.

"Sounds good," I smile. "I'll go on a walk after dinner." I add.

"Exercise?" Oliver says mockingly, me being mature decides not to answer. Then the lift beeps. Me and Molly walk in first, leaning against the walls. Oliver stares forward as Ellis presses the button to the 4th button. The small sound it makes is way too loud in this awkward silence.

When we reach our room, I hear Molly call out for them to come knock on our door when they're done whilst I slide the card through that awkward shaped hole. The light beeps green and I automatically switch the lights on, having a fear of the dark sucks.

I walk through the small portion of the room that's the hallway, glancing into the bathroom with the bath/shower, a sink, a toilet and a few counters- all marble white. Then I walk to the main part of the room, the pale-blue curtains are open giving a beautiful view of the beach, the sea glides in and out at a perfect rhythm, people are walking along the shore. I smile to myself. I keep looking around, the rooms are exactly as I remember with the double bed, a small wooden desk, a TV hanging over the desk, some counters with a microwave and kettle on, two nightstands and all to the colour theme of pastel blue.

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