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Molly's arms are tightly around me as we sit in the hotel room we always stay in. I stare out the familiar window towards the spinning ferris wheel. We stay here multiple times a year now and there's nothing better than that.

"Ugh, five years ago I got with Ellis here," she laughs and helps me stand up. "We've been on and off for all those years but I wouldn't trade him for a thing," she continues and helps me stand up.

"Why are you helping me stand up, you're the pregnant one!" I laugh and help her sit back down, she smiles at me and I hand her a water bottle. "Drink."

"Can't believe I'm pregnant again," Molly shakes her head.

"Me either but I'm so happy for you, you and Ellis are gonna be great parents to your second little baby girl," I smile and kiss her forehead softly.

Perfectly, at that moment Ellis walks in and wraps his arms around me.

"Thanks for looking after my gorgeous girl," he laughs before pulling away and kissing Molly.

"Can you go nextdoor and get me more water please?" Ellis asks, winking at me. I roll my eyes before nodding and leaving them alone.

I knock on the next door room, the one I usually stay in. The door slowly creaks open and suddenly arms are wrapped around me and my arms and legs wrapped around them.

"My beautiful girlfriend," he whispers. I smile and kiss his lips.

"My gorgeous boyfriend," I smile and kiss him once more.

"Molly wants more water," I say as I drop off him and head to the massive stack we have.

"Or maybe she wants to be alone with Ellis so you should be alone with me," he mumbles down my ear as his arms wrap around me, hugging me from behind.

"Ollie, I really want to be alone with you," I whisper and turn around, my hands gripping onto his jacket collar and pulling him closer to me.

"So be with me, we have a few hours until our anniversary dinner because guess what?" He grin and kisses my forehead.

"What?" I respond, biting my lower lip.

"Five years ago today I asked you to be my girlfriend," he mumbles and playfully bites my lip. "And you said yes and were scared I was gonna hurt you, remember?"

"I remember," I say and place my hand on the back of his neck.

"I love you, Elle," he smiles as he kisses my forehead a few times.

"Ollie, I love you more," I respond and peck his soft lips a few times.

His grin is so wide as he presses his forehead against mine.

"Five fucking years with you. How have I managed?" He says sarcastically. I playfully hit his chest and he pulls me closer to his chest, wrapping his arms around me tightly.

"Five years and I don’t regret a single bit," I say against his chest. His hands glide up to my hair and start to play with it.

"And each day I fall deeper in love with the amazing person that's you, Elle," he murmers, wrapping himself around me tighter.

I sit in Molly and Ellis's room, Lauren, their 2 year-old girl on my lap and giggling. I smile as Molly walks in and takes Lauren off me.

"Hey sweetheart," Molly coos.

"Hey honey," I respond to which she gives me a sarcastic look.

"When's your diner?" She asks, winking at me.

"30 minutes," I shrug.

"That's what your wearing?" Molly asks, looking me up and down.

"No, my dress is in your bathroom."

"Go put it on! I wanna see it!" She laughs. I nod and stand up without much thought and go into their bathroom. I stare at the floor-length dress for a second, the most beautiful dress I could find. It's a deep blue colour with no shoulders and a semi-tight fit.

Slowly and carefully I put it on and leave to see Molly, doing a spin for her as the dress flows up around me.

I hear her clap and Lauren make some noises too. "Gorgeous, isn't she Lauren?" To which Lauren does her cute little laugh.

"I better get going," I smile and walk over to Molly and Lauren, giving them both a small forehead kiss.

"-No, you're so wrong!" Ellis is shouting at Ollie as I walk in.

"Oh, Holy shit Elle, you look great," Ollie says, stopping to look at Ellis to look me up and down. I smile and start to blush, my nerves coming back very quickly.

He looks pretty good too, his tight white shirt, black pants and the matching black blazer. His dark wavy hair nearly styled for once. He looks perfect.

Ollie walks over to me, his arms wrap around me and I smile against his neck.

"Date time, gorgeous," he smiles and kisses my forehead once more.

He doesn’t let go of my hand as we walk to the fancy restaurant. He swings my arm up and down and occasionally stops to kiss me under the street lights. It's a picture-perfect moment. He doesn't even let go of me when we're at the restaurant, his fingers constantly intertwined in mine or his lips pressed against me.

"One more thing before we go back to the hotel, I wanna go to the pier," he smiles as he places the money down on the tray.

"But look at my dress, it's a bit formal," I awkwardly say.

"You look perfect, beautiful," he smiles and stands up from the weird leather chairs here. He puts his hand out for me and quickly I take it. I love the feel of his hand and how it makes me feel.

At the pier I see the cute family of Molly, Lauren and Ellis. They're all hugging and taking photos by the arcade. I smile at them and they wave back, Molly waving Lauren's hand for her.

"Come with me," Ollie smiles and pulls me towards the very end of the pier. From here the ferris wheel looks smaller but the colours are just as bright, the sun has already set and the sound of the busy people have faded out here, now it's just the main sparkle of the fairy lights and the sound of the waves on the shore.

"Elle. I love you more than anyone, I want this forever," he whispers, his arms on my waist and his lips against my ear.

"I love you too, Ollie. You're all I want," I smile as my arms wrap around him too. I smile at the comfort of him, and how right it feels to be with him.

"You are awesome and I didn't think I'd ever be this lucky to be with you," he whispers and takes a step back from me, his hands moving to mine. "You are the love of my life, Elle." Slowly, reaches into his pocket with his shaking hands.
"So I'm asking you here were five years ago today I asked you to be my girlfriend. Elle Warren, I love you so much. Will you marry me?"

My breath is shaky as my hands go to cover my face and I stare down at my gorgeous boyfriend on one knee in front of me. My heart is beating out my chest and my fingers trembling, I feel small tears start to pick at my eyes.

"Oh my god, Ollie! Yes! Of course, I love you so much," I struggle to whisper through shock. He stands up, the ring sliding onto my trembling ring finger.

I lean up to press my lips against his, my amazing fiancée. His arms wrap around me and I feel at home with him. I feel like I'm someone.

"Elle, I love you," he mutters, his hand gliding up and down my back.

"I love you too Ollie, so much," I murmer back. He places his hand on my chin, presses his lips against mine and once again I feel that buzz I always get and the heart-racing feeling I get.

That feeling I always hope to get, that feeling I want everyone to get when they kiss someone.

A/N: aaaand this is the end :(. Thankyou for all the support I've gotten and I hope you've enjoyed my short story. I can't wait to start writing my new book soon. ♡

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