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A/N: because i haven't updated in ages, almost 2 months, here's a few updates to make up for it. *side note: we're half way through the book, thanks for all the support.*


I sat on the edge of the double bed, Ollie is in the bathroom and I can hear the soft noises of the shower running.

What happened in the ferris wheel? Why did his hands linger? Why was he being so nice? So many questions. 

I've got a few minutes before he gets out the shower so I decide to change into my pajamas, I pull the uncomfortable red dress off and slide on my oversized classic Dan & Phil top and then my short shorts.

I lie down in the middle of the double bed, the TV playing some weird TV show that's been on since we got back. I feel my phone vibrating on the bed beside me, without hesitation I lift it up and read the new notification.

Molly has tagged you in a post.

I press open the notification and swipe through the three photos of me and her. The first one of us being serious, the second us smiling and the third me on her back. I qucikly like the photo and go to comment: love you loads, so happy you're my bestfriend ♡♡

I turn the screen off and place my phone on my chest, my eyes closing as I wait for Ollie to return.

"Hey," Ollie's voice says after some time, I open my eyes and see Ollie walking around the room; he's wearing a black top and some loose pants.

I smile at him and he sits down at the end of the bed next to my feet. He looks over to me once before standing up again, he walks over to the light and flicks it off.

"How do you think Ellis's and Molly's date went?" He asks, as he walks to the bed again in the dark.

"Good, they like each other a lot," I respond, I hear Ollie laugh as he lies next to me; at a distance.

"Yeah, it's good to see Ellis happy after his ex," he says back, the blue light from his phone screen lighting up the room.
"Damn, it's 11PM," he continues.

"Time flies," I mumble. 

The bed moves as he turns onto his back.

"You two look good here," he whispers and shows me his Instagram feed: me and Molly smiling. Thankgod it's dark and he can't see me blushing. 

"Thank-" I start. 

"Talk less, smile more," he bluntly says, I glance over to him and he's smiling.

I smile too, without even realising.

"Anyway, you wanna watch a film before we sleep?" He asks.

"Yeah sure-"

"I'm picking!" He says, interrupting me again.

"You can pick then," I huff.

He leans over me and picks up the remote. He hums to himself as he flicks through the films until eventually picking a film: The Addams Family.

He shuffles down further into the bed and throws the cover over us both.

We sit there together watching the Addams Family, occasionally he giggles or I make a comment. It's just chill. Something I thought it'd never be with Ollie. The film goes by quickly, it is a very good film.

"You're kinda like Wednesday, you know?" Ollie says as he turns the TV off.

"How so?" I say back, stretching.

"You are monotone and wear dark clothes," he shrugs, obviously trying not to smile.

"Whatever," I smile.

He smiles.

"Should we get some sleep?" He asks. "It's like 1AM and we have plans tomorrow," he continues.

"Yeah, we probably should," I whisper back, lying back down on the bed. "You wanna close the curtains?" I whisper, hesitantly. 

"What about your fear of the dark?" He whispers back.

"You're here, right?"

"Right," he smiles as he walks towards the curtains and close them: the room turns pitch black and I feel the panic building in me. That is until I feel his weight next to me in the bed.

"I'm here if you need me, Elle," he mumbles, very close to my ear. It makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

"Thankyou, I'm still scared though," I whisper back.

"Don't be, you're safe," he murmers, I feel his hand slide to my waist and hold onto it. "See?"

I nod, expecting his hand to move away but it doesn't. Instead it slides up and down my waist.

"And I'm not leaving," he whispers.

"Good," I reply.

Without thinking I move my hand down to his; his hand moves off my waist and his fingers intertwine with mine. His other arm moves under me and pulls me closer to him, now resting on my shoulder.

I don't even question his actions anymore.

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