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We stood in a line at the fun fair, all aiming our water guns at the pirate scene before us. All of our eyes on the countdown.

"Go!" Molly screams as the four of us shoot the water at the scene. It goes silent as we all put our concentration into this game.

"Ah fuck!" Mollt exclaims after she comes last place, Ellis third, me second and obviously Ollie first.

"And the winner again!" He laughs and takes a bow to which Ellis claps slowly.

"Congratulations, the winner of a dumb game. Now let me see you win something proper," Ellis laughs and pats his back in a sarcastic manner.

Ollie rolls his eyes, "just because I'm not captain of the football team and instead I carry teams on Seige," he laughs back, in the same tone of Ellis.

"God, you're a nerd," Ellis retorts.

"You two are both nerds, right Elle?" Molly pipes up and I nod. "What do you nerds wanna do then?" Molly continues.

"Maybe a roller-coaster? It's 8 and it's getting late so we gotta start heading back soon," Ellis frowns and softly kisses Molly's forehead. Ollie fakes a gag before coming to stand with me.

"Roller-coaster than ferris wheel, but I just wanna be with Elle on the ferris wheel," he smiles at me, a dorky smile. Ellis wiggles his eyebrows.

"Dates on the ferris wheel, we can do that too Ellis," Molly smiles before leading us all off to a bug themed roller-coaster.

We wait in the queue, talking to each other about anything we can manage to talk about, mostly this amazing holiday we went on together. Ellis and Molly can't keep off each other as me and Ollie talk about the anticipation for a roller-coaster. Eventually we get on and Molly chooses to sit next to me, I always forget about our mutual fear of them.

She looks at me with worry and grabs my hand.

"Is it too late to back out?" She says, worried as we're half way up the lift.

"We could roly-poly out," I mumble back and dig my nails into her.

"Oh my, that's a big dr-" she screams, I scream. We scream. A lot. Basically neverending as we zoom around under all the massive bugs, another of Molly's fear. By the end my hands are covered in nail scrapes by her and so are hers but we're laughing as we walk out, unable to let go of each other. Ellis and Ollie walk off to buy 4 keyrings of the photo from the roller-coaster and Molly hugs me tightly.

"I'm so happy for you and Ollie but I hope he's not like the rest," she mutters as I hug her back.

"Me too," I whisper and exhale, the nerves I get thinking about it rising in me again.

"Ferris-wheel time?" Ellis asks us both. We both simultaneously nod.

"M'lady?" Ollie jokingly says, his arm out for me to link. I smile and wrap my arm around his and he pulls me towards the ferris wheel. I giggle as we wrap our arms around each other in the queue, being that annoying couple everyone hates, even Ellis and Molly.

After some time, me and Ellis split off to go into our own cabin. He sits next to me and we sit there talking about anything random we can as it sets off.

When we get high enough, I stand up and look out to the sea. I smile as the sun sets above it and the lights reflection is perfect on the pier floor. The sea is soft today, perfect for this mood with Ollie. Slowly, his arm snakes around me.

"I don't want this to end," I mutter.

"Me either," he whispers and places a soft kiss next to my ear.

"I mean with you, Ollie," I mumble and turn to face him. His eyes slowly move down from out the window to me. His hands drag up from my waist and to my hands. Slowly, he rubs his thumb against mine.

"It doesn't have to," he whispers.

"What?" I question.

"With us, it doesn't have-"

"But your friends hate me, it wouldn't work," I whispers, my eyes sad. One of his hands move up from my hands to my chin, making me look at him. "What if you hurt me-"

"Elle. I won't hurt you like them. Just give me a chance to prove it," he whispers close to my lips. The anxiety builds in me as he leans down to kiss me but it seems as soon as he does it all goes away. "Do you like me?" He asks as he pulls away.

"Of course I do Ollie," I respond in a soft tone. His lips curl into a smile.

"I like you too so give me a chance, please," he whispers.

"A chance in what?" I say, my lips nearly pressing against his.

"This weekend I've felt things I haven't felt before, and I've been someone new with you and I wanna be that someone with you and no one else. You're nothing like what my friends said and screw them, I want you. So I'm asking you to give me a chance and to be with me, as my girlfriend," he whsipers, his lips pressing against mine finally.

"What?" I mumble as I pull away.

"Be my girlfriend," he says.

"Okay," I respond. "I'll be your girlfriend," I smile, kissing his cheek softly.

He smiles, the biggest smile I've ever seen anyone wear.

The four of us walk to the car, Ollie's hand is tightly in mine. Ellis's arm is around Molly and the four of us are smiling.

"I'll drive," Ellis says as he opens the passenger side for Molly. Molly smiles as she sits down and slams the door shut.

Ollie sits in the middle seat in the back and I sit next to him.

As Ellis starts to drive, I lean my head on Ollie's shoulder and close my eyes.

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