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The sun shines through the window and onto the bed. I move my gaze from the nightstand to the window, the blue sea can already be seen. I turn my heard slowly; Oliver is facing the other way and he's breathing softly, I assume he's still sleeping. I push myself out the bed quietly, I pick up my clothes for today and head to the bathroom.

For a second I stare at myself in the mirror. My black hair is messy and awkwardly flowing down. I run my hands through it a few time to straighten it before I splash some water onto my face- okay, now I'm awake. 5 minutes later I've brushed my teeth and I'm wearing my floral crop top and my high-rise black jeans. A lot more colourful than I'm used to.

As I'm staring at myself in the mirror, debating what to do and how I can avoid Oliver all day my phone screen lights up with a small ding. My eyes dart down down to its and I see me and Molly's face fill the screen. I lean down and swipe up to answer.

"Morning," I say, some anger clear in my voice.

"Ugh, morning. Why are you so angry?" She asks, her voice seemingly very innocent.

"Why do you think Molly?" I say, annoyance clear in my voice.

"I'm sorry, let me make it up to you? Meet me for breakfast in 20 minutes?" She says, sounding clearly apologetic.

"Will you be bringing your new boyfriend?" I whisper, moving around the bathroom.

"Just us."

"Fine, see you in 20 minutes."

"Great. See you then."

She hangs up. I shove my phone in my back pocket and leave the bathroom.
When I leave the bathroom Oliver is walking back and forth, looking for things. He glances over at me before back to his bag.

"Morning, Elle," he says as I walk past him. I don't bother answering or even looking at him. You heard what he said last night about getting close to me and everything. I'm just a psychopath to him.

"You're not talking to me?" He says after 5 minutes of silence. Once again, I don't even bother to look at him.

"No point," I mumble back.

I look over to him, he looks slightly taken back. He looks as if he's about to talk. He doesn't.

I fling my bag over my shoulder and leave the hotel room, making sure to close the door louldy behind me. I still have 10 minutes before I have to meet Molly but I cannot be in a room with him for any longer.

I walk down the many steps of stairs and through the giant arch into the dining area of the hotel. It's filled with people, all moving around to the various breakfast bars and the sound of chatter fills the room. I pace to a small table in the corner and wait for Molly.

Despite the fact I was annoyed at her I'm excited to know what went down between her and Ellis. I'm only sat there for 5 minutes when she comes strutting in her flowy pink dress. She smiles, a bright smile before sitting down opposite me.

"What we thinking for breakfast, El?" She picks up the menu and starts flicking through the pages.

"Something simple, maybe I'll get some toast and scrambled egg. Definitely orange juice, what about you?" I reply, my voice low.

"Egg and bacon sounds good." She chirps.

"Now that's out the way, can you tell me about you and Ellis?" I laugh.

"Nothing!" She laughs.

"So you left me with that buffon to do nothing?" I laugh back, all annoyance I had gone. I lean back against the chair, my dark eyes staring her down. She starts blushing.

"We just did second-base stuff! But how was it with Ollie? Did sparks fly?" She wiggles her eyebrows, I roll my eyes.

"Fuck no, he hates me cause of Jay," I groan.

"Your ex Jay? That sexist piece of shit?"

"Mhm," I sigh.

"Jay- what were you thinking with him? I understand why Ollie hates you because off him though," she says, gesturing a waiter for him to come over.

"He had soft hair and he likes anime, I saw it as a win," I shrug before continuing, "but what do you mean you understand?"

"Jay is so toxic, he controls everyone in that little group to do what he wants. Ollie probably has nothing against you but Jay spreads rumours so much. They all believe him because he is so powerful in that group, he could litterally destroy Ollie's reputation in a second for being around you. Jay is just like that. He broke up with you and for a dumb reason, it's been 2 years and he's still spreading shit about you. Isn't that enough to show he's toxic? I feel bad for Ollie, he seems to want out but he can't. Ellis was telling me about it, how Ollie hates them all there but he has to go along with what they say including hating you because the aftermath just isn't worth it, I mean look what happened to you," she shrugs. The waiter stops next to our table.

"Oh," is all I can get out before we start ordering. Maybe Ollie isn't that bad, he's just stuck in an awful situation but then again there's no reason to be that harsh.

An hour later we've eaten and caught up, she unfortunately is staying in Ellis's room for the rest of the holiday but I'm just going to avoid him as best as I can. I'm glad her and Ellis are getting on though and I'm so happy for her. She text Ellis 15 minutes ago saying for him and Ollie to meet us in the lobby.

A beach day. My favourite type of day.

The four of us walk to the beach which is just across the road. Me and Molly walk hand-in-hand and Ellis and Ollie laughing about something random. They're pushing each other around like people do.

It's a sunny day so the sun is shining down on us. The street is buzzing with people walking around, holding bags and talking.

Molly quickly lies down her beach towel and the four of us sit on it. Without any hesitation Ellis whips his shirt off, showing his good figure. He stands up and offers his hand to a blushing Molly. Molly takes it, she winks at me before walking towards the water with Ellis, not letting go of his hand.

It's quiet here, despite all the various families running around and the screaming children. I move my gaze around the area, the sea is crashing against the shore, the beautiful waves cave over and I smile to myself. Molly and Ellis are kicking the water around, laughing like maniacs. I push myself up from the towel, the sand moving underneath me.

"Where are you going?" Oliver questions from behind me.

"Just to the sea," I shrug, not bothering to turn around to face him.

"Elle, can we just talk?" He says, his voice is soft. I stand still for a moment before turning around slowly, he's drawing shapes in the soft sand.

"Quickly then, what is it?" I sigh, sitting down on the towel again. He stops playing with the sand to look at me.

"I feel bad, I shouldn't of said all that last night, you didn't deserve it that harsh." He whispers. I'm shocked. He's sort of apologising to me.

"It's cool, I understand." I go to stand up again before he talks again, his voice louder.

"Jay never told us but why did you two break up?" He asks.

I glance at the floor. "Well, he wanted sex and I didn't. He threw a fit and broke up with me but we were 16 and that happens because some guys are just all about sex," I say whilst stretching my arms out. "It hurt a lot but it's okay now." I force a smile.

"He's not worth anything, I'm sorry he hurt you," he says, forcing a smile too.

"I know, he's an idiot," I nod, as I'm turning away I swear his fake smile turns into a real one.

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